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Show 1388 Of the Hiftory of Plants: Linger Set ear @| The Defiription, I V Itex,orthe Chatte tree, growethafter the manner ofa buthie fhrub or hedge tree h ; uing many twiggie branches, very pliant and eafie to be bent without breaking tie to thewillow:the leaues are for the mot part dittided into fiue or feven feions¢ ke uifions,muchlike the leaues of Hemp,whereofeach part ‘is long and harrow,very like ynto en lowleafe,but fmaller : the floures do grow atthe vppermoft parts of the branches, like vnto i mil. earés,cluitering together about the branches,ofa light purple or blew’colour,and very fiveet oe the fruit is fmall andround, like vnto the graines or cornes of pepper. f bid +\.2 Lobel mentions another varietie hereof that differs from the former one! y inthatit hath broader leaues,andthefe al{ofaipt about the edges. + _—_——— > are Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. altB. am 385 : batke thereofis {mooth,tough,and flexible : the woodis white, tough,and hard tobe broken : the Jeaues are long, leffer and narrowerthan thofe ofthe Peach tree,fomewhat greene onthe vpperfide and flippetic, and on the netherfide fofter and whiter: the boughes be couered either with a pur'e orelfe with a white barke: the catkins which grow on the toppes of the branches comefirft ofall forth,being long and moffie,and quickly turne into white andfoft downe,thatis carried away with the winde. 2 Salix aquatica, 1 1 Salix. 3 The Oziaror water Willow. Thecommion VVillow. q The Place. Vitex growethnaturally in Italy,and other hot regions,by water courfes and running ftteames? Thaue it growing in my garden, 2 | The Time. Vitex beginneth to recouerhislaft leaues in May, and the floures come forth in Augut, G The Names. t The Grecianscall this thrubéy, and wy:: Agnos(i.) Caffue,Chafte: becaufe,faith Pliny ia his WEF i, » Hf i4 24.booke,9.Chapter,the Athenian Matrons in theirfeaft called The{mophoria dedicated to the a nour of Ceres, defirous to keepe themfelues chafte,doe lay the leauesin their beds vader them te Latinesname it Vitex, and ofdiuersit is termedjas wee finde among the baftard and oui names,¢y.: in Latine, Salix marina, ot Salix Amerina, and Piper Agrefte : in high Dutch that: stuile.keulehbaum + in low Dutch,andalfo ofthe A pothecaries, Agnus Caftus : the Ita! i Fitive Agno Ca/to : in Spanith,Gattilecaffo: in Englith,Chafte tree,Hempe tree,and ofdiuers cnuscaar, = The name 42aus Cajffus comes by confounding the Greexe name Agnos with Caflus the Latine interpretation thereof, £ | The Temptrature, _ The leaues and fruit ofZgaus caflus are hotanddrie in the third degree: they are ofvery thin parts,andwafteor confume winde. r - The Vertues. Agnus Caftus isa fingular medicine and remedie for fuch as would willingly linechafte, for it withftandeth all vncleanneffe, or defire to the fleth, confuming and drying vpthe feed ofgenetati- on, in what fort foeuer itbe taken, whether in pouder onely, or the decodion drunke,or whether the leaues be carried about the body; for whichcaufe it wascalled Caffus . that is to fay, chatte, cleane,and pure. 0 The'feed of Agnus Caftus drunken,driueth away, and diffoluethall windineMe ofthe fomacke, openeth and cureththe ftoppingsofthe liuer and{pleen,andin the beginning ofdropfies,it is good tobe drunke in wine in the quantitie ofa dram. 2 The leaues ftamped with buttet,diffolue and affwagethe fwellings of the genitoriesand cods, being applied thereto. : The deco&tionof the herbe and {eed is good againft painand inflammations about themats, ifwomenbe caufedto fitand bathe their priuy partstherein: the feed being drunke with Pennyroiall bringeth downe the menfes,as it doth alfoboth ina fume andina peffary: ina Pultisiteuseth the head-ache,the Phrenticke,and thofe that haue the Lethargie are woontto be bathed herewith,oileand vineger being added thereto. E The leaues vfed in a fume,and alfo ftrowed, driue away ferpents ; and beeing layed ondoe cure their bitings. F Thefeed laied on with water doth heale the clifts or rifts ofthe fundament. with the leauesit® aremedieforlimsout ofioint,and for wounds. ° It is reported that if{uch as iourney ‘or trauel! do carry ith them a branch or rod of Agwis4 ffs in their hand,itwill keep them from Merry-galls,and wearineffe : Dio/c. Cuar. 55. Of the Willow Tree. | The Defiription. a thickneffe,andsifeth P ° common Willow isaean high tree,with :a body ofameane Foe : oe A ed, the highasothertreesdoe ifit be not topped in the beginning, foone afterit 1s plant harke twigs} 2 Theleffer bringeth forth of the head which ftandeth fomewhatout,flender wandsor withareddi(hor greene batke,good to make baskets and fuch like workes ofit is planted by the twigs orrods being thruft into the earth,the vpper part w hereof when they are Towne vp,is cut off, fo that which is called the head increafeth vnder them, from whence the flender twigs doe grow, Which being oftentimes cut,the head waxethgreater: many times alfo the long rods or wandsof thehisher Withy trees be lopped offand thruft into the groundfor plants, but deeper, and aboue Mans height : ofwhich do growgreat rods, profitable for many things, and commonlyfor bands, ‘ 7 Whetewith tubs and casks are bound. 2 The Sallow tree or Goats Willow, groweth toa tree ofa meane bigneffe:thetrunke or bo- dy is fof and hollow timber,couered with a whitith rough barke: the branchesare fet with leaues omewhat rough,greene aboue, and hoarie vnderneath : amongwhich comeforth round catkins,or : , aglets that turne into downe, which is carried away with the winde, 4 This other Sallowtree differeth not fromthe precedent, but inthis one point, that isto iy tie leaues are greater and longer,and euety past ofthe tree larger,wherein is the ene yi thofe laft defcribed hauelittle roundith leaues like little earesgrowingat the bn e sharc from all other ove ofthe bigger leaues , whereby they maybee diftinguifhed Plants o: us Kinde, §. TheRofe Willowgroweth vp likewife to the height and bigneffe ofa fhrubby cesstie boyWhereofis coucted with a {cabbed rough barke: the branches are many,whereupon do grow a fomewhat Tn: pone!ft "Ymany twigs of a reddith colour, gatnifhed with {mall long leaues,ioined together in forme e Wich comeforth little floures,or rathef a multiplication ofleaues, Oe5 Aaaaaa 3 |