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Show 1244 Ofthe Hiftorie ef Plants. 5 Onobrychis 2: Clufi. Blew Medicke Fitch, Lis.2, ibe bs 1245 Se 4 Onobrychis 3. Clu{yflorepallido, Pale coloured Medicke Fitch; Le @ The Names. Itiswnwe, or without a name among thelaterswriters :the old and aftient Phyfitionsidocal] it wyair:for all thofe things that are foundwritten in Diofcorides or Pliny concerning Onob-ychis, doe efpecially agree hereunto. Diofcorides writeth thus ; Onobrychis hath leaues Jikea Lentil, butfongena talk a {pan high , a crimfonfloaresa little root : it groweth in moiftandvnrilled placeszand Playin likemanner ; Onobrychis hath the leaues ofa Lentil jfomwhat longer, a red flotire, a frat] aflender root:it groweth about {prings or fountaines of water. Allwhich things andeuery particular arein this nme, or nameleffe herbe, ‘as it is manifeft’: andtherefore it is not tobe doubtedatall,but thatthe fame is the Onobrychis of the old riters‘it maybe called. in Englifh red Fetchling,oras fone {uppofe Medick Fitchjor Cockes: head. q| The Temperature. Thefeherbs as Galew hath writtenin his books of the Faculties of fimple Medicines, do rarifie omake thin and wate away. @ TheVertues. Therefore the leaues thereof whenit is greene,being but asyet layed vpon hard {wellings, waxeakentals,in manner ofa falue, do wafteand confume them away, but beeing driedianddrunke in winethey cure the ftrangurie;andJaied on with oileit procurethfweat. Which thing s alfo concerning Onobrychés,Dioftorides hath in thefe words fet downe : the herbe famped andapplied wafteth away hard fwellings of the kernels 3; but beeing drunkewith wine it helpeth the ftranguric,and rubbed on withoile itcaufech fweatings. Cua. 524. Of Baftard Diitanie. Fraxinella, : Baftard Ditranie. q] The Defiription. Aftard Dittanie isa very rare and gallant plant,hauing many browne ftalks,fomwhat 5 Onobrychis montana 4.Clufy. Mountaine Medick Fetch. floures, ofa pale colour, and in fhapelikethole of the fecond kinde; which being vaded, there follow {mall bottle cods, wherein is contained littleblackefeed like the feed of Fenegreek,but fmaller. The toot is thicke and hard, andof 4 wooddie fub ftance,andJafting very long. 5 The fifth kinde of Ovobryches hath maly groffe and wooddie ftalks, proceeding i mm atly froma thick, fat,and flefhie tough root:the vpper part ofwhichare fmall,round,and pliant, garnifhed withlittle leaues like thofe of Lei tils,or rather Tragacanthafomewhat foft,and c0ueted ouer with a woollie hairinefle : among! whichcomeforthlittle long and naked frems, eightor nine inches long,whereon do grow ny {mall floures of the fafhionof the Vercha Lentill,but of a blew colour tending toputp!*; and after them come {mal cods,wherein the tee is contained. @| The Place. bill The firft and fecond grow vponBarton Ps foure miles from Lewton in Bedfordshire, a boththe fides ofthe hill:and likewife vpn d ; gtafliebalks between the lands ofcorn two! rf from Cambridge, neere toa water mill cow d London; & diuers other places bythe way’ a London to Cambridge: the reft are trang’ © England. @ The Time. a Thefe plants do floure in Iuly,& ther «ih tipe fhortly after, rough,diuidedinto fundry {mal] branches, garnifhed with leaues like Liquorice ,or rather like the leaues ofthe A fh tree,but blacker,thicker,and moreful ofitrice,ofan vnpleafant fauor: among whichgrow floures, confifting of fiue whitifh leaues {tripped with red, whereof one which groweth vndermoft hangeth downe low; but the four which grow vppermoft grow more ftiffe and vpright:out of the midft ofthis floure commeth fortha taffell, whichis likea beard, hanging alfo downwards,and fomewhat turning vp at the lowerend: which beeing vaded, there comein place foure huskes ioined together, muchlike the husks or coddes of Columbines, fomewhat rough without,flimie to handle, and ofa lothfome fauour,almoft like the fmellof a goat,whereupon fome Herbarifts haue called ir Tragium:in the cods are contained {mall black fhining feeds like Peonie feeds incolour : the roots are white.a finger thicke, one twiftiag or knotting within anothet,in tat fomwhat bitter. There is another kinde hereofgrowing in my garden, not very muchdiffering: the leaués of the one are grearer,gteener,harder, and fharper pointed : ofthe other blacker,not fo hard,norfo fharpe pointed: the floures alfo hereofbe fom- thing more bright coloured,and ofthe other a little redder. Bat ar ‘ @taThe Place. : ate , ? Zin reat Stowethwildein the morntaines ofItaly and- Germanie, and I haue it grow; puden, ; Mmmmmi3 oy qT! |