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Show Spe wearer lan 1090 sf the Hiftorie of Plants. Lapin. 4 Thefall white Hollow-rootlikewife agreeth with theformer ineach relpedfaving this plant bringeth white floures ,and the other not fo, 1 Radix caua maior purpurea, Great purple Hollow-root, 2 Radix caua maior alba, Great white Hollow-root, Ofthe Hiftroy ofPlants. Lise 2 ‘ Fumitori orthree ini¢hes high: the leaues are fomewhat like thofeof the yellow the TuathacecttnontyAe= eee butmuch’ leffe: the floures grow eluftering on the top of a Houres it them, with fomethreds in thereach ofthem made offoure yellowith green leaues about C hiflehurft, rilland is to be found in diuets places amongft bufhesat that time,as in Kent efpecially in Pits his wood,and at the further end of Cray heath,on the left hand vider a hedge a: 8 mongbryets and brambles, which is his proper feat. ¢ hove; 10 Radix cand thinima vivid:flores Small Bunnikens Holwoert, g Radix Cana minor. Bunnikenis Holwoort. 5 This kinde of Hollow-rootisalfo like the laft deferibed, fauing that the floutes hereofare mixed with purple and white, which maketh it to differ from the ether. ; _6 There is no diffcrencein this, that can poffibly be diftinguifhed,from thelatt deferibed,fa uing thatthe floures hereofare ofa mixt colour,white and purple,with Tome yellowin the hollowneffeofthe fame, wherein confifteth the.ditference fromthe ptecedent This thin leafed Hollow-root hathlikewife an hollowroot coucred ouer witha yellowpil: ling,of the bignefle ofa tennife ball : from which fhootvp leaues {pred vponthe ground,very like vnto the Jeaues of Columbines,as well in forme as colour.but muchthinner, more iagged,and a together leffer :among which rife vp {mall tender ftalkes, weake and feeble,of an handfull bigh, bearing from the middle thereoftothe top very fine floures,fathioned vato one piece of the Columbine floure, which refembletha little bird of a purple colour. i 8 1094 This other thin leafed Hollow-rootis like the precedent, fauing that this plant brings forts white floures tending to yellowneffe, or as it were of the colour ofthe field Primrof. <4 9 Bunnykens holwostele, as the Dutch men doe’ call it, hath manyfmall iagged leanes 6° whereon ; ftalkes flender eeu vp whichrife among , ground growing immediately from the ftand faire purple flours growfirch leaves as thofe next the ground : on the top of the branches birds, the bel likevntothe othersofhis kinde, fauingthat the floures hereofare as it were fmall the reft of the lies or lowerparts wherepfare of a white colour, wherein it differeth fromall low-roots. of that it is altogether. to ‘The laft and fmall hollow-rootis like the laft deferibed, fauing in fhape tothe floures of Cinke and the floures hereofare of a greene colour, notvnlike + This plant, whofe figure our Author here gaue withthis {mall defcription, is that whic® ale the fmel of muske is called Mo/chatella, by Cordes and others : it is the Denticulataot Dalefbamp™ ieee the Fumariabulbofatubero(a minima of Tabernamontanus : and the Ranunculus minirnias feptenrie herbido mufcofo flore of Lobel. "The root hereofis {mall and toothed,or made oflittle bulbes a bling teeth, and ending inwhite hairy ‘fibres ; it fendethvp diuers little branches 1om* The @ The Places & soEe grow about hedges,brambles,and in the bordets offields and vineyards,in low molt dene” Germanie and the Low-countries, neuertheleffe the two firft, and alfo the ctibed do grow in mygarden, Theft ; y \ q The Time, tad no, fofoure in March,andtheirfeedis ripe in Aprill :the leaves andftalkes are gon in May, 8 ‘emaining fauc onely the roots, fo little awhile do they contirlue. ; Holla ori ee | The Names. %: in Bnotin, aon ed in high Dutch Holtourts + in low Durch,ooletpogtele, thatis, Radix ea7 Br bivoottavh’ ollow root,and Holewoort: itis vfed in fhops in fteed of Ariftolochia, or round ® amecame yhne erro is better knowne than needfull to be confuted : and likewi fe theit errout ter knewi? te a : iudge it to be Pi/tolochia,or little Birthwoort. It thould feem the old WriLicgs Tener’. Roe fome ofourlater Authors hane madeit Leontopetali (pecies, ord kinde etl hires a t ers, Eriphinm : and orherfome,74efinw : moft men, Capnos Chelidowia.: it fees tay , e ame Re it Bee in bulbed roots,and fomewhatin leaues, but inno other refpects, = nr Diofcorides and Plinies:deferieee of Leontopetalon. And ifEriphium haue lis : o, i moaat of the Spring,then this root may benot vnproperly Eriphinw, and oncly: fone uke : fe Spring : for it is elident that it appeareth and is greenein, the ; oe weesx Hach beene called Eriphium.4b Hedoor ofthe Goat: but th is Eriphion ay etic : b Apuleius writeth, and thatbooke alfo mentioneth which is attribu- ards: Fas oe Paterniqnus. ig the booke which is dedicated to Paterusanut, there be ea Ring fio a AA FS mis an herbe whichis found vpon high mountaines, if hath leaues like elkethe Violet,anda root as greatasan Onion = it hathlikewife other rors whieys |