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Show ie)aasel = 1488 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. silat Of the HiftoryofPlants, Lin; turning vp a laneat the farther end ofa village called Black-wall, from London. and in Fineé place called Quenden,andin diuers other places. : ie Cuapr. 120, The Indian Poplar growethin moft partsof the Iflands of the Wek Indies. Ofthe Planetree. G| The Time, Thefe trees do budforth in the end of March and beginningof Aprill,atwhich time the bud mutt be gatheredto ferue for Ynenentum Populeon, ne q] The Defcription. Platanus. The Plane tree. He Plane isa great tree, hauing | The Names. The white Poplaris called in Greeke, awxs : in Latine, Populyis alba : of diuers, Farfarus as of Plautws inhis Comedie Penulus,as you may feeby his words fet downein the chap. pag. 813. _ Itiscalled in high-Dutch, Poppelbaumt,Metts Plberbaunts in very long and farre. {preading boughes cafting a wonderfull broad fhadow,by reafonwherofit was highly commended and efteemedof a- of Colts-fo0t low-Dutch,¥beel,ofhis c ho. rie or aged colour, and alfo Abeelboome ; which the Grammar ians doefalfly interpret U4bjes be Firre tree: in Italian, Popslonero : in French, Peuplier blanc, Aubel,obe l,or Aubean : in Englif, s ite mong the old Romans: the leaues are cornered like thofe of Palma Chrifti; greater than Vine leaues, and hanging Poplar tree, and Abeell, after the Dutch name. en’ The fecondis called in Greeke, si,: in Latine, Populuswiera: by Petrus Cre Centins, Albarys:i high-Dutch, Alfper: in low-Dutch, opulier : in italian, Popol a :in Frenchoop : in Spanith, 4lamo nigailhe :in Englith, Poplar tree, blacke Poplar, and Pepler. Thefirftor new {prung buds whereofare called ofthe Apothecaries, ovu/i Popult,Poplar buds : others chufe rather to call it vponlittle red foot-ftalkes : the floures are {mall and moffie, and ofa pale yellowith colour : the fruit is round like a * ball, rugged, and fomewhat hairy ; but in A fia more hairy and greater, almoft as big asa Walnut: the root is great, difperfingit felfe far abroad. gq The Place, Gemma Populi : fome of the Grecians nameit =spxe + whereup groundedtheir er. ror, whorafhly fuppofed that thofe rofennyor clammy buds are nortoonbethey put or vied inthe compofition ofthe ointmentbearing thenameof the Poplar, and common ly in Englith, Poan and Pompillion; but the berries that growin clufters,in which therecalled is no clammineffe at all. The Plane tree delighteth to grow by fpringsorriuers : Pliny reports that they were wontto be cherifhed with wine: they grewafterward (faith he)ta Theyare alfo as far deceiued, who giuing credit to Poets fables, do beleeue that Ambercom. meth ofthe clammyrofin falling into the riner Poo, The thirdis called ofdiuers, Populus tremula, which word is borrowed of the French men, who nameit Tremble : it alfo receined a name amongft the low-Countrey men, from the noife and rat- be of fo great honour ( meaning the Planetrees) as that they were cherifhed and watered with wine:and it is found by experience that the fameis , very comfortableto the roots, and wee = hauealreadie taught, that trees defire ~ todrinkewine. This tree is ftrange in ling of the leaues,/z48ateeler : this is that which is named ,Libyca : and by Theophr, xsic which Gasacalleth Populus montana in Englith, Afpe, and ofPix Afpen tree,and mayalfo be called Tremble,after the French name,confideringit is the matterwhereofwomens tongues were made, (as the Poets and fome others report) which feldom ceafe wagging, @ The Temperature andVertues, The white Poplar hatha clenfingfacultie, faith Galen, anda mixt temperatur confif e, ting of 2 waterie warmeeffence,and alfoa thin earthyfubftance. The barke, as Dée(cerides writeth, to the weight ofan ounce(or as others fay,and that more tru. ly, of Jittle more than a dram)isa good remedie forthe Sciatica or ache in the huckle bones, and for the ftrangurie. Thatthis barke 1s goodfor the Sciatica, Serenus Sammonicus doth alfow rite: Italy, it isnowhere feene in Germany, nor in the low-Countries:in Afia it growethplentifully:it is found alfo in Candy, crowingin vallies, and neere vntothe hill Athos, as Petrus Bcllonive in his Singularities doth declare : it groweth in manyplaces of Greece, andis found planted in fome places of Italy, forpleafire rather than for profit. My feruant William rar|hall (whomI fentinto the Mediterratean fea as Surgeon vnto the Hercules of London) found diuers trees hereof growing in Lepanto, hard bythe feafide, at the entranceinto the towne, a port of Morea, being a part of Greece, and ftomthence brought one ofthofe rough buttons, being the fruit thereof. + There are one ortwo Sapius occultus vitta coxendice morbus Perfurit, & gre(fus dirolanguore moratur : Populus alba dabit medices de cortice potus. yong onesat this time growing with M*.Tradefcant, The Plane trees cafttheir leaves in Winter, as Bellonius teftifieth, and therefore it isho niaruel Matthey keepe awaythe Sun in Sommer, and not at all in Winter : there is,faith Pliny, no greater An hiddendifeafe doth oft rage and raine, The hip ouercomeand vex with the paine, It makes withvile aking one tread flowand fhrinke: mendationofthe tree, than that it keepeth away the Sunne in Sommer, and entertainethit in Winter. The barke ofwhite Poplaris helpehad indrunke, a The Names. tee is called in Grecke, rane and likewife in Latine Platanus : it beareth his name ofthe The fame barke is a]f0 reported to make a woman barren, if it be drunke with the kidney of a e French mens P/a/ve doth far differ fromthis, whichis a kind of Maple : this tree is na*lifh,Plane tree, Mule, whichthing the leaueslikewife are thought to perform,being takenafter the flouresorteds be ended. aa 2 The warmeiuice ofthe leaues being droppedinto the eares dothtake awaythe paine thereot The rofin or clammyfubftance ofthe blacke Poplar buds is hotanddry,and ofthin parts, at nuating and mollifying : it isalfo fitly mixed acopy cy malagmatis : the Jeaues haue ina manner ™° like operationfor all thefe things, yet weaker, and not fo effe tuall, as Galen teacheth. The leaues and yong buds of blacke Poplar doe affwage the paine of the gout in the hands oF feet, being made intoan ointment with May butter. h _ The ointment made ofthe buds is good againft all inflammations, brufes, fquats,falls,and fac like : this ointment is very well knowneto the Apothecaties. roe iniei - Palas Aiginera teacheth to make an oile alfo hercof,called Aigyrinum, or oile ofblacke Poplar. CHAP. q The Temperature andVertues. _ ThePlane tree is ofa coldand moift cflence,as Galen faith: the greene leaues are good tobe 4d vpon hot {wellings and inflammations inthe beginning. ; Being boiled inwine theyarea remedie for the running and the wateringof theeyes, ifthey be Pplied. ; 1¢ barke boiledin vineger hielpeth the tooth-ache, a i with winehelpeththe bitings ofmad dogs and ferpents; and, Mixed with hogs greafe it maketh a good ointment againft burning and fealding. 5 The burnedbarke doth mightily dry,and feoureth withall ; it remoueth the white fcurfe,and cu- eth moift yicers, z: c |