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Show "Of theBliforie of Planes. D E f you wou ld havc it frongéry adde thereuntoagrainor twoof Su. feeds mutt beput yatoat :buri rins. dd/ua , much monic. Thus force. ft; then thefecond, ; the ret are oflefle The frit ofthefe kindes is, be blacke {pots in.che skin, tetters, ring-warmes, leprofes, s take away,the marp hewand The root and {cabs. 5 5 3 big Pe ol org. wollod Stil llites of fuch as haue the droptie. The root foddenin pottage ith fleth; opencth, thejbe _ d in pring our, Raglifh women Beare-foot, fteepe g amon called bor Helle d baftar of Theroot G good againg, all the difeais and bor, e Helle black ug thatr enenas belly hthe and drunken, loofet h, and killethsyormes in children. feswhereuntoblacke Helle bor feruct made inte pouder,and a dramthereof It doth his operation with.moreforee and might, if, it be H 4 be receiued inwine. and Agrimony,cureth the jaundice,and purgeth yellow fr. The fame boyled in water wath Rue I ge. byfie enfluities fried in anouen, after. rhe bread is drawne out, and the ponder K ike The leaues of baftas pon a.piece of bread { pred with honey and eaten, kil h, orftrawe , raitih or figge thereof taken ina ding leth wormes inchildren excee is be Hellebor : drav ee ~ Cuar. 378. Ge ae Of Diofcorides his blacke Hiellebor. q The Defiription, » Diofcorid, Dod. ; his blacke Hellebor. : fer forth by Hoe cen = is kind ofblacke Hellebor, Lobel vnder the nameof ffrantiangrey & true . greethvery-well in fiapéwith the frrdntia, which is called (mperatonia’ aah aad other pi by the confent df Diofcorides i; who haue expreffed this plant for akin ratengs nigrumyorblacke Hellebor, ie ee = blaclifhi gréen leaves: parteaos catunto7e 1 fine daepe cuts, after the mans the es versilike vnro chofe ofSanicle; bi oficolour,and alforin proportiar: OeilHY euenmooth, and plain:at the top iopedlet floutesvit little tits. or vm) els, a Prine ‘hike tHofe of Scabions,ofa with eS arke colour,dathediauer as it wereritha HEOES® purple :.after which come © thamus ox baftard Saffron. blackifh threds knit to one hea f ay The Platts e mountal Blacke Hellebor is found inth and sous? P* Germany, and in other vaeille spit profperethyin gardens: blacke Helle Diofcorides riceth 5 That hi faces? # growethlikewxfe inroughand nalyfoa m” ke he beft whic h is tawh h som c ic hi " e) th he n) ai ba i at (f welt places .cyasrath | city= in Gass t arowe :a & of Anti taactt garden, the d i | The Time, in the Sommerin »nethssThisblacke Hellebor flowreth not in WVinter, but horoiw. all. the yeareit i E q. The Names. migra: of others, Sanicula f It is. called of the later Herbarifts; 4ffrantia r lepe named it differcth much from4/frantia, an herbe whichisalfo vulgar-people calliitPellitori ue £ Spaine, but vatruly sitmaybe callec facult doth thew : Pr ¥ sb doubtlefea kinde of Hellebor, as the purgingroots hereofdo purge melapey™ experienced phy fitians can witnefle,that the Of the Hittorie of Plants. L Bs 2. Li 3.2, *s The beW 979 andthat they themfelues haue perfectly cured mad melancholy people being purged herewith. Epiffle And that it hath a purging qualitic, Conradus Gefnerus doth likewife teftificin'a cértaine as fttone as white Hel: written to Adolphus Occo, in which'he fheweth,that Aftrantia migra isalmoft lebor, and that he himfelfe was the firft that‘had experience of the ‘purging “facultie thereof by : fiege: which thitigsconfirmethat it is Dioftorides his blacke Hellebor, Diofcorides hath alfo attributed tothis plant all thofe:names that are‘aferibed tothe other black whichis Hellebors. He faith further, that the feed thereof in Anticyrais called Sefamordes, the vied to purge with, iPfo be that the Text be trueand not corrupted. But it (eemethnot to be'altogether perfect ; for ifSc(amoides,as Pliny faith, and the wordit felfe doth fhew, hath hisnameof the likeneffe of Sefimum, the feed of this blacke Hellebor thal! vaproperly bOealled Sefamoides . being not Inke that OfSefamum,out of Caicus Or baftard Saffron, By thefe proofeswe may fafpea, that thee wordsare brought into Diofcorides from fome other Author. q] The Temperature and Vertues. The faculties of this plant we haue already written to bebytriall found liketo thofe of the other blacke Hellebor : notwithftanding thofe thatare deferibed in the former chapter are to be accounted ofgreater force. Chapeer (as molt befides) was du of Dodoneus, who, P ant-3: lib. ¢ap- 30, labours to proue this plant tobe the erue blacke Hellebor of Dir 4 Thiswhole inthe feerderc There was al(o anotherdeferiptionthrult by: our Author into this chapter, being of the’ Perficaris filiquale or Nols me pamgere formerly defcribed foiieth place of the 114. Chap. pig. 446. Cuar. 379. Of Herbe Chriflopher. Chriftophoriana. Herbe Chriftopher. | The Defcription. : Lthough*Herbe ‘Chriftopherbe none of the Bindé-weeds, or of thofe plants that hauenedd of fupporting or vnderpropping,wherewithir may elimé or rampe,yer be~ caufeitbeareth grapes, or clufters of berries, it mightihaue been numbred among the “sme, or thofe that.growlike Vines. It brings forth little tender ftalkes a footlong, or not much longer ; whereupondo grow fundry leaues fet vponatender foot-ftalke, which do make one leafefomewhat iagged or cut about the edges, ofa light gtcene colour: the floures growat thetop of the ftalks, in {pokie tufts confifting of four little white leaues apiece : which being patt, the fruit fucceeds, round, fomwhatlong, and blackewhenitis ripe; hauing vpon one fide a ftreaked furrow ot hollownefle growing neere together as doe the clufters of grapes. Therootis thicke,blacke without,andyellow within like Box,with many trailing ftrings anexed therto, creeping far abroadin the earth, wherebyit doth greatly increafe, and lafterh long; @ The Place, Herbe Chriftopher groweth in the North parts of Englind, neere vnto the houfe of the right worfhipfull. Sir William Bowes. Lhaue receiued plants thereoffrom Rabinus ofParis,for my garden,where they flourifh. @ The Time. Tt floureth and flourifheth in May and lune, andthe fruit is ripe in the end of Sommer. , gq ThE Nankn 2 |