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Show . Ce ea DL . Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants =86 3 Lin. 2 Lis.2. cke trauels twokindes more which Carolus Cluj sus fetteth forth in the booke of his Pannoni mountaines of Germanie and Heluetia, be. he hath foundin his travel! ouet the Alpes'and other It hath leaues like the former, but lonion: computat tomy g accordin mg . ms third in number, aboue, and ofa palecolour vnderneath, The ef. “fmaller and natgower toward the bottome,greene ed colourwithin,and on theoutfide fhiningr moft ofa ut in fathiohlike to the former,b 5 ; ik is ofawhitithpale colour : theroot is aan ofa mulberry : the middle or eye of the floure py : former. forefaid, whofe _— * a and - 3 i Pan fourth is a {maller plant than any of the the t the edges, grecne aboue, and grayifh vnderneath. The tloures are like ni i themiddle in and middle, the " toward ur ornecolo tw anoue of es ci the edges, n g about ou former, fhinin blacke and threddy. commeth a forke couered withanhairinefle ; the rootis f *y fi erube(cens. Searss eare. : Seah Bluth coloured Beare 6 AuriculaV rffuane rubens, Bright red Beares care. es Of the Hiftory of Plants: — — ——_——— 487 a eterna 7 Pena fetteth forth akinde of Beares eare vnder the nameof Sanicula Alpina;hauinghis vppermoftleaues an inch long, fomewhat iagged and hem’d ar the ends,and broadbefore like a thouel « the lower keaues next the groundare fomewhat fhorter,but of the fame forme ; among which ie feth a fmall {lender foot-ftalke ofan inch long,whereondoth ftand a {mall floure,confifting of fiue little leaues ofa bright red or ftammell colour. : ~ 8 The fhow white Beares eare differeth not from the laft deferibed but in the colour of the floure, for as the others are red,contrarie thefe are very white,and the whole plant is leffer,wherein confifteth the difference. The root is long, rough,with fomefibres thereto belonging. Neither of thefe two lat defcribed will be content to growin gardens. bales The Place. * They grow naturally vpon the Alpith and Heluetian mountaines : moft ofthem do London gardens. @ The Times Thefe herbes do floure in Aprilland May. q The Names, Either the antient writers knew not thefe plants,or elfe the names of themweré not by them or their ficceflors diligently committed vnto poteritie. Matthiolys and other later writers haue gilen names according to the fimilitude,or ofthe fhapethat they beare ynto otherplants according tothe likeneffe ofthe qualities and operations : you maycall it in Englifh, Beares eare: they that dwellabout the Alpsdoe call it Dzattkratot, and Sychtoindlebratot, by reafon of the effeas thereof; for the rootis among{t themin great requeft for the ftrengthning ofthe head, that when they ateonthe tops ofplacesthat are high, giddineffeand the fwimming of the braine may not alti them : it is there called the Rocke-rofe, for thatit groweth vpontherockes, and refembleth the brauecolour of theRofe. + Fabiue Columna prouesthis tobe the Alifma Ot Dawiafonium ofDitforides and the Antients. : a The Nature: Yi WY so uy Thefe herbes are dry and very aftringent. The ¥ertues. Ithealeth all outward and inward wounds ofthe bre ft, and the enterocelealfo,iffor fomereafotablefpace oftime it be put in drinkes; or boyled byit felfe, Thefe plants are ofthe nature and temperature ofPrimula veris, and are reckoned amongft the Sanicles by reafon of their vertue, . Thofe that hunt inthe Alps and high mountaines after Goats and Bucks, doas highly efteeme wee ofDoronicum, byteafon of the fingulareffects that it hath,but(as [faid before) one efpeay ¥, euenin that it preuenteth the loffe oftheir belt ioynts (I meane theit neckes) if they take “tots hereof before they afcend the rocksor otherhigh places. ie a of Damafonium(according to Diofcorides )taken inthe weightofone ot two drams, bettas uch as hate deuoured the Lepus marinus or fea Hare, or haue been bitten by a Toad,or taTris an a quantitie ofOpium. ‘ ; d a . stintnaes Ptofitably drunke,either byit felfe, or with the like quantitie of Daucus feeds, againft 7. AuriculaVr‘fi minima, Stamell Beates cate: sup ri in thebelly.and the bloudy flux, Al B C D § Thpabone againft convulfions and the affects ofthewombe. Ho F beat Rayes the fluxes ofthe belly,moues the courfes, and applied in formeofa piltis af G Beth cedematoys tumors; + waa Cuap. 276. oté 5 __Thebluth-coloured Beateseare hath diuersthicke fat leaues fpred vpon aco on ee whitith greencolour,fleightlyor not at all indented in the edges :among which ve like thole ftalkelikewifehairy os whitith, on the top whereofftandvery faire floures, in fhap bluth-colos the common Cowflip, but ofa whitith colour tending to purple,which wee terme ‘Therootis tough and threddy,as are all the reft. 6 ; late Herbarilts The bright fhining red Beares eare of Aatthiolus defeription are it (elf, for dourt "T iistebe fiiry é The Kinds. f ay aBtecingice orts ofherbes contained vnderthe namie ofSanicle, and yet not one of them tues, wherecfnoe our common Sanicle, called Déapenfia,in any one refpect, except in the verthe later mites Oubt they rooke that name ; which number doth daylyincreafe, by reafon that hall bedig;. sa< put downe morenew plants, oy not written ofbefore by the Antients , which ift : ° is “kinguifhed in this chapterby feuerall titles. be rathera figure made by conceit or imagination,than by the fight ofthe Pe oftentation ia leffe we ate perfiaded thatthere is no fuch plant, but onely a figure foifted for + feene any (ued , q The Defiription. 5 (0 the defeription whereof we leaue toa further confideration, becaufewe Ha seal fe iniurio® plant,neither do'we beleeuethereis any fuch. + Our Author ishere pi Beares exe) Marthiolus . for he figures and defcribes onely the common fir defcribed ye = feen th ifhehad faid the floures were ofa light fhining red,he had not erred; forl haue ofall the reds both bright and darke thatone may imagine. # outs Of “Mountaine Sanicle. j r Nes Sanicleof the mouataine hath{mall fat.8& round leaues,bluntly indented about =. edges, and fafhionedlike vnto the leaues of5axiffagia aurea, ot rathet cyclamenfolio rife “tra, Of adarke greene colour, and fomewhat hairy vnderneath : amongft which . . 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