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Show 798 ai ed am: ong other pot-herbes do ‘The leaues boyl Ae ie : . ; Of the Hiftorieof Plants. Lis, 2. Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, muchpreuaile in making foluble,thy ta othebelly < Te ery beingg boyled inhonied water be alfo good againft the roughnefle of the throatyand hoatfeneffe, as vs 2 oo : Galen teacheth. The leaues and floures of Borage putinto Wine make men and women glad and merry,| and X Diofcorides and Pliny affirme, driue away all fadnefffe, dulnefle, and melancholy,as heart, purgeth melancholy,and quieteth ththe orte ge comf Bora es of flour ofthe pmade Syru D = n. perfo cke lunati the phrenticke or aid with greater force andeffect, aforef the doall gar the floures of Borage made vpwithfu E Syrrup madeofthe iuyce of Borage with fugar,adding thereto pouderof the bone of'a Stags F melancholy andthefal. heart, is good againft {wouning,the cardiacke paflion of the heart,againft aa ling fickneffe. 2 £ : Small wilde Bugloffe. ftalke fome cubit andhalfehigh, comm colour : the tops of the branches carry flor ly roughheads : thefe floures are compofed of mz {mall yellow leaues'in manner of thofe of Dand on,and flie away in downlike as they do:the fic are of averie bitter tafte,whence Lobel calls i um echioides luteum Hieracio cogn — There is another wilde Bugloffe dovaus hath by the name of Bugloffa hathafmall white root, from whichar a flender ftalke fome foot and halfe high fet with fmalt leaues finuated or cut in on the edg the top are diuided into three or foure fmal! bran. Of Bugloffe. ches, bearing {mall blew floures in rough huskes. f @ The Place. Ike as there be diuers forts of Borage, fo are there fundry ofthe Bugloffesnonvithftanding they after Diofcorides, Borage is the true Bugloffe : manyare ofopinion,and that rightly,tharofour tothe cuftome may be both referred toone kinde, yet will we diuide them according time, and their vfuall denominations. aer Garden Bug loffe. nBuglofie,o Commoee % Thefe do growin gardens evitry where. + The Lang-de-Beefe growes wilde in many places; as betweene Redriffe and Deptford bythe waretie ditch fides. The little wilde Bugloffe growes vpon the drie ditch bankes about Pickadilla, and almoft eue- 2 Bagloffum luteum. Langde beefe. vulgaris. 7 nus hathfitly called it Hieracium @ The Kindes. Bucloffa Lang de Beefe isa kinde hereof,alrogethier lef fer,but the leaues hereof are tougher, like the tongue ofan oxe or cow,whercof it tookehis + The leaues of Lang-de-Beefr are very ror Buglo(f[afjlueftris minor. ,efpecially in thofe The rooris not vied in medicine : the leaues eaten rawingender good bloud G ficke. ely that haue beenlat Cuap. 283. 999 ty where. ¢ | TheTime. WG They floure from May,or Tune, eulen tothe end of Sommer. The leaties perifh in Winter,and new eome vp in the Spring. g| The Names. 3 yee Buglofie is called ofthe later Herbaritts Bugloffa,and Buglofs Domeflica: or gatden Bu: es Line-de Beefe is called in Latiné Lingua bouts, and Buglofum Lutenm Hierdcio cocnatum, and alfo Si nea#0r wilde Bug loffe. i inal wilde Buigloffe is called Boragofyluéfiris by Tragus ; Echium Germanicum Spinofumb y rn i Fuchu sand Buglofva fylucfire by Dodonn us. + q The Temperature and Vertuess Ther . ; mm : r : : 3 i atley aa Diofcoridesmixed withoile, cureth greéhewounds,and adding thereto a little A rina isaremedie againft Saint Anthoniesfire. ' Weat in agues.as iui be mixed i ithali havite.and dy tubbed thence. gues, Plinie faith, »if if the iuice With alittle 4gaavite, and thethe bo- bo- B ie } . hon them oe ofthe later time vfe theJeaues,floures, and roots in ftead of Borage, and put C uthrand Atoall kindes ofmedicines indifferently,which are of force and vertue to driue away ike cent of the'minde,and rocomfort and ftrengthen théheart.. The leaues are of gloffeas z Onwith thofe ofBorage,and are vfed as potherbesforthepufpofes aforefaid.as wel Buang-de-Beefe,and alfo takeepe the belly foluble. Cuar, 284. Of eAlkanetor wilde Bugloffe. I The Defcription. Jonger Hatwhich.the Apothecaries call Bugloffe bringeth forth leaues e ay. Th Borage,fharpe pointed, longer than the leaues of Beets, rough branches, i rowethvp to the height of two cubits, parted aboue into fundry ened,and afce™™ are orderly placed blewith floures,tending toa purple colour before they be opsne% ce. more blew. The root islong, thickejand groffe,and oflong continuan 5 Lat Hefe h ; q The Defcription. : Wt Gycomprehended vader the nameof Udnchufa, were fo called ofthe Greeke word ‘ntre fuccoyvelpigmentis, that is,to colouror paintany thing : whereuponthefe XXX 2 plants |