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Show Is 13.2; ] Te — Lis. 2. Tiudgethefe to be temperate in qualitie, and endued with alight aftriGion. 1 The decodionor thediftilled water of this herbe taken inwardly , or outwardly applied conduce muchto the mundifying and healing of OF theHiftoryof Plints. 307 q The Defiription, Atden Lettuce hatha long broad Jeafe,{mooth,andofa light green colour :the ftalke per ar dVertuts, is round, thicke fet with leaues full of milky iuyce, bufhed or branched at the top: greene wounds , for fume boyle the herbinwine whereupon do growyellowith floures, whichturtie into downe that's carried away and{0 give it to the wounded Patient ,and alfo applyit outwardly. af Iral{ois eood againtt the internal! inflammations and hot diitempers ofthe heart, ftomacke and liver. : The iuyce of this herbeis with good fureceffe dropped into the eates when they are troubled withany pricking or fhooting paineor noyf : Laftly, The waterhath the fanie qualitie’as that of Succorie. Tragus. 2 Penaand Lobebaffirme this tobe commendedagainft whitlowes, andin the difeafes of the withthewinde. The feed fticketh fat vnto the cottony downe,and flieth away ‘likewife, white of lungs, 3 This (ifitbethe Coffa of Cumerarins) is of fingularvfe in the Pthifis, that is, thevlceration orconfumptionofthe lungs : whereupon in Mifnia they give the conferue,fyrrup, and pouder thereof for thefamepurpofe: and they alfovfe it inbroths and otherwife. Cam. 37. colour,and fomewhat long: the root hath hanging on it many long toughftrihgs,which being cur orbroken, do yeeld forth in like manneras doththe ftalke andleaues,a iuyce like to milke. And this isthe true defcription ofthe naturall Lettuce, and not of the artificiall , for by manuring, tranfplanting, and hauinga regard to the Mooneandother circumftances,the leaues ofthe artifiz eiall Lettuce are oftentimes transformedinto anotherfhape: for either they are curled,or elfe fo drawne together,as they feemeto be like a Cabbageot headed Colewort, and the leaues which be within andin the middeft are fomething white, tending to avery light yellow. 5 Laciuca capitata. 6 Lattucaintybacea. Cabbage Lettuce: + Lumbatd Lettuce, Of Lettuce. x Ladtuca fatina. 2° Ladtuca criffa, Curled Lettuce. ef } a aay N Me Garden Lettuce. Za cr 2 Thecurled Lettuce hathgreat andlarge leaues deeply cut or gafhed on boththe fides,not plaine or fmoothastheformer, but intricately curled andcut into many feG@tions. The flouresare imal], ofa bleake colour, the which do turne into downe,andis carried away with the winde. The {eedis like the former, fauing that it changeth fometimeinto blacknefle; with a rootlike vnto the former, GL) TN . 3 This fmall fort ofcurled Lettuce hath many leaueshiackt and torne in pieces very confufedly, andwithall curledin fuch an admirable fort, that euety great leafe feemeth to be made of manytial] leaues fet vpon one middle rib, refembling a fai of curled feathers vfed among Gen« tlewomen: the floures,roots,and feeds agree withthe formers @| The Kindes. fg Fear be according to the Opinion of the Antients, of Lettuce twoforts the one wilde, of e fie : : : : Cc NV riter the> field , the> other; tame,or of the Garden: but time, with the induftrie of latet Wi hauie found out others both wildeand tame,as al{oartificiall, which I purpofe to lay downe. @ th 4 The Sauoy Lettuce hath verylarge leaues {pred vponthe ground, at the firft comming vp broad, cut or gafht aboutthe edges,crifping or curling lightly this or that way,not vnlike to the leaues of Garden Endiue,withftalkes, floures,andfeeds like the former,as well in fhape, as yeelding that milky iuyce wherewith they doall abound. j u 5 Cabbage Lettuce hath many plaine and fmoothleaues at his firft. growing vp, which for . hick, part lic flat ftill vpon the ground: the next that do appeareare thofe leaues in the midi, vaich turn themfelues together,embracingeach other foclofely,that it is formedinto that ore Cce2 2 |