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Show 690 Of the Hiftory of Plants. $3™M eliffa Fuch{ijflore albe. Baftard Bawme with white floures. » Lig 2 ~ OftheHiftorie of Plants. Dre. 2 £ 3 Meliffa Fuch{ijflorepurpureo, 691 cubitshigh, and yeeldeth many fhoots from a wooddy root, full of manywhitith ftrings. the Baftard Bawmewithpurple floutes; (allies be round; fontewhat thicke, and ofa reddifh colour,which ate hollow within, with certain obfcure prints orfmall furrowes along the ftalkes , with equall {paces halfe kneed or knotted, more and ateuety fiehknee or ioynt ftand twoleaues one againft another, tuftedlike Mels/[z, but rough and deeply indented, yet not fodeepely as our common Cardiaca, called Mothet-wort ; nor fo fharpe pointed: about the knees there come forth {mall little prickles, with fix or eight fmall openwide bells, hating many corners thinne like parchment, and of the fame colour, fomewhat fiffe and long ; and atthe top of the edge ofthe bell it is corneredand pointed with fharpe pric- Kes sand out of the middle of this prickly bell rifeth a floure fomewhat purple tending to whiteneffe, not valike our Lamium ot Cardiaca, which bringethforth a cornered feed, the bottome flat, and {maller toward the top like a fteeple : the fauour of the plant draweth toward the fent of Le minm, 6 Theotherkinde of Meéica, otherwife called Molacca afperior (whereofPenawriteth) differeth fiom the laft before mentioned, in that the cups or bells wherein the floures groware more prickly thanthe firft; and muchfharper, longer, and morein number: the ftalke ofthis is foure Titare, lightly hollowed orfurrowed; the feed three cornered, fharpe vpwardlike a wedge; the tunnels of the flotites brownifh,and not fo white as thefirft. 5 Meli(fa molwcca Leuts. Smooth Molucca Bawme,: 6 Molucca fpinofa. Thorny Molucca Bawme: $4 Herba ludaica Lobely.. Smiths Bawme,or Iewes All-heale. ove ‘S$ % weake and tender {quare hairie branches 9 fomeleaning backward, and othets tums 7a ing inward, dividing themfelues mt ° r {mall armes or twigs, which are othe ed with long rough leaues dented we fialler than the leaues of Sage.Ancei a yu sais ing in another {oiler clymat, 5 ‘a the leaues like the oken leafin other i fo like Marrubium Creticum,Vely we 1t W biel caufed Diofcorides to deferibe es > T . wmany fhapes, and alfo the flour ane : , rple ndpu ewa sbl time (ome gfe land .yoked, times white : the root is {mal Se th ed Melia. + Aut Ar, ofthe Siderites, but that out tnis pa oe thruft icasby force into o ae ‘ r fo eal reb The 5 Dl prehended vnder the kindes of ae one very like vnto the other , 4 ™ knowne to many Herbarifts, ane e of Ca f of fome called bythe titl iaca x é Card fit kinde Pena calleth for hati ed Molucca Syriacao call : # Bron brought out of Sytia S\ (fiSse LY PD =f* a NT oe ngs fafined with fome hairie ftri eth eee All thewhole plant draw of Balme, call e a had much more fitly haue been s . @ The Place. Bayme “fy : ; tansee -“ in gardens;andofteritimesit groweth of it felfe in Woods and about placeswher: ae aces: it is profitably planted in gardens, as Pliny writeth iy 2T¢ tpon it hath beens _— are kept; becaufe they aredelighted withthis herbe aboneorhers; "Way home againe by i ed Apiaftrum: for,faith hewhen they are frayed away, theydo finde by it, as Virgil writeth inhis Georgicks’ He Huc tw iuffos afperge liquores, Vie eens o& Cerinthe nobile gramen. i Recad beet: pe as husbandry doth viually preferibé, Allth efe I haue i i a mortar, and bafe Hony-wortbefidey i my garden fromyeareto yeare. Mmm j f |