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Show Lin. re s Hittoriie of|IPlanttS. theeB ~~Ofth 4.07. vader thename of Gramen lat ifoliem jpicatriticea cor co fends forth a ftalke commonlyin good ground tothe heig and alfothefrpike oreareIs grecn er, Oarte, i yet farfimaller, and is much mot e difper! e thavand! nae tuberou kt me vn they become lefie yeare, for att large,ftiffe, and ¢ eene, almolt asbig as thofe of whiteW heat;wel fembles in thecare, which vfually is fome handfull and an hal courfe with their flat fides towards the ftraw. Aboutt Hoheend of ape oror nut cetep tthape auy cer retaining ty jotie sexainily >TOW confafed! j C ae andnot onely fo, but Lindge it tobe the fame Graffe the emer i kal rin ftall Dogss graffe‘jslievn tothe fe Rs ee Pe oe about tome Theroo Of the ‘Ailtorie of Plants. q The Place. rabretlands,as an infirmitiic or plague of the ¢i is plowed, they are conftrained to fo gathered ‘andlaid vpon oe ld grow againe, sinpslowedfields andfurch likeplaces, but not euery whereas the ot! I Gramen Caninum may Sea Dogs-grafle, reatSideroth growing,and pTucked vpwith harrowes, as before is r as ye go from the mes wall as ye Yeegotto Chelfey,andinthefields The Time, ecome to fhewtheireare before Inly. Itis called ir Th qBeensoth € It is of fome un ge sin name it stecians 5 22 named ey : iE n n ifh,Couch-g1 Gramen Caninusmba sum, ox nodofum, is called in E q The Nature. Thenature 0’ Couch-graffe,efpec ially the roor agreeth with the nature of although that Couch-gra e be an vnwelcome gue doreco npencethofe!hurts ; for it openeth theftoppit of the linet and reines, wvaout any ma- nifeft heate. Thelearned Phyfitions of the Colledge and Societie ofL ondon do hold this bulbous Couch grafic in temperature agreeingwith the common Couch-gra but in vertues mot e effeQuall. % TheVertues. Couch-graffle healeth greene wounds. The deco&ion oftherootis goodfor kidneys and bladder: it aie, hvrine gently, anddriueth forth grauell. Dsofcorides and Galen doagree,that the root ftamp dandlaid y pon gree! 3€ wounds doth heale them {fpe eedlily. BB Thedecoétion thereofferueth water, C Marcellus an old Author maketh m griping paines ofthe belly, anddifficulti making 1inhis 26 ch a That feuen and twentyknots of the herbewhich is called Gramen, or Grafle, boiled in wine till halfe be confumed, preffled for th, ftratned, and giuen to drinke to him that is trou > ftrangurie,hath fo great vertue.thataffter the Patient hath on un to makewaterw ithoout paine, it may not be giuen any more. But it mutt be giuen with wafer onely tofuchas haue a Feuer. By which wordsit appeareth » Lhat this knotted Graffe wastakenfor that whichis properly called Gramen, or Agroflis, and hath bin alfo D commendted a ainft the ftone anddifeafes of the bladder. AC Thelater Phyfitions doe vfethe roots fometimes ofthis , and fometimesof the otherindi rently. Cuar.18& Of Sea Dogs-Graffe. @| The Defiription. rr He Sea Dogs--graffeis very like vntothe otherbefore named : his leaues are Jo Z flender and very thicke compaé togethe r,fetvponaknotty ftalke {pil kedaat the top like the former. Alfotheroot crambleth a ndcreepeth hither and thither vaderthe at Gari, OS Cupyyi mutch groundbyreafon ofhis g whitith yellow floures fuch as Wheat hath. The roots ofthis are like thofe of the firft defcribed. This fometimes varies in the largeneffe of thewhole Plant, asalfo inthe ereatnefle, {parfednefle, andcompadtneffe ofthe eare. They growonthefea fhore at thefametimethat others do,andare fo called becanfe they grov neere the fea fide. Theirnature andvertues aretobe referred vnto Dogs-graffe, Cuar.19, sacrea feof roots. | his Grafle( ercot£Lobel gauc the firft ficure and defcription, vnder the name of Gra 2) TconieGuire to bethat which growes plentifi y Dartfordin Kent,and moft other falt places by the feasa ee Lor idon, and mof totherplaces far e fromthefea. Now Lobel; en bemg rip tic i tionNot extant in any ofhis Latine Workes :- Léannot certainly affirme i -YetI thinkei 1 it fitto giue youan exa& defcription of tkhat ¥do probably iu + 2 Thefecond Sea Dogs-gtaffe is according vnto Lobel fomewhat like the former: his roots are more {preading and longer,difperfing them{felue s vnder the ground farther than any ofthe reft, The!leaues ae like the former ,thicke buthedat the to;p, Ww ith aclufter or buth of fhort thick Jeaues one folded within another. The ftalke andtuft is ofatideile kinde,betweene Ichemon and. the common Couch-graffe. @ The Place, Time, Names, Nature, andV ertues. Of upright Dogs-Gre g The Defi I Pright Dogs-grafle, or Quich-grafle, Vii or rife but r,and hath at euery kt the groundat euer eee at their tops |