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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Lis. 2, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. @ The Fertues. ¥ DryopterisAdu, ; True Oke Ferne, Diofcorides writeth,thatit is of power to purge andto drawforth choler and flegme,4épariyy addeth, that it likewife purgeth melancholy: other fuppofe it to be without any purging force at all,orelfe to haue verylittle : of the fame minde is al{0 Johannes Monardus,who thinketh it purgeth very gently ; which thing is confirmed by Experience, the miftris ofthings. Forin very deedPo. lypodyof it felfe doth not purgeatall, but onely feruetha little to make the belly folubl le, being boiled in the broth of anold cocke,with Beetes or Mallowes, or other like things thatmooneto the ftoole bytheir flipperines. Zoaunes Mefue reckoneth vp Polypodie among thofe thingsthat do efpecially dry and make thin: peraduenture he had refpe@ to a certaine kinde of Arthritis, or achein the joints :in which not one only part of the hody,but manytogether moft commonly are touched for whichit is very much commended bythe Brabanders and otherinhabitants about the riuer Rhene,and the Maze. In this kindeofdifeafe the hands, the feet, and the joints ofthe knees and elbowes do fwell. There is joined wirhall a feeblenesin moouing,through the extremity of the paine:fometimes the vpper parts are lefle grieued,and the lower more. The humors doalf eafily run from one place to another,and then fettle. Againft this difeafe the Geldres and Cleue. $2 Dryopterts alba Dod, landers do vfethe decodtion of Polypodie, whereby they hope thatthe fuperfluous humours may be wafted and dried vp, and that not by and by, but in continuance of time: for they appoint that B £ 3 Dryopteris Tragi. Tree Ferne, White Oke-Ferne,. this decoction fhould be takenfor certaine daies together. Bur this kinde of gout is fooner taken awayeither by bloudletting,or by purgations, or by both,and afterwards byfiveate; neitheris it hard to be curedif thefe gerierall remedies be viedin time : for the humors do not remainefixed in thofe joints, but are rather gathered together than Cc fettled about them. Therefore the body muft_ out ofhand be purged,and then that which remaineth is tobews- ‘ fted and confumed.awayby fuch things as procurefweate, D Furthermore, Déofcordes faith, that the root of Polypody is very good for membersoutof joint, and for chaps betweenethe fingers. fe The root of Polypodie boiled witha little honie, water, and pepper, and the quantitie of an ounce giuen,emptieth the belly of cholerickeand pituitous humours ; fome boile icin water oe wine, and giuc thereofto the quantitie of three ounces for fome purpofes with good fucceffe, Cuar. 468. t Of Oke-Ferne. O*.. Authorhere (as in manyother places) knit knots, fomewhat intricate to loole for firft he confounds in the names and nature the Polypody ofthe Oke,orlefferI ee lypodie with the Dryopteris,or Oke-Ferne; but that I haue now put backe to the former chapter, his fit place ; then in the fecond place did he giue the Defcription ofthe Dryoptetis of thec4hy nerf. taken from thence, pag. 363. Then were the place, times, names, &c. taken out ete chapter ofDryopteris Candida of Dodoneus, being, Pempt, 3. lib. 5. cap. 4» But the figure ~sof Filicla femina petraa 4.0f Tabernamontanus. Now Iwill in this chapter giue you the Mt ite the Aduerfaria, then that of Dedoreus, and thirdly that of Tragus ; for I take them to be cea and this laf to bethat figured by our Author,out of Zabernamontanus. t q The Defcription, 1 "Po : female His kindeof Fernecalled Dryopteris, or Filix querna, hathleaues like vnto a shail Fernebefore fpoken of, but much leffer, {maller, and more finelycut or je ies is not aboue foot high, being a very flender and delicate render herbe. : en 5 Dryopteris Pere Lobel. The TOdts cr, theng “*mielnes, ag eepe in the ground or mire, neere the turfe or vpper part thereof, and fold among theroors ofPolypodiun do, almott as big asa wheat ftraw.and. about fiue, fix, ar fe- BDith inches Jon an foun sae blacke without, and white within, ofa bindingtafte inclining to pos are fo finely jagged thatin thew theyrefemble feathers, fet round about a fimall. 1! Ae a the backe fide being {princkled, not with ruffet or browne markes or fpecks,as the ot Mca are, butasit were painted with white {pots or markes,not ftanding out ofthe seeae fnew. the {pots in the male Ferne, but they are double in eachleafe clofe vnto the ee ial bring Sk hens ¢companie of {mall blacke fibres like haires growing thereunto. The fta : Ofthe roo fps in feuerall places, in number variable, according to the length and-encrea e OBlcene ae . eene {mall plants haue but one or two, and fome bigger plants haue iouesers tine the a Y as burt a two-fold diuifion, the ftalke growing from the root,andthe ae ea- fharpe and caufticke tafte. + Rondeletius affirmed that he found the vie ofthis Stae Into medicines in ftcad of Polypody by the ignorance of fome Apothecaries19 Fernewbic? Balle Balke nes is about fiue,Gx,or feuen inches long, nobigger thata pennea mall her Ie$ otoy ab in flat, as ate the male Fernes, the reft round, {mooth, andgreen. The fir paite nearaing aot three inches ftom the root, and fo doall the reft grow bycouples, almoft €X- Thaue thought good here alfo to fet forth, + Deng withoataveci The leaues growon thofe nerues alfo by couples, eightor nine coupleson Therootis long, browne,and fomewhathairy, very like vnto Polypody, but much 1 oy sing f France. M'. Goodyer hath fent me an acurate defcription together with a plantot this pryepttt® a fat another, in nutiber about eight, nine, or ten couples,the longelt idence Ss sit any nickes or indentures, ofa yellowith greene colour, This Fetne may be faid Cccce 2 to |