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Show 9 le ae ew 684, 1 Mariorana maior. Great fweet Maricrome. Of the Hiftory of Plants. “L1352 Ofthe Hittoryof Plants. rome geicle ; of the beft fort Marjerane. The pot Marjerome is alfocalled Wantes Marjerome, ; which doubt, as Itakeit, Some haue madeadoubtwhether Masorana and Sampfychum be all one 2 Marioranamaior Anglica, Pot Marierome, and attributeth is becaufe that Galen maketha difference betweene them, intreating Ofthemapart, tocither ofthemtheir operations. But Amaracus Galeni is Partheninm, or Feuerfew. Dioftorides likewife witneffeth, that fome do call LA maracus, Partheninm; and Galen inhis booke of the faut by the nameof culties of fimple medicities,doth in no place make mention of Partheninum,b d they of SictAmaracus. Pliny inhis 21. booke,chap.2. witnefleth,that Dioclesthe phyfition,an ! lydidcall that Amaracws, which the Agyptians and the Syrians did call Samp(jchum. virgill inthe fire booke of his Aneidos fheweth, that Amaracus is a fhrub bearing floures, writing thus : Vbi mollis Amaracus illum Floribus, &dulci afpirans complectitur umbra, Likewile Catvllus in his Epithulamium, or mariage fong of Julia and Mallins faith, Cingetemporafloribus Suane olentis:Amaraci. Compaffe the templesjof the head with floures. Of Amatac affording fweete fauours, Notwithftanding it may not feeme ftrange, that Majoraneis vfed in ftead of Sampfychum, feeing that in Galews time alfo Marum was in the mixture ofthe ointment called Amaracinum vaguentum, intheplace ofS aimp/ychum, as he himf{elfe witneffeth inhis firft booke of counterpoifons. ] The Temperature. Theyare hot anddry in the fecond degree; after fome copies, hot and dry in the third. The Vertues. Sweete Marjerome is atemedy againft cold difeafes of the braine and head, being taken any way toyour beft liking ; put vpinto the nofthrils it prouokethfneefing, and drawethforth much baggage flesme : iteafeth the tooth-ache being chewedin the mouth;being drunke it prouoketh wineand draweth awaywaterifh humors,and isyfed in medicines againft poifon. The leaues boiled in water,andthe decoétion drunke; helpeth themthat are entering into the 3 Marioranatenuifolia. Maricrome gentle, compact ofdiuers fimall chaftie feales, of white colour tending to abluth.. The whole plant isa together like the great feet Maricromes fans that itis altogether Jeffer, and far fiveeters MDE efpecially confifteth the difference. ‘ 4 Epimaioranais likewifea kind of Matieioms diffe ot from the laft deferibed,fauing 3 that this plant hath in his naturall country 0! dy, and not elfewhere, forne laces or threds vato his branches, fuch,andafter the famem as thofeare that doe stow vpon Sauotl e,whereit the difference, dtopfic:ir cafeth them that are troubledwithdifficultie of making water, and fuch as are giuen to Otlermuch fighing, and eafeth the paines of the belly. The leaues dried and mingled with hony, and giuen, diffolueth congealed or clotted-blood,and putteth awayblacke andblew markesafterftripes and brufes,being applied thereto. The leaues are excel lent goodtobe put into all odoriferous ointments, waters,pouders, broths, and meates. The driedleaues poudered,andfinely fearched,are goodto be ptit into Cerotes,or Cere-cloths anc ointments, profitable againft colde fivellings,and members out of joint. E Thereis an excellent oile to be drawne forth of thefe herbes, good againft the fhrinking of uhewes, crampes, convulfions, andall aches proceeding ofa colde caufé, i: Cuap.218, q The Place. Thefe plants dogrowin S other Iflands thereabout, wilde , and inthe 3 © @ The Defription. from whence wee hauethefeeds forthe ga our cold countries, oa @ The Time. not in the cuening nor mornings @ The Names. Dutch. Mayorant in St dux; and.4 lith; Swe :inF of branches,a foot high and fometimes higher. The leaues be broad, more long than ee round ofa whitifh greene colour: on the top ofthe branches ftand long fpikie fealed forth the They.are fowne in. May, and. bring ! {caly or chaifie huskes or cares in Auge tobe wateredin the middle oftheday Sunne fhineth hotteft, euenas Bafill fh are. Aftard Marjerome growethftraight vp with little round ftalkes ofa reddith colour,full Lat y Marierome is called Maré alfo: <Afarim and Sampfych: Ofwilde <Marjerome. ine,Italy,Cam 49} q hes i an of which thoot forthlittle white floures like the Houring of wheate. The whole plant r The, imell,and (harpe biting tafte. = nt,bur is ncolc hte Organy, or baftard‘ Marjerome with white floures,differingc little fromthe3 preyOu ‘ 5 eet ont and {tature, This plant hath whiterand broader leaues,and alfo'muchhigher, “in confifteth the difference Baftard Maric Ala. . 7 : 2 d beBletranch on - of Candy hath many threddyroots ; from whichrife vp diuers weake ground, fet withfaire greene leaues,notvnlike thofe of Penvpon the ae* one Proacer and fhorter : at.the top of colour,” thofe branches ftandfealie or chaffie eares of a m 5 ae Thecapuen wholegf plant isz ofa moft pleafant fiveet fmell. The root endured in my garden ' and kk ana |