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Show Ofthe Hiltorie ofPlants. 162 Lisa Lis. q@ The Place. : tooke whereofit Colchis, Ifleof the andin Meffinia, in groweth Colchicum, or Saffron, Medow - OF theHittory of Plants. £ 11 Colchicum florepleno. Double tloured Mede-Saffron. hisname. Thetitles of theseft do fet forth their natiue countries ; notwith{tanding our London bod. gardensare poffeffed withthemoftpart of them. £ 12 Colvhicum bifloruse, Twice-flouring Mede-Sa ion, The twofirft do grow in England in great aboundance,infat andfertile medowes,as about Vil- fotd and Bathejas alfo inthe medowesneere toa {mall village in the Weft pattof England,called SheptonMallet, in the medowes about Briftoll, in King ftroppe medowneere vnto a Water-mill as you go from Northamptonto Holmeby Houfe, vpon the right hand of the way,andlikewife in giear plenty in Nobottle woodtwo miles fromthe faid towne of Northampton,and many other places. + The reft for the moft part maybe foundin the gardens of the Plorifts amongys, + + 9 Colchicumlatifolium, Broad \eaued Mede Saffron, od M 0 Q 8 YD)YY Uy y x ™ tyLiebe d Yill 8 $ 8 a s 3 >x 2 A 'g 2 $* v 9 Ss = 0 oO - a. oO an 2 Bs ° = ; G The Time. The leaues ofall the kindes of Mede-Saffron do begin to fhew themfelues in Februarie ; The feed is ripe inlune. The leaues,ftalkes,and feed do perifh inIuly,and theirplea eres doe comeforth of the ground in September. 3 pew : | The Names. Diofcorides callet h MedowSafftonkeen: fome, Zpuy : Notwithfandine there is another Epht- meron which isnot deadly. Diuers name it in Latine Balbus agreftis, ox w ie ie : in hich Dutch it is called Zeitioofen ¢ in low Dutch, Gtlteloofen 3 in French Mort au Chien Some have taken itto be the true Hermoda&yl,yet falfely. Other fomecall it Filius ante Patri although thereis akinde of Ly/imachia or Loofe-ftrife fo called,becaufe it firt bringeth forth kis long cods wit feed, and then the floure after, or at the fame time at the end of thefaid cod. Butin this Mede- a is fa oteenr ilsbecaye it bringethforth leaues in Februarie,feed in May,and floures in aT heSe scyeaepseam ! oh ation jeedeth firft, and foure monethsafter brings forth floures? fist and trerfore neret (ome ue thought this a fitnameforit,Filixs ante Patrem:and we accordingly mal call ae ts, Ae DS 8 $ 13 Colchicumvernum, oy Spring Mede-Saffron, $ox4 Colchicum varieeatune Chicafe. Checquered Mede SaffronofChio, aeaE Zz g |