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Show i Jeena Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, ue 4 ates Lipiy =i oblacke without, and white w ithin, and towards the top diuidedinito fundry partss whence ut jorth leaues couered over witha finefiluer downe; andtheyare dividedinto fine partseich of Lich againeis diuidedinto three others, and they are faftned to long flender andround foo the floures in colour s : the floures grow vpon foot-ftalkes fhorter than thofe ofthe leaues ‘it is vaded théte fol. andafter , muchleffe but fhape are like thofe of the Veruaine Mallow, e 1d lowes a fhortbill,as in theotherplants ofthis kinde, It floures in Luly, and growes vpon the Alps, where Bovafoundit, andfirft fet it forth by the name of Geranium Alpinum longins radicatum, Theftalkes of this pretty Cranes bill are fome foot or better high, wheteon grow leaues 4 colour: the partedintofiue or fix parts likethofe of the Geranin fifoum, but of a lighter greene ouerintér. colour,all whitith a of leaues fading foone and thin dof fiue compofe re large, flouresa floure : for mixt with fine veines of a reddifh colour , which addea greatdeale of beauty to the thefe veines are very fmall, and curioufly difperfed ouerthe leaues of the floure. It floures in lune, andis preferued in divers ofour gardens; {omecalit Geran Romanumfiriatum : in the Hortus Bfet. tenfis itis fet forth by thenameofGeranium Anglicum variegatum. Banhine calls it Geranium bar chiodesflore variegato. VWe maycall it Variegatedorftriped Cranesbill. 5 Thereis of late brought into this kingdome,and to our knowledge,by the induftry ofM, “Linn OFtheHiftoryofPlants. other Sanicles, fo named of moft Herbarifts, as that which is deferibed by the nan Coral-wort,and likewife Auricula urfi, or Beares eare, which isa kind of Cow another fet forth by the name Of Sanicula cuttata, whereof we haue entreated amo Beares eares. ; and likewife e kindes of | The Temperature. Sanicleasit is in tafte bitter, with a certaine binding qualitie ; fo befides that it clenfeth, and by thebinding faculty ftrengthneth,ic is hot anddry,and thar in the fecond degree,and after fome Authors, hor in the third degree, andaftringent. ¥ gy The Vertues. The ityce being inwardly taken is good to heale wounds. ThedecoGion of it alfo made in wine or wateris giuen againft {pitting ofbloudand the bloudie fix salfo foule and filthy vicers be cured by being bethed therewith. The herbe boyled in watet,and applied in'mannerofa pulteffe, doth diffolue and wafte awaycold fivellings: it isvfed in potions which are called Vulnerarie potions, or wounddrinkes, which maketh whole and found all invard wounds and outwardhurts :it alfo helpeth the vicerations of the kidnies, ruptures, or burftings. : hehadit by Tohn Tradefcant, another morerare andno lefle beautifull than any of the former; and enof by any that I the nameof GéraninmIndicum nocti- odoratum: this hath notas yet beenewritt know; therefore I will giue youthe defcription thereof, but cannotas yet giue you the figute,becaufe Lomitted the taking thereofthe laft yeare, andit isnot as yet cometo his perfection. The s, leaues are larger, being a Imofta foot long, compofed of fundrylittle leaues ofan vnequalbigne middlerib ; and thefe leaues are much diuidedand cut in,fo that the fervponathicke andftiffe whole leafe fomewhat refembles that of Tanacetuminodorumandtheyarc thickegreene,and fomenfoor-ftalkes what hairy: the ftalke is thicke, and fome cubit high ; at the top of each branchypo offiue confifteth floures ofthefe each and , floures twelue or fomeinch long grow fome eleuen round pointed leaues’ofa yelléwith colour, with a large blacke purple {pot in themiddle ofeach good leafe, asif it were painted, which giues the floure a great deale of beauty, andit alfo hath a with that it floured fmell. I did {ee it in floure about the end of July, 1632. being the firtime Storks bill sand int the ownerthereof, We mayfitly call it Sweet Indian Storks bill, or painted Latine, GeraniumIndicumodoratumflore maculato. $ ee Cuap. 364. Sanicula, fine Diapenfia. Sanicle. Cuar. 365. Of Ladies Mantle, orgreat Sanicle. Alchimilla. Lyons foot, or Ladies mantle. @) The Defcription, Adies mantle hath manyround Jeaues, with fiue orfix cornersfinely indented about the edges,which before they be openedareplaited.and folded together, not vnlike to the leaues of Mallowes,but whiter,and more curled: among which rifevptenderftalks fet with the like leaues but muchlefler onthe tops whereof grow {mall moffie floures clufteting thicke together, ofa yellowith greenecolour. Thefeedis fmall and yellow,inclofed in greene husks, The rootis thicke, and fullofthreddy ftrings. RE oh, ih SW a) t Of Sanicle. @ TheDefeription. @ The Place, th na Anicle hath leaues of a blacki _ Itgroweth ofit felfe wilde in diuers places, as diuiided into fiue partslke thofe of ie inthetowne pattures of Andouer, and in many other places in Bark (hire and Hampfhire,in their lour, fmooth and {hining,fomewhatroun’, paftures and copfes, or low woods, andalfo vpon Vine,or rather thofe of the mapleamong Which oa rife vp flender ftalkes of a brownece Out tops whereofftandwhite moffie ee 5 a 10 the bankeé ofa mote that inclofeth a houfe in Bufhey called Bourn hall, fourteen miles from Lon- don, and in the high way from thence to Wat. places come vp round feed,rough, ¢ serait ford, a finall milediftant from it. mens garmentsas they pafle by,in methreddie er The Time. tle burs : the rooris blacke, and full 0 firings. obi he Piatt. It floureth in Mayand Tune: it flourifherh in Winter as well as in Sommer. q The Names. It is called of the later Herbarifts slchimillas and of moft, Stellaria, Pes Leonis, Pata Leon, and al- It groweth in snaldowiewoods and coil mot euerie where : it ioyeth ina fatan moift foile. q The Time. is ripe the feed 38 il! It floureth in Mayand lune: a oreene = in Auguft: the Jeaues of the her Beate sg) Wise f the yeare,and are fot hurt withthe co ter. The Namts. la0f dives?¢if ‘ It is commonly called Save" apenfia : in high and low Dutch, Ae, or Sat French, Sanicle: inEnglith, SaN™fee kel sit is fo called,2 fananlis a as eal ling of wounds, as Ruellins faith: othet inEnglith. taaies ae Sancula maior : inhigh-Dutch, Spunanw’, and Outer Frauoewsmantelsin French,Piedde Lion: » Ladies mantle, gteat Sanicle, Lyons foot, Lyons paw; and of fome, Padelyone bis... aE q| The Temperature. 2, “esmanyle is like in temperatureto little Sanicle; yet is it more drying and more binding. gids a. 1 4 The Vertues. Ot ay Sn een > appued towounds afterthe fame manner thar the fmaller Sanicléas, being 6f like effica‘¥99pcth bleeding, and alfo rhe. ouermuch flowingof rhe natural ficknefle : it keeps downe or harder, Papsor dazs,an lwhenthey be too great or flagsyic maketh themileffer . © H AP « |