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Show — Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 4, Tyiazal List Senin ct The figure ome iaothielus his intention ; whotherein hathbeenefollowed (according é Interieit,O Bi Re peek to 3. batce ; to tile cu : of theworld) by diuers others. The deferiptionis of afimall Reedcalled CalampoD Be ions, ns, and and figured p.5 Libani,by Lobel inhis Obferuatio figuredin his Jrones, P54. | ri asal{o fuch as be cumberfome> by growing likewtfe fees SK gtainés. eaten dk among them,doee likewife fitly: fucceed the Andbeginning with corne,wewill firft {peake of Wheat, and deferibe it in the fri place, bes : sae caufe it is preferred beforeall other corne. 3h oethis Aweanid Greekes :by fome, according @ to Apuleius, ‘ Axebyr?um the; and met 7 2 Bt reis called feces AE J ‘avessetec; Sagi andctl in fhops,as I haue5 formerly faid, Calamus Aromati. pe re Aromatics Me that hosidbevi edin Compofiti ons . f We 1 a DEVICE Ut q) The nature ofthe true Acorus, orour feet garden Flag. : drops is et iS 1\\ : 3 ; : : ; a roth, or taken in fumes through a clofe ftoole, to prouoke Itis of gre. aes2 poets put inbroth, 5 aly, womens natural] accidents. ( ‘ y HrCat quantitie thercot, q The faculties ofthe true Calamus J4 out of Dioftorides A . # Itbeing takenin drinke mouethvine ; wherefore boyled withAe the roots of graffe or Smallagefeeds,it helpethfuch as are hydropick, nephritick, troubledwith the ftrangurie, or bruifed. 1 Itmoues the Courfes, either drunkeor otherwife applied. Alf the fume thereoftaken bythe mouth ina pipe,either alone orwithdried Turpentine, helpes coughs. K Itisboyledalfoin baths for women, and decoétionsfor Glyfters ; andit enters into plaifters H_ HAP, 46. O )fCorne. Hus farre haue I difcourfed vponGraffes, Ruthes, Spartum,Flags, and Floure de- § luces : mynext labour is to fet downe for your better inftruétion, the hiftorie © fens Corne,and the kindes thereof, vnder the name of Graine ; which the Latines cal » Cerialia femina, or Bread-corne , the Grecians, ome? and dnyuwrels atpusma; Of which wee wF > purpofe todifcourfe, There belong to the hiftorie of Graine all fuch things as be madeof Corne, as Far, Condrus, Alica, Tragus, Amylum, Ptifana, Polenta, Mah Byne ot Malt,Zythwm,and whatfocuerare ofthatfort. There be alfo ioyned vnto them many feeds, which Theophraftus in his eighth booke placeth among the graines ; as Miller, Sorgum, Panick® Indian wheat,and fuchlike, Galenin his firft booke ofthe Eaculties of noutifhments, reckoneth vo i] reel oot, comps ne ings, joynted or kneedat fundry diftances ; from whence fheot forth Btafie blades and leaues like vnto Rie, but broader. joints, and blades,is like the precedent, t \ HYl \ Yb ¢ eeeee ange: rifeth ito 4 e differing onei baresandsuenbelO Ok arihos Bek Ee apa f Meosergeda ~~ } i p ganeare ifting any ranks, whichfeemeth to makethe eare doubleor fquare. The root and graineis like the other, but not bare and na ked. but Sriftled or bearded Beare farBe “fall. aeand ee eae De i ; : at : ay eae 3 Flat Wheat is like vnto the other kindes of Wheat in leaues, flalkes.and pubienie bended. cat inwith Zeaues, ftalkes.and roots, butis bearded and bordered rough and fharpe ailes,wherein confifts the difference. + I knownot what our Author means by this a flat ron ‘but Iconj igh, itobectotany wh eared Whear, whittaadh bicaiel ec ie rough Wheat, which hath blewith eares when aneeared es te, oes Ye ices as it istipe, in other things sefemblin g the ordinary pohlnnse o& 5 Sees ea ke oe J \ Z 4 . Thefourth kinde is1 like the laft ° . defcribed, and s, . thus differeth fromit,in that,that this kind hath many {mal ears commingforth ofone great eare,& the beards hereofbe (horter thanoftheformer kind. A oer. oad hefins defer: Ue ih etchar. cl 5 Bright wheateis like the fecond before defcribed, anddifferec h fromit in thar, that this kind is foure {quare, fomewhatbright and fhining,the othernot. i + I thinkeit averyfit thing to addeinthis place a rare obferuation, of the tranfmutat ion of one fpecies into another,in plants ; which though it haue beene obferued of ancient times, as by. Theophraftus, de cauf: plant. lib. 3. cap. 6, whereas among ft others hee mentioneththe change of Znd ees *esun, Spelt into oares :andby Virgill in thefe verfes ; Grandia fepe quibus mandauimus Hordea fules, Infeclix Lolium, cy fteriles dominantur avene. andperfumes for the fmells fake. $ c F The plant is fo well knowneto many,andfo profitable oathat the meaneft and moft ignorant aa no 0.lar 18ts Boros ‘ eee Ep n to know the fame by. 5ger defcriptio beg 2 The fecondkin KIDde of Wheat, >i iti root, root, ftalkes5 x KG / G + Therootofthis prefernedis very pleafantto the tafte, and comfortable tothe ftomacke and ~ heart; fothatthe takeit fafting in the morning, againft the contagion she oe Turks at Conftantinople Ries within, notrotten,full, and wel 5° : . . Pliny writeth, That thofe which growin Candiaare better than thofe of Pontus, and thofe EGandi Feshan 1 fe of the Pafterne countries, or thofe of England, although weyet haue 10 re h ee et tse ? " So ahes a 4 t (AIN. BAS Va s : bruifed wi i s beating, orfalls. peth themthat be> bruifed with gricuous b ating,orf aid ‘ a The root iswith goodfuccefle mixed in counterpoyfons. Inour age it is put into Eclegma’s, i s , medicines for the lungs, and efpecially when the lungs ea Medicines sor the 1uNgs, 2 with raw and iE y 5 and cheft are oppreft PP gola Humots, e if iti e ofthe corrupt; aire. Andthe Tartars haue it in fuch efteeme,that they ee s : oe will notadrinke Water (whichis their vitiall drinke) vnleffe they hauefirft fteeped fomeof this roottherein. + The choice. , S éas Diofcorides C beft Ac $id < faith ee d whichis fubftantial d l t itlTheBene cee "Fall i dnvell-Gane lling a and well . compa&, Peete white f)} Ss The quantitie of two feruples and anhalfe of the root drunkein foure ounces of Muskadel,hel- ' Ass SA A XN \ \ abate the fwelling of the fame, and helpethall hardneffe and collections of humors. F : whofe eares : are altogether bare or OW naked, without a sors ne OE ) y f\ | \ “NC Pens a " Theiuyceftrained witha little honey, taketh awaythe dimnes of the eyes, and helpeth mach againft bloud. of the {pleene, and poyfon, the hardneffe againft poyton, hard: s of thecedentc : all infirmitie : hiitns ca lerfall Therootboyledin wine, ftamped and appliedplaifterwife vito the cods, doth wonderful ly is AE f ; ee ae: 7 Helles ve: The decoétion ofthe root ofCalamus drunke ere eae ee oe pane : ie 1 fpleene:z o f t uer, {pleene,and breft ;= convulfions gripings,and burftings ; it eafeth and helpeth theeo piffing oP 57 eres 9] The defcripsion. ae <. +. monte e, Wee i 1 ue ; principal of all other, : . jofcori i 5 He heating facultie : Galen andPliny do affirme, thatthey haue Diofcorides ce ih ie peetane ad o ‘ / thin andfubtill parts,both hor 7. Seiorvipiaes ofthe(ame , gripings,an 3 is kinde of hue Whe: “~ nite ePela fa di HAt. the former namesbefitlycalledin Englifh, The feet Garden Flag. ; is is iudged tobe the Keeper ejuanntc Of Diofcorides ;the Kerepoc autre Of Theophraflus 5 that is, 3 oe amuUs ; I eee “ue ite Wheate. itisvfually called take Acorws and Acorum ; and i : as inh atine for they Galanga major, (defcribed by >me, Chap.26.) for Acorts. Ito maybefides 2 65 7 the difeafes of Graine, as, well thofe that come of the graineitfelfe degenerating; or that are changedinto fome other kinde, and made worfe throughthe fault of the weather, or of the foile, ing i es > in an 1Ops retaines ih panctga’ flanding ° it Peatice was giuenforth ; is, isi fappofed, andthat (as chinke truly) 1 Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants, - snes eat dothiers, andfoit is fent backeto its ducplace againe; though notwith. ueted by Matthiolis, an ‘aii oe sikte.ohcalenal That is; In furrowes where great Barley we did fow, Nothing but Darnel and poore Oats do grow; ‘ yetnone that I haue read haue obferued, that two feuerall graines, perfec in each refpea&, did S'owat any time in onecare : thewhich I fawthis yeare 1632, in an eare of white Wheat, which was found by my very goodFriend Mafter John Goodyer,a man fecond to nonein his induftrie and fearching of plants, nor in his iudgement or knowledge of them. This care of wheat was as large hd faireas moftare,and about the middle thereofgrewthreeor foure perfeé& Oats inall seiner viich beinghard to befound, I held veryworthyoffetting downe,fos fome reafons not to be in- fifted vpon in this place. +t Vhear gr requireth a i try or Jarke foile it de moft in all nd far a Iya rater the foile. C an { me be of world that are inhabited and mannured,and. nd dry, than watery s and fhadowic : veth harder and better compact: ina moilt and another q ths |