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Show Of the Hiftory of Plants. ei Li3,2, Pompion: the roots are {mall, fpreading farre abroad in the ground, and confifting blackean’ toughtwigs, which cannot endure the inturieofour cold clymate, q The Place. Thisadmirable Thiftle groweth vponthe cliffes and gtauelly grounds neere vnto the {ea fidein the Iflands of the Welt Indies, called S. Margarets and S.Iohns Tleneere vnto Puerto rio, orPop vice, andother places in thofe countries,bythe relation of diuers trauelle rs that haue ioutnied ine to thofeparts, who haue brought metheplant it felfé with his feed ; the which wouldnot tow in mygardenbyreafonofthe coldneffeofthe clymate. 4 G Tihe Time. Itgroweth, floureth,and flourifheth all the yeare long;as do manyother plants of thofe Coun. tries. q The Nygmes. Itiscalled Cardwus Echinatus, Melocarduus Echinatus,and Echino Melocaétos : In Englith, the Hedge-hog Thiftle,or prickly Melon Thiftle. + Such as are curious may fee morehereofin Cly. fius his Exoticks,/zb.4.cap.24. $ "| The Temperature and Vertues. There is not anything extant fet forth of the antient or ofthe later writers, neither byanythat hauetrauelled from the Indies themfelues: therefore weleaue it toa further confideration, 2 Lin. 2. ; Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. armed for the moft part with certaine prickles ftanding by couplesth e point or tharpe énd of one garding one way, and the point of another looking direély a cleane contraric way :thefe prickes areoften found in the gumme it felfe, which is brought vnto vs from Libya andother patts : the leaues hereofbeing plantedin the ground will take root well,and bring forth great itereafewhich thing I haue proued true in my garden: it hath perifhed agaiheat the firft approch ofwinter. The fap or liquor that is extraéted out of this plant isof the colour and fubftance of the Creame of Milke, it burneth the mouth extremely, and the duft or poudet doth very much annoy the head and theparts thereabout, caufing great and vehement fneefing, and ftuffing of all the pores. 2 This rare plant called Anteuphorbium hatha vety thicke groffe andfarref jpreading root, very likemto Enphorbinm ; from whichrifeth vp many round greeneand flefhie giow thicke leaues like Purflane, but longer,thicker,and fatter : the whole ftalkes, whereupon do plant is full ofcold and clammie moifture, which repreffeth the {cortching force ofEuphor bium 4and it wholly feemes at thefirlt view to be a branchof. greene Coral]. 3 Cereus Reruvian ! us (pinofus Lobelij. The Torch-Thiftle or thorny Euphorbium. 4. Calamus Peruvianus inofus Lobel, The thorny Reed aftofPer, 4 Of thegummie Thiftle, called Enpborbinm. 1 Euphorbium. The poyfonous gum Thiftle, 2 Anteuphorbinm. The Antidote againft the poyfonous Thiftle, cut isnot amongfe the ftrange e and admirable plants of the world anyone that gities more of tule There , narucll, or more moueth the mindeto honorandlaud the Creator,than this plant,which ~“< ofthe Indiansin their mother tougue Yragwa, which is as muchto fay,a torch, taper, or eat 3whereupon ithath been calledin Latineby thofe that. vnderftood the Indian tees atboughth ee his admirable plant rifeth vp to the heighit ofa fpeare of oe foot long, to Ourviewb sire expreffe not the fame ; the reafonis,the plant when the figure was fdesoFehe Cucumber oe it hath | The Defiription. z a sae fed) Ba 3 Yphorbium (whereout that liquor or gum called.in fhops Euphorbium ‘ vgn! : from E very gfeat thicke groffe and {preadingroots, difperfed far abroad Hebes q foot which arife long and round leaues, almoft like the fruit of a great hed ribs ate et of andahalfe long, ribbed, walled, and furrowed like vato the Melon; thefe brane grmed diuers bunchesandvallies , euen as is tobe feene in eg a se td line.ean ene guttered, or chamfered along{ft the fame,and as . ee Halike Nes ae ae one end vato the other : vpon which welt or line do a es tetas of 5 Cao les, andof the colour of thofe of the Melon tha Yo hat ithe trunke ot bodyis of the bigneffe ofa mans arme,Thiftle, ora cable rope; from the tick. eercofthrut forthdiuers knobby elbawes of the famefubftance,and armed with the like hi thanePosy ofthe trunke is fet withall :the whole plant is thicke, fat, and full of a fic. "aug muchinycelike that of Alozs,whenit is hardned,andof a bitcer art es |