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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 630 = ee . i Lerma 631 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, tog er Shaun, t Jeaues ftandiing inma n togeth little ing offiuefivelit whitif iti h purple floures confifting tound heads, otherwife : the feedis fimall,and conteined in ee : Fieele peeing in acaoeds The crowes in many wet rotten groun and vpon bogges:I firft found it Anno-1626,in the Bitho. sicke ofDurham and in two orthree places of Yorkfhire, and not thinking any had taken notice ore ex albo purpurafcente;butfince Ihaue fe reofI drew a foure of it & called it Nummularia pufillal mus by the name of Nummularia fore Predre his in forth it oa that Bavhine had formerly fer woodin Eflex:it floures purparafeente. It growesalfoon the bogges vpon the heath, neare Burnt t ‘ : — 4¢ meri ss i io ft 4 1 ; if les i blouc ¢ maporis B bloudie flix, and alone Lies _ 0 do Theiuice drunke inwine, 1s good for the ; it helpeth thofe that vomite blond, | : woman; the weakene(fe andloofeneffe of the belly andlaske é them ashaue asnaue fuch i n Whites in fuch and the>» Whites Cc 8 lugs, aioe ee parts,and inward ofthe Boiled with wine andhonie tt cureth the wounds any other whatfoeuer. felfe,nor i ‘ : inaword,there is not abetterwound herbe,nio\< not Tabacoit — * . 2 ; ef. ry much againft the cough im D The herbe boiled sin wine witha little honic, or meade, preuaileth cough. Chinne the children,called inluly and Augutt. i $ 3 Nummulariaflorepurpyrafieme, Purple floured Money-woort, 1 Nummularia. Herbe Two pence, Cuar.200. Of Bugleor «Middle Comfrey. q 7he Defcription, veula {preadeth and creepeth along{t the ground like Monie-woort; the leaues be long, fat,8 oleous,and ofa brown colour for the moft part. Theflores grow aboutthe ftalks in tundles,compaffing the ftalke,leauing betweene euery rund|ebare oF naked fpaces; andare of 1a faire blew colout, and often white. I found manyplants of it inamoift ground vpon Blacke Heath neere London,faft by a village called Charleton, butthe leaues were green,and not browne atall like the other: 2 Bugula flore albo, (ive carneo. ‘White er carnation floured Bugle. 1 Bugula, Middle Confound, aNes O= ‘a 2 @ The Place. + found Itgroweth neere vnto ditches and ftreames, and other watery places,and is fometimes inmoift woods : I found it vponthe banke ofthe riuer ofThames, right againgt the Queens P™ lace of White hall , and almoft in euery countrey where I hauetravelled. @ The Time, It floureth from Maytill Summerbewell fpent. q The Names. arias Herbe Twopenceis called in Latine Nummularia,and Centummorbia : and ofdivers SO") Itsis reported thatif ferpents beyhurt or wounded,they do heale themfelues with this herbe* uponcame the name Serpentaria :it is thought tobe called Centummorbiaofthe wonder whichit hath in curingdifeafes , andit is called Nummularia of the forme of money," the leaues are like: in Dutch, Benninckerupt sin Englifh, Money woort, Herbe Two pea Two pennygraffe. bo | The Temperature. Thatthis herbe is dry, the binding taste thereofdoth thew itis alfo moderate colde@| The Vertues. sburitw™ The floures and leaues ftam: ped andlaid vpon wounds and vicers doth cure them yee ; keth mofteffectually being ftamped and boiledin oile oliue,with fome rofen,waxAa added thereto, the S tle with the white-foure differeth not from the precedentt,in roots, leavtes,andftalks-the ence is,that this-plaot bringeth forth faire milk white floures,and the other thofe that v.# Itis alfo found withia fleth coloured floure , and the leaues are leffe fnipt than thole 1 foftner. Babine makes menpion ofone muchleffe than thofe,with round fnipt leaues and a Othe, eote:which he faith he had out of England, but I haue not as yet feene it, nor found any, “Set mention thereof. + @ The Place. 4 ° 4 Sroweth almok in euery wood and copfe, andfuchlike fhadowie and moift places, and + Paatited in gardens: the other varieties are {eldome tobe met withall, Ggg2 |