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Show re Of the Hiftory of Plants. ‘Lis.2. OftheHiftory of Plaats. 2 Cicer (yluefre lati fo'‘nm, Broad leafed wilde Cich, 1 Cicer fylueffre. gq The Time, “2 5 The wilde Cich. It is fowne in Aprill,being firt fteepedinwa. ter adaybefore thefruit is ripe in Auguft, ‘ | The Names, Iris called in Greeke stendexsée in Latine, Cicer arvetinum,or Rams Cighes, & of thebla kith purple colour, Cicer nigrum, vel rubrum blacke or red Ciche: and the other is name Catdidum vel album Cicer : orwhite Ciche: i Engtith, CommonCich,or Ciches,red Cich, of fome, Sheepes Ciche Peafe, or Sheepes Ciche Peafon, G The Temperature and Vertaes. The Ciche,as Galen writcchin his bookeof the-Faculties of nourithments, is no leffewindie than the true Bean,but it yeeldetha ftron- get nourifhment thanthat doth: it prouoketh luftjand itis thought to ingender feed. Somegiue the fameto ftalion horfes:Moreouer, Ciches do f{coure more: than do the true Beanes: infomuchas certaine of them domanifeftly diminith orwafte away the fones in the Kidneyes': thofe be the blacke and little Cichescalled 4rietina,or RamsCiches, but it is better to drinke the broth ofthem fodden ~ inwater. : : Both the Rams Ciches, as Dioftorides faith, thewhite and the blacke prouoke vrine, if the deco&ion therof be madewith Rofemary,and — giuenvnto thofe that haueeither the Drop- yiaundice; but they are hurtfull ynto the bladder and Kidneies that haue vicers in @. The Place. Thefe plants are fowne in the parts beyondithefeas for'to feed their.cattell with inwinter,aswe * Uotares, vetches, and fuch other bafe pulfes Thetime anfvereth the Vetchortare. Cuar. 512. Of wilde (iches. @ The Kindes, Hewilde Ciche is like to the tame(faith Dioftorides)but it differeth infeed: the later writers haue fet downe twokindes hereof,as fhall be declared, «@ The Defiription, r 4 2588 q The Names." Thewild Cich hath no other name in Latine but Czcerfylueftre : the later writers haue not foun aly name arall, {@] The Temperature and Vertuese ; Their tempetature and vertues are referred to the garden Cich,as Henee! 4 ees 3oe ae “oltith that the wilde Cich is inall things tike varothat ofthe garden, but in Phyfieks vfe more “Tediuall, by reafon at is more hotter and drier, and alfo morebiting andbitter. ae "P He firftwilde Cichbringeth forth a great numberof ftalks branched,lying - a Car. 53. * ground ; about whichbe the leaues,confifting of many vpon onerib asdo thofe Se garden Ciche,but notnicked in the edges , morelike to the leaues of Axcich: the floures oth forth faftned on {mall ftems,which growclofe to the ftalks, of a pale yellowcolour, and aed eares:in their places come vp little cods,in forme and bigneffe of the fruit of garden oo that and foinething hairie,in whichlieth the feed,that is {mal,hard,flat,and glittering,intafte ia ofKidneyBeane : the root groweth deepe,fattened with many firings. aaah 2. There is another kindeofwilde Cich that hath alfoa great numberofftalks lying Tae g°ound,about whichftandfoft leaucs,fomething hairy and white, confifting ofthree Oey landing vpon a middle rib,the Jeaft of whichftandnéereft to the tem, and the gee et : the floures come forth at the bottomeofthe Jeaues many together, of ee tie two ch grow {mall long buskes,foft and hairy,in euery one whereofisa little cod ,inwnicn™ ceds like little Cichlings. q The Time. Of Lentils. q 7he Defcription. : He firft Lentil growes vp with flender ftalks,dnd leaues which meenaise i aflope frombothfides a i or middle i alke. 1 and many710 ftalke,narrow of the rib ing purple; rowards a part ondi mens rt fo mewhat meatof Tares, but narrowerandleffer : the floures be3 fmall,tending ; ole er three or foure, littie, round, plaine, eins ate little and broad: the {eeds in thefe are innumb tad Aap ) the roots are {mall and threddy. g ie n wero ,, whero nS wile high endin Hae hes it hich Pp i a cubitVeteh branc ond kinde R Lentilll | hath firiall tender and pliant kinde ofof Lentil “eto, * Thefecond Pw Ieaues dinided or confitting of fundry other {mall leaues uddle rib with (ome elafping tendrels, wherewithit taketh b old of fuch things asate neere ‘among thefe come forthlittle brownith floures mixed wit h white, which turne into {mall “containing little browneflat feed, and fometimes white. gq Th |