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Show se diAin Appendix to {courings, and helpe the Dyfenterie proceeding ofan hor caufe, ; The iuice of thefe boiled tothe height ofhoney, either with or witheut rie Cuar. 3. Of Parfley Breake-flone, and baftardRupturenort. @ The Deféription Parfley Breake-ftane. y I . : Thought it was not altogethicr inconuenient to couple thefe two Plants together in one Chapter; firft,becaule they ate of one ftature ; and decondly,taken cut ofone and thefame Hiftory of Plants, to wit, the Aduerfaria of Pena and Lobel, The fitft of thefe, which the Authors ofthe Aduerfaria fer forth by,the name ofPercepier, (and rather affert, than affirme to be the Scandix ofthe Antients)isby Tabernaméntanus called Scandix mintr: and by Fabius Columna,cd Ichimilla montana minima : ithath a {mall x Hefe Plants by right fhould haue followed the hiftorie of TAymelea, for in fhape and facultie they are not much vnlike it.Thefirft is a low fhrub,fending fromone root ma- ae fucar (which is called Rob de Ribes) hath the fame qualities,and conduces to the fame purpofess 1 Percepier Angloruim Lob, | The Defcription. mel SREI Cuar. 4. OfHeath Spurge and Rocke Rofe The berries of red Currans,as al fo of the white,are cold and dry inthe endof the fecond degree, and haue fome aftriGion, together with tenuitie of parts. a B They extinguifh and mitigate feuerith heates, repreffe choler,tempet the ouer: hotblond putrefaction, quench thirit, helpe the deie@ion ofthe appetite, ftay cholericke deka ny branches of fomecubit long,and thefe bending,flexiblejand couered with an outer blackith barke,which comprehends another within, tough , and which may be diuided intofine threds: the leauesare like thofe of Chamalea,yetleffer,fhorter and thicker,a little rough alfo, and growing aboutthe branches ina certaine order: ifyou chew them they are gummie,bitterat the firft,and afterwards hot andbiting :the floures grow amongft the leaues, longith, yellowith,and di- uided at the end into fourelittle leaues : the fruit is faid to be like that of Thymelea, butofa blac. kith colour,therootis thicke and wooddie.It growes frequently inthe kingdome of Granadoand Valentia in Spaine,it floures in Marchand Aprill. The Herbarifts theretermeit Sanamunda, and the common people, Atierda-cruz,by reafonofthe purging facultie, Savamunda t.Cluf, “"H Heath Spurge.. 2 Sanamunda 2.Cluf. The fecond Heath Spurge. wooddyyellowifh fibrous root,from which rife vp one,two,or more little flalks, feldome exceeding the height ofan handfull,and thele are round and hairy, and vpon them growlittle roundithleaues,like the tender Jeaues of Cheruill$ but hairy,and of awhitith green colour, faftned ro the ftalkes with fhort foot-flalkes,and hauing little cates at their fetting on : the flouresare fmall, greene,and fine corneted, many cluftering together atthe fetting on ofthe leaues :the {eed is fmall, {mooth, and yellowith : the ftalks of this plant grow = fometimesvpright, and otherwhiles they Jean onthe ground :it is to be found vpon divers dry and_barren gtounds, as in Hide Parke, Tuthill fields, &c. It floures in May,and ripens the feed in Iune and Tuly. It feemes by the Authors ofthe Aduerfaria, that inthe Well countrey about Briftow they call this Herbe Percepier ; bit out pone women in Cheapfide knowit by the nameofParfley Breake one. This is hot and dry, and of fubtil parts : it vehemently and {pee- mouesvrine, and by fomeis kept in pickle,and eatenasa fal- a Tie ad, Thediftilled wateris alfo commendedto beeffe tual! to, moue } vrine, and clenfe the kidnies of graucll. 2 The hiftorie ofthis, by the forementioned Authors, Adver/s pag. 404. is thus fet forthvnderthis title, Polygoninm Herniaria folijs &facieperamplaradice Af. galitsdi : Neither (fay they) ought this tobe defpifed by fuchas are ftudious of the knowledge o! Plants; for itis very little knowne, being a very {mall herbe lying along vpon the ground, and al. moft ouerwhelmed or coue¥ed with the graffe, hauing litle branches very full of ioints : the little Jeaues and feeds are whitith,and very like thofe of Herniaria or Rupture-wort :the whole plant is white, hauing’a very {mall and moffie floure : the rootis larger than the fmalneffe ofthe plantiee- methto require, hard, branched; diuerfly turning and winding, and therefore hard tobe pluckee vp: the:tafte is dry and hottith. Ir growes vponia Jarge Plaine in Prouince, betweene thecities Arles and Selon. Thus muchPenaand Lebel. Iam deceiued, iffome fewyeares agone Jwas not thewed this plant, gathered in fome past ofthis kingdome,but where, I amnotable to affirme. C HA Py 2 t Paani gh ie ea igh,hawing rough flex pls nes efely t,bu plan The other isa firub fome cubith the all ouer c inde bei za ches z fetnae ae a bran e E ~ ~ firlt,afterwards fn oe ing as m atte the' at ifmt ae ava falt ho mwh ee ns be drawn into t 4 ffo ,may ee toor e :the roots thicke and wooddie likeast Eo e How e meuntaines nigh Granado,where they fi to e an Yee ad-on thei rcs are many,littlt'of the flou tGibraltar callit Burhalaga,and they calyWe oahee boa SPa gtowes vpon the fea coaf he Ais3 ,Zpore”: Cefalpinis, rounda,anc the common peopic @ wpbuillars called this rough fhatppointed Cosa moides wins; Dalechampy, and Phacoi es Ori ouens with. It floures in Ct afro : Sefa z Sefer a Hiforia Luzd.it is the Cazoron nigr 3 This Syquibufdam. aer 2 Polyconi Herniaria facie. Baftard Ruprure-wort, —— aS A are vulgarly fold by our Grocers ; for they are the fruit ofa {mall Vine and differ much hom Bes ; The Temperature andVertues. $ at ~- = xa Ra the HiftoryofPlants. with thofe Currans whichare brought from Zant,and the continent adioyningthereto, a eat |