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Show OFthe Hiftory of Plants. yo ofwherewith {thollers and ftudents may J {wee fbe ) their ow wne i Ss and clofets, ore Ww as Tikehe Particular ° eee ne ftudics names are exprefled both in Latine and Eneglith in their fe i , Petey they may fRinguithedst Badearsreachthat ma ee bedi. rides lib.4.cap.t43. For befides the notes,it hath airtesiniy vei i by r ( cae! i defcribed by Dig, > ¢ § with the defcription:it is at thns dayhyh the Greeks called <geps. + : | The Temperature. The kindes of Tode-flax Tode-flax are ofthe fame temperature . ane dacs with wilde Snap-dragons, whereofthy ' q The Fertues a ‘ and deformiti Tode-flax taketh away the yyellowneffe efie and deformitie of the skinne, beeing The fame drunken, openeththe ftoppings of the Liner The fame kidnéies and deco@ion bladder, tucrand and fokeene.and is § fpkeene,andis fingular good stint doth alfo prouoke vrinestn mbar, thofe that piffe dropafter drop,vnitoppeth the Gi ediBissecasts ah eB = Glthplace.The fourwasafthe OreRavelLele!eee (as of LinsriaPanen, tofClifius beingthe Linea albeofLaeldeen meetinfinseighshpace-TheGach watofinane auceminer of Taberbeingonelp avavene eatptLinmytaStrgeeoFiinwhic * ie xed therecoin the thirtccath placce Thaue ginen youin the fourteenth place. That which was formerly wnder the ideofafrLeith. C WAP. 166, . : : tt Linumfativum, Gardenflax, e q 557 ij he T:Time. i iG Flaxe is fowne in the fpring,ic fldureth ih Tune and Tuly, After it is cut downe(as Pliny in his x9:booke,firft chapterfaith) the ftalkes are pit into the water fubjeé to: the heate : of tbe funne,and ont aid weightl forie hemto be fteeped therein; the loofencs of the rinde is a figne whenit is well fteeped : thenis it taken vp and dried in the funne,and after vfed as moft hufwiues can tell better than my felfe. . The Names. It is called both in Greekeand Laine Ps Linum : in highDutch,flach{ 3 in-Italian and Spa- Galen in his fitft booke of the faculties of nourifhments faith, that diuets vfe the {eed hereof A parchedas a fuftenacne withGaram, no otherwife thanmadefalt. Theyalfo vfe it mixed with hony, fome likewife put it among bread, but itis hurtfull to the B ftomacke, and hard of digeftion, and yeeldeth to the body but little nourifhment : but touching the quality which maketh thebelly foluble, neitherwill I praife or difpraife it, yer that it hath fome force to prouokevrine, is more apparant whenit is parched:butthenit alfo ftayeth the belly more. The fame author in his bookes oe BatStratin 6 aie eae C tenis windy although it be parched, fo fullisit o uperfuous moif ture : and it is alfo aftera fort hotin thefirft degree, and in a meane betweene moift and dry. But how windythefeedis, and howfull of fiuperfuous moifture it is ineuery part, might very well haue been perceitied a few yeeres fince as at Middleboroughin Zeland,where for wantof graine and other corne, moft of the Citizens were faine to eate bread and cakes made hereof with honyandoile, whowerein fhort time after {wolnein the belly below the fhort ribs,faces,& otherparts of their bodies in fuchfort; that great number were broughtto their graues thereby:for thefe fymptomesOraccidents came no otherwife thanby the fuperfluous moifture of the feed,which caufeth windineffe, ‘ O Mf Gardenflaxe. | Linefeed as Diofcorides hath written,haththe fame properties that Fenugreeke hath: it wafteth D away and mollifieth all inflammationsorhotfwellings, as Well inward as outward, ifit be boiled with hony, oile,and a little faire water,and made vpwithclarified hony;it taketh away blemithes ofthe face,and the funne burning, being raw and vnboiled ; and alfo foule fpots,if itbe mixed The Defcription. ; copie. ; te ehickeifl aaa Sannebeeeitoae etlifing: PlinyLaith that itis to be forme ia grauelly places efpecially in farrowes Ne withfalt-peter andfigs: it caufeth ruggedandill fauoured nailes to fall off, mixed with hony and water Creffes. It drawethforth of the cheft corrupted flegme and other filthy humors,ifa compofitionwith E hony be madethereofto licke on,andeafeth the cough. FE Being taken largely with pepper and hony madeinto a cake,it ftirreth vp luft. Theoilewhichis preffed out ofthe feed,1s profitable for many purpofes in phyfickeand furge- G ry , andis vfed ofpainters, picture makers,and other artificers. It fofteneth all hardfivellings, it ftretcheth forththe finewes that are fhrunke and drawne to- H gether,mitigatethpaine, being applied in maner ofan ointment. Somealfo giue it to drinke to furch as are troubled withpaine in the fideand collicke ; butit J mutt be freth and newlydrawne:forif itbe old andranke,it caufeth aptneffe to vomit,and withall it ouermuchheateth. Linefeed boiled inwater withalittle oile, and a quantity of Annife-feed impoudered and implaiftered vpon an angina, or anyfwelling in the throat, helpeth the fame. Itiswith good fucceffe vied plaifterwife,boiled in lkepO the difeafes called Colvacaand L Dyfenteria, which are bloudyfluxes and painesofthe belly. ‘ The feeds ftampedwith theroots ofwilde Cucumbers,draweth forth fplinters,thornes, broken 4 magis feffinare ey >» ‘and that irburnethithe bones, or any other thing fixed inany part of thebody. Laxerifeth vp with flender and rotind fialks The leaues thereof bee long, nartoyand tharpe pointed : on the tops ofthe fprigsare Teeeel Se ae Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Lyne. nith, Lino: inFrench, Delia - in low Dutch, lag 3 in Englith, Flax¢,and : q| The Temperature and Vertues. 4 The decoétion wathedanid bathiedoftherewith, the iaundife whithis of lone contincdnok? iopnts! faire blew floures, after which fpring vplitte round knops or buttons,in whichis contained the feed,in forme fomewhat long,fnoorhgltb ordlipperie,ofa dark colour. The roots belmal and threddie. @ The Place. , __ Itprofpereth beft ina fat and fruicfull foil in moift and notdrie places;for it requireth as Columellafaitha very fat ground,and fomewhat ground,and makethit worfer:whichthingall2 Firgil teftifeth an hie Glecraiebes pe Oe Prit list camspuifaces ove camel Fae Lethaeoperfiufa papaneraforono, In Enelifh thus: > : ; The decoétionis an excellent bath forwomen tofit ouer for the inflammation ofthe feeret parts, becaufeit fofteneth the hardneffe thereof,and eafeth paine andaking, The feed of Line and Fenugreek madeinto powder,boiled with Mallowes, violet leaues, Smal- O ie Chickweed, vntill the herbs be foft ; then ftamped in a ftone morter witha little hogs pulteffe, appeafeth all maner ofpaine, foftneth all cold tuBreale tothe forme of a cataplafme or mors or fivellinge, mollifieth and bringeth to fuppuration all apoftumes; defendeth wounded members fromfwellings and rankling, and when they bealready rankled, it taketh the fameaway cs : : é be ing applied very warme euening and morning. fame was of Linim [yhefire latifoliam 3. of Clufive, which is deteribed by me in the fix:h place in his ordinary Melanesia Cormeny ig chi Flaxe and Otes fowne confume The moifture ofa fertile field: The fame worketh Poppie,whole luice a deadly fleepe doth yeel4- q Tht Aas iis Ws ee a 7<= 556 |