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Show ——— 1420 Of the Hiftory of Plants. i Lisi Lr: 3. pias Of daa Hiftorie of Plants; Sefeli Aithiopicumfrutex. @ The Vertues: They take away the heate ofburning agues,and alfo the drought, they quench thefurioushate ofcholer; they ftay vomiting, reftore an appetite to meate which was loft by reafon of choleticke and corrupt humors, and are good againft the peftilentdifeafes, B Theiuice ofthefealfois boyledtill it be thicke,with fugar added that it may be kept, which is goodfor all things that the berries are,yea and farbetter, more gummie, approching very neere vato the leaues of Oleander bothin fhape and fubftance,being ofa deepe or darke green colour, Shrub Sefely,or Hart-woort ofEthiopia, and ofa very goodfauour and {mell,and con- tinueth greene in my garden both winter and Sommer, like the Bay or Laurel!. The floures do growat the tops of the branches in yellow rundleslike the floures of Dill , which being pat, there fucceedeth a darke or duskie feed refembling the feed of Fennell,andofa bitter $ Thaue brought this Chapter and the next followingfrom the place they formerly held, and (eated them here amonght thereft oftheir kindred. tafte, The root is thicke and of a wooddy Cuar. 75.. Of (loud-berry. Vaccinia Nubes. fubftance. q The Place. It is found both.in ftony places,and on the q The Defiription, Cloud-berries. . 1421 ngs fea coafts notfarre from Marfilles,and likewife in other places of Languedocke: it alfo groweth in Ethiopia, inthe darke and defart He Cloud-bertie hath many ‘fmall threddy roots,creeping farre abroad vnder the vpper cruft. of the earth, and alfo the moffe,like vnto Couch-graffe, woods : it growethin my garden, GQ TheTime. ofan ouerworn reddith colour, fet here and pR there with {maltufts ofhairy ftrings:from Te flouritheth, floureth and feedeth in Iuly whichrife vp two fmallftalks,hard, ough, and ofa wooddyfubftance (neuer more nor lefle) on which doe ftand the leaues like thofe ofthe wilde Mallow, andof the fame colour,full of {mall neruesor finewes run- and Ausuft. @ The Names, The Grecians call it aisoeéefex: the La- tines likewife -4thiopicum Sefeli - the figypLIANS,wsoror gpien: that is, Dogs horrour : in Eng- ning in each part of the fame: between the leaules commeth vp a ftalke likewile ofa lith, Sefely of Erhiopia, or Ethiopian Hartwoort. wooddy fubftance, whereon doth grow2 {mall floure confiftingoffiue leaues, of an herby or yellowifh green colour likethofe ofthewilde Auens. Aftér commeththe fruit, greene at thefirft, after yellow, and the fides next the Sunred when they beripe ; in forme almoft like vntoa little heart, madeas it were oftwo, but @ The Temperatureand Vertues. Sefely of Ethiopia is thought to hauethefame faculties that the Sefely of Marfilles hath hereuntoI refer it, 380 more butone, open aboue,andclofed together in the bortom,ofa harth orfharpe tafte,where iris contained three ‘or fourelittle white feeds. @ The Place. Cuar.77. . Of the Eldertree. This plant growcth naturally vpon the tops oftwo high mountaines (amongthe moflic See one in Yorkfhire called Ingleborough, the other in Lancafhire called Pendle, two of the hig iC mountaines inall England, where the cloudsare lower than the topsofthe fameal! Winter!" Be whereupon the people of the countrey haue called them Cloud-berries, found there by 2 ©usiOus gentleman in the knowledge ofplants, called a often remembred. q The Kindes. Here be diuers forts of Elders, fome of the fand,and fome of thewater or marith grounds fome with very jaggedleaues, and others with double floures, as {hall bedeclared. The Time, | The Defcription, (The leaues {pring vp in May, at which ne it floureth: the fruit is ripe in Iuly. q The Temperature. Hecommon Elder groweth vp nowandthen tothe bigneffe of a meane tree, cafting his boughes all about,and oftentimes remainetha fhrub:the body isalmoft all wood- Thefruit is cold and dry, andvery aftringent. | TheVertues, A. ' ae The fruit quencheththirft, cooleth the ftomacke,and allayeth- inflammations, being ¢#ee Wortsate, orthe deco@ion made and drunke. he (ieneeet® the(ee Y Myfriend M, Pimble of Maribone receined a plant hereof outofLancafhire: andby the fhapeof the leafe1 could notiudge .eto differ+ from imperits oe formerly deferibed,pag.4273.ncither doethe defcriptionsmuch differ in any materiall point : the figures differmore; but I indge hisa very q The Defiription. j 2 bftance = His kind ofSefely,being the Athiopian Sefely hath blackithftalks ofawooddy fublanc ” ; ae Ree ? Secs with thick’ <i this plant diuidethit felfe into fang other armes or branches, whichare befet with “other vnderit necrer to the wood,ofcolour greene .the fubftance of the woodis found, fome4tyellow, and that maybe eafily cleft: the leaues confift of fiue or fix particular onesfaftened oherib like thofe of che Walnut tree,bur euery particular one is lefler, nicked in the edges,and “@tanke and ftinking fmell. The floures grow on {pokie rundles,whichbe thinandfcattered,of Cuar. 76. Offhrub Heart-Wort ofAithiopia. z die, hauing very little,pith within, but the boughes and efpecially the young ones chbe iointed, are tull ofpith within,andhaue but little wood without : the barke ofthe body 4 peatarmesis rugged and full ofchinks, and of an ill fauoured wan colour like afhes : that of ~*boughes is not v ery {mooth,but in colour almoft like;and that is the outward barke, for there oe *_ fatand oileous leaues, fafhioned fomewhat like the WWood-binde leaues, but — = vy,by? ¢ Colour and fiveet fmell :after them growvp little berries, greene at the firft,afterwards Wheteout is preffed a purple juice, which being boiled with Allom and fuchlike things, get ferue verywell for the Painters vfe,as alfo tocolour vineger: the feeds in thefe arealittle swatd fomewhat long. There stowcth oftentimes vponthe bodies ofthofe old trees or fhrubs 'Sttaine excrefeencecalled With~@ skin, ci. fomewhat xin, cAuricula Inde, or lewes eare, which is foft, blackifh, conered ; : ; age dryed; like now now and then toa toa es mans eare, fomewhat like and then o whi whichbeingSPplucked off and Gi Dade Oe |