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Show = he 2 oF Cc y of Plants. Hiftor Ofthe Z ae oe e ueses e I * not common owKLinae sroweth gardens 2; but the yel OMMON,exceot inthe 4 Dien. fees z } ! ens of curious Herba The fourth andfifth grow wilde amongft co © sel AE ea in diuers places. + 2¢ doth floure in May, andthereft of Sommer af That which hath continued the whole Winter terwards; and that which is plantedJater,andin the end of Sommer, floureth inthe {pring of th following yea re: they dohardly endurethe : iniurie ofour cold Winter. ae ¢ Efelawith milke doth flow, Toad-flaxwithour milke doth grow. + maior,ot the great Dafi The fecond kinde of Tode-flax hath leaues like vnto Bells and tender,ofa cut 1, and fomewhat iagged about the edges. The ftalke is {mall floures like vnto the formerinfhape. Theroot is long,y ith many pur le -s are Of aréafonable feet fauour. t nufta minor, Opalisgrata, and Orontium: it is thought tobe Leo herbs, which Cole as amongthefloures : yet Ge/wer hath thought that this Leo is Colsmbine, which Englith,Calues fnout,Snapdragon,and Lyons{nap : in French, Teffede chien, and Teffe de Veit, g The Te Cralure. ; Theyei are hotcetNs anddry, andof ryfub ill parts. @] The Vertues. A B 1) is goodfornothing inthe vfe of phyficke,and the he Srar-wort, but not foeffeGuall. tthe herbe being hanged about one preferueth a man from The feed of tt felfe is,of Theyreport (fait being bewitched, and Apuleius writeth, th: gracious in thefight ofpeople. ledwater,o the decoétionof the herbe and root made in wateys edy remedyforthewa 1g of eyes proceeding ofa hot caufe,if they be bathed therewith, yellow,with a {par hanging Rigen many long narrowleaues like flax. Thefloures be mouth,cuen {uch as vatoa frogs the fame like vntoa Larkes {pur,hauing a mouthlike alfo Antirrhinum: of Apuleins, Canis cerebrum, forthe fame caule xe hath called Le m : but this name feemeth, tovs to agreebettermth ae fhout than with Columbi 1 ping floure of Calues fnout is more like to Lyons {nap than the floure of Columbi tiscalled in Dutch D2ant in Spanith,Cabeca de terme: in ftalkes, fromwhich do Inaria being a kinde of Antyrrhinum,bath {malt,flender,blackith at before it cometoflou fo muchreis to bee {eene inthe common Snapdragon, the w hole plant the other,but by this‘old verfe: fembleth Efwls minor, that the one is hardly knowne from Efulalactefcit,fine latte Linartacre,[cits g The Names. is calle din Greeke «iain : in La as Of theHiftory of Planes? a The Defcription. 7 q The Place. yard i Desa 3 J firft kir ide 2 lik like vn -ewife a kinde of Tode- flax, hath fall and narrowleaues ty ell colour,i purple a of floures with befer high, acubit is ftalke maria : the 1 other ha 2, but that it wanteththe taile or {purre at the end of the foure whichthe all and threddie. of a-hath leaues like the leffer Centorye , growing at the bottome the ftalkes but higher vp toWwards the top, without any certaineorder: ¢ dit is called by C/u{ius,¥alentina,for that it was found by himfelf like ftalke the topof aboutthe floures yellow beareth it where ntia in Spaine, colour. hof the floure is downie,or moffic,andthe taile ofa purple feene -oweth in the medowes there, and hath not as yet been fame, nd long roots,with fome threds or ftrings hanging atthe touglrandpliant, befet towards the top with floures nor Crap. 165. ria vulgaris lutea, Great Tode-flax. Of Tode-Flax. 2 Linariapurpurea odorata. tofa pale whitifh colour,and the inner part of the mouth 1¢ Jeaueslike the common Tode-flax. + 4. Linaria Valentia Cluf. Tode-flax of Valentia, Sweet purple Tode- flax, + 6 Offre |