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Show eee Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 7600 £ rmorariapraten|is a8» f ie Themale Crow floure. tae & L13.2, OFthe Hiftory ofPlants. i + 1 Vifcaria,fine Mufcipula. Limewoort. Armoraria pratenfis flore plem, The double Crow-floute, 2 Mufcipula Lobely, CatchFlie. OW ey ‘ NI tyB 9,NY, iy aN $3 Mufcipula anguftifolia. Narrow leauedCatch-flic. | The Time. They beginto floure in May, and end in Tune. | The Names. ali The Crowfloureis called in Latine Armoraria[ylueftris, and. Armoracia : of fome, Flts C# > but norproperly ; itis alfo called Tunix : of fome, Armeria, Armeriusflos primus ofDados. ‘oY likewife Caryophillus minorfjlueftris folijs Latioribus :in Dutch, Craepnbloentbens ¢ that ist - Cornicis flores : in French,Cuydrelles .In Englifh,Crowfloures,wilde Williams,marfh Gillofious, and Cockow Gillofloures. The Temperatures and Vertues. 1owns, Thefeare not vfed cither in medicine or in nourifhment : but they ferue for garlands Sé and to decke vp gardens. Sywighzgo) = eed Of Catch-Fhe, or Limewoort. q The Defcription, East ,dted of ‘His plant, called ¥i/caria, or Lymewoort,is likewife ofthe ftocke and kindre swilde Ve thew ie with Rus A C/ufius hath ioined : : : ilde it : notw ithftanding Gillofloures wilde O Campi makingita kinde thereof,but not properly. Lobel among the Sweet V\ illiams p ofdoubrleffe it isakinde, Ithath many leaues rifing immediately from the root like wy 1o1tes Crowfloure,orw ilde fweet VVilliam: among whichrife vp many reddith ftalkes at.certaine {paces,{ct with leaues by couples one againft another:at the top whereo prettic red floures which being paft there commethin place{mall blackifh feed. The! with manyfibres. The whole plant, as well leaues andftalkes.as alfothefloures,are couered over with a moft thick and clammie matter like vnto Bird-lime,which if you iv hands, theflimineffis fuch,that your fingers will ftick and cleaue together,as if your hand touchedBird-lime : and furthermore, if flies do light vponthe fame, they will be fo intangled with the limineffe, that they cannot flie away; infomuchthat in fomehot dayor other you fhal fee many flies caught by that means. VVhereupon I hauecalled it Catch Flie, or Limewoort. £This is Lychnis/yl. 3.0f Clufius; Viftago of Camerarins, and Mufcipula (ine Vifcaria of Lobel. t 2 This plant hath manybroadleaues like the great fiveet V Villiam,but thorter(whereof it is likewife a kinde) fet vpona ftiffe and brittle ftalk; from the bofomof whichleaues, {pring forth fmaller branches, clothed with the like leaues, but muchleffer. The floures grow atthe top ofthe ftalkes many together tuft fathion,ofa bright red colour. Thewhole plant isalfo poffefled with the like limineffe as the otheris,but leffe in quantitie. This is Lychnis fil. 1. of Clufiusyand Mufcipula five Armoraria altera of Lobel : Dodoneus calls it Ar- meriws flos 3.in his fir Edition: but makes it his fourth inthe laf Edition in Folio, $ # 3 Thereisalfo belonging vato this kindred another plant which C/ufizs makes his Lychnisfjl.4.1t comes vp commonly with one ftalke a foot or mote high,ofa green pur |