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Show Lis: 1, 4 + 19 Tulipapumilio lutea, The yellow Dwarfe Tulip; Thedwarfe Tulip with datkeredfloure S ed ged with greene. + 18 Tulipapumilioflore purpurafcenti intus candido. The Dwarfe Tulip witha purplithfloure ?white within. £ 19 Tulipapumii:jo obfcure rubeus orisvirentibus. Ofthe Hittorie of Plants. Lives 4 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. = 143 The fourth kinde of Tulipa, that flourethlater, hath leaues, ftalks,androots like vnto the precedent.. The floures hereof be of a skarlet colour, welted or bordered about the edges with red. The middle partis like vntoa hart tending towhiteneffe, {potted in the fame whitenes with red {pecklesor {pots. The {eed is contained in {quare cods,flat,tough,and fineivie. $ 22 Tulipa miniata. The Vermilion Tulip. £ 21 Tulipaanveaorisrubentibus, $ 23 Tulipaalbo & rubro friatus. The white andred ftriped Tulip, _ The gold yellow with red edgeg % 20 TulipaPerficaflore rubro, ovis albidis elegans. ‘The pretty Perfim Tulip hauinga red louie with whitith elges, aes ee Hey 5 The fift fort ofTulipa, which is neither ofthe timely ones, nor ofthe later flouring fort, butone that buddethforthhis moft beautifull floures betweene both. It agreeth with the laft de{cribed Tulipa,in leaues, ftalkes, roots, and feed, but differeth in floures. The floure confifteth offix fmal] leaues ioyned together at the bottome: the middle of which leaues are Ofa pleafant bloudycolour, the edges be bordered with white, and the bottome next vntotheftalke is likewife white ; the whole floure refembling in colour the bloffomes ofan Apple tree. 6 Thefixth hathleaues, roots, ftalkes, andfeed like vnto the former, but much greaterin euery point. The floures hereofare white, dafht about the brimmes or edges with ared or bluth colour. The middle partis ftripped*confufedly with the fame mixture, wherein is the difference, 7 Carolus Clufius {etteth forth in his Pannonicke hiftoriea kinde of Tulipa that beareth faire red floures, blackein the bottome, with a peftell in the middle ofan ouer-worne gteenith colours ofwhichfort there happeneth fometo haueyellow floures, agreeing withthe others beforetou- ched: but this bringeth forth encreafe ofrootin the bofomeofhis loweft leafe next to the Ralke, contrarie toall the other kindes of Tulipa. 8 Lobelivs in his learned Obferuations hathfet forth manyotherforts ; one ‘he calleth Tulipa Chalcedonica, or the TurkyTulipa, faying itis the leaft of the {mall kindes or Dwarfe Tulipa’s, whofe floure is of a fanguine red colour,vpona yellow ground, agreeing with the others in roote, leafe,andftalke. Z 9 Hehathlikewifefer forth another; his floureis like the Lilly in proportion, but in colour ofafine purple. ‘ to. Wemayalfo beholdanother fort altogether greater than any of the reft, whofe floure is in colourlike the ftone called« A merhift, not “nike to the doures of Peonie. : tt @Wehauelikewife another of ereater beauty, and very much defired ofall , with white floures datht onthe backfide, witha light wath of watchet colour. a2 There |