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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. go4 Of theHiftorieofPlants.” Li B,2, omits Lilly conuall ; on the other fide when the sos be vaded there come forth round berries, which atthe firftare greene, and of a blacke ec canal hatter ae 5 and when they be ripe be of the bignefie of Luy berties, of a very fweet and pleafant taite. TI €root is whitesnd - —. ee thicke full of knobs Or iovnts,w hich in fome plac cs refemble the marke ofa fealewhereof] think eerie the name: ittooke fome fharpeneffe. lum Solomons - andis {weet at the firft, but afterward ofa bitrer tafte, with Re ne . "| q ick i ( there fa Wiceed berries like the former,but ofp areddifh colour: the roots are thick and knobbylike the former,with fomefibres anexedthereto, Polyconatum «sagaslatifolinm 2. Clufij. eae Sees fmelling: Solomons Seale. * Sweet I, eho]; 2. Cla {i3 taftebut fomewhatacride or biting towards the later end. From the backe part of the leaues thoar forth fmall long tender and crooked ftems,bearing at the endlittle gaping white floures not mucli vilike Lilium convallivm, {auouring like Hawthornefloures, fpotted on the inner fide with blacke fpots :which being paft, there comeforth three dornered berries like the narrowleafed So'omons feale, gteene at the firft, and red when they be ripe,containing many white hard graines. ; heroots Line > Thefecondkinde of Po/ygonatum doth not muchvary from the former, fauing in the leaues, which be narrower, and grow roundabout the ftalke like a fpur, in fafhionlike ynto Woddtoofe er white t of a greenerwhitecolour: ) 1 like the former,but or red Madder:among Madder:amongthe leaues come forth floures whichbeing paft, there {ucceed berries like the former, but ofa reddith colour: which being pat 2 995 r i A Aivhatieiies aati the Rit are dee fhew, faue that they are fomewhar hoaric vnderneaththe leaues ; which at the firft are fivecte in 4 Polyconatumramolum. Branched SolomonsSeale, differ from all the other kindes,andare like vnto the crambling roots of Thaliétrum,whichthe gramitted i : picture, pecceeneic thep s This rare fort of Solomons Seale rifés 5 Polygonatum ancuftifolium ramofam, vp from his tuberous or knobby root, with a Narrow leaued Solomonsfeale. fttaight vpright ftalke ioynted at certainediftances, leauing betweene each ioynt’a bare and nakedftalke, fmooth , and of a greenith colour tending to yellownes; from the which ioynts thruft forth diuers {mal branches,with foure narrowleaues fet about likea ftar or the herbe Woodroofe : vpon which tender branchesare fet about the ftalkes bycertaine {paces long narrow leaues inclofing the fame foundabout:among which leaues come forth {mall whitifh floures of little regard. The fruit is {mall,and of a red colour,full ofpulpe or meate ; among which is contained a hard ftony feed like that of the fitft Solomons feale, + 6 Thereiskept in our gardens, and faid to be broughtfrom fomepart of Ameri- ca another Polygonatum, whichfends vp ftalk fome foot and more high, and it hath leaues long, neruous,and very greene and fhining, growing one by another without any order vponthe ftalke , which is fomewhatcrefted, crooked, and very greene ; bearing at the very top thereof,aboue the higheft leafe, yponlit- tle foor-ftalksyfome eight or nine littlewhire floures, confifting offix leaues apiece, which are fucceeded by berries, as inthe former. This floures in May,andis vulgarly named Polygonatum Virginianum, or Virginian Solomons feale. $ es 3 Thethird kinde of Solomons Seale,which Carolus (lufiwe found in the wooddy mt ‘ of Leitenberg, aboue Manderftorf, and in manyother mountaines beyond the oo a and ont {pecially among theftones, hee fent to London to M*. Garth a worfhipfull Gent his pit that greatly delightethin ftrange plants,wh@very louingl¥ imparted the fame vntom 2s ypon ott hath ftalkes very like ynto the common SolomonsSeale, a foot high, befer with eau ebiie ff fide of the ftalke like the firft and commonkinde,but larger, and more approching veokmbit ofthe broadleafed Plantaine, the tafte whereof is not very pleafant : from roeett Jeaues comeforth fma!I well fmelling greenith white floures not muchvalike the rs “ante ing paft, there follow feeds or berries that are at the firft ereen,but afterward aS age like within the fameberrics a mall {eed as big as a Vetch, andas hardas’ a ftone. The! ynto the other of his kinde, yet not fo thicke as the firft. 2 foundalo intl 4_ The fourth kind according to my account,but the third of(lufiue (which he tab oth mountaines aforefaid) growetha foot high, but feldomea cubit,differing fe f zarnifhe his kinde ; for his ftalkes diuide them {elues into fundry other brancheswhis a the ftalks goodly leaues, larger and fhatper pointed than any of the reft, which do embrac 5 i Tomons of ; * after the mannerofPerfoliata or Thorow-wax, yet verylike vato thesykindes of S olome: q The Place. d The firft fort of Solomonsfeale growesnaturally wilde in Somerfet-fhire, vpon the North fide ofa placecalled Mendip,inthe parith of Shepton Mallet: alfo inKent by a villagecalled Crayford, vpon Rough or Rowhill: alfo in Odiam parke in Hampfhire; in Bradfords wood,neete toa {wn in Wiltfhire foure miles from Bathe; ina woodneeretua village called Horfley,fiue miles tom Gilford in Surrey, and imdiuers other places. : : : ( Thatfort of Solomonsfeale with broad leaues gyowethin certaine woods in Yorkfhire called 4pdale woods, three miles froma village named Settle. @ The Time. a ie e They {pring vp in March, and fhewtheir flouges in May : the fritit is tipe in Séptember, q The Names. — c : Solomonsfeale is called in Greeke Tavynnr: in Latine likewife Polyonatum, of many, Knees, foFfothe Greckeword doth import: in (hops, Sigillum Salomonis$and Scala cet : in Englith like"Ue Scala cceli, Solomonsfeale, and White-wort, orwhite root: in high-Dutch, woeifyonrts ¢ io French, Seay de Solomon : of the Hetrurians, Frafimella, and Fraxinella, The Temperature. . : _ Thetoots of Solomons feale, as Galen faith, haue both a mixt facultie and qualitie alfo': For ey haue (faith he) acertaine kinde ofaftriGtion or byhding , and biting withall, and likewife a ~ ine loathfomebitterneffe, as the fame Author affitmeth: which isngrrobe found in thofe. “2tCO crow in our climate, a The Css |