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Show OfHifloryofPlants. Lise. q The Names; q The Temperature. Iris cold and drie and aftringent. A OFthe f liftory of Plants. Lip, 2 Yaowis called of the Latine Herbarilts Millefolium:itis Diof q The Vertues. It is held tobe goodfor Fiftulaes and hollowvicers, and to ftay the ouermuchflowing> ofthe menfes,or any other flux of bloud, ifitbe boiled in red wine and drunke. fee that n lea,atd Achilleafideritiswhich thing he mayvery plainely this was found gutrdaith Pz, tion which Diofcoriaes hath fer downe : egGhirons difciple,which for that caufe is named Achill n:yet be thereother Sz inanother place: 4puleiss fetteth downe diuefs names Cuar. 438. mongthe baftard names in Diofcorides ; in Lat 24 ot drarumfyluaticum : Of the French. men, OfYarrow,or Nofe-bleed. Jow Dutch,erntwesin [calian reed bleed,common Yarrow,red Yarrow,and Milfoile. | The Temperature. @) The Defcription. Ommon Yarrowhath very many. ftalkes comming vp a cubit high,round,anditfomewere what hard : aboutwhich ftand Jong leaues, cut in the fides fundry wile,andas to the made vp of many {mall iagged leaues,enery one of whichfeemeto comeneere floures whereofare the : rundles {poked or tufts top the at ftand there : Coriander of Slender leaues ; the rootfeneither white or purple,which being rubbed do yeelda ftrong {mell; but ynpleafant deth downe many ftrings. 2 cMillefolinmflore rebro, 1 Millefolinmterre sive vulgare. Red floured Yarrow. Common Yarrow. ist Yartoiv,as Galenfaith, is not vnlike ia temperatureto the Sideritides, or Iron worts.that clenfing,and meancly cold, but ‘ it moft ofall bindeth. , gy The Vertnes. Theleaues of Yarrowdoe clofe vp wo! ling sit ftancheth b| i nit toppeth thelask keepe them fromi ,and itis like being drumke!ithelpeth the bloudy f Moftmenfay thar t es chewed,:and efpecially greene, areate othe nofe,docaufeit tolbleed,and cafe thepai Theleaies being| Itcuteth the inward excorations ofthe yard of a man, comm for the tooth-ache: e ofthe megtim. treme flowing ofthe fe houchthe iffue do catifeinflammationa put sand though the {p< cke matter docomedowne in great quat : the deco Sion. This hath been prosued by acertai in Cambridge,wholightlybrufedt | itwarme vntorhe priuie'parts, and th ellowes, when hewas a ftudentand a fingle manIit r of the herbe giuen in wine,prefently taketh awayt ts times helpe h Sin Cambridge. > paines of the celicke, Cuar. 439. Ofyellow Yarrow,or Afilfale. I Millefolium lutenne, Yellow Yur ow, 2 leor Yarrow The fecond kinde of Milfoi t hathftalkes,leaues and roo be e form s like vnto th ingalitric fauing that his f{pokie tufts are ofan excellent faire red or crimfon colour,an dbe inthe hand,ofatreafonable good fauour. , @ The Place. croweth ina Thefirft growetheuery wherein drie paftures and medowes : red Milfo ile Sutton in Kent called Hally-Deane, from whence I brought thofe plants th at do grow 10M) den ; but it is not common cuery where: as the otheris. a | The Time. They floure from May'tothe end of October. f 2 Achillea, folinm nobile. |