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Show = Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Lis. —9 cs and Xenopetly call ‘aginMaXa is made ofparched Barley temperedwithwater,after Hippocrat hon : Cyrus hauing called his fouldiers together,exhorteth themto drinke waterw herein parched eis Hordeum Spurium, Wall Barley. Ohethe KiltonsiofGlam) fatley ath beenefteeped , calling itby the famename, Maza. Hefjchius doth interpret ws to be ee a 7 sees Crap. 52, Poppie, the pou. ieeae Nightthade, the leaues of garden der of Foenugreeke and Linefeed,and alittle Hogs greafe, is good againft all hot and burning Of Wall Barley. fvellings, andpreuaileth againft the Dropfie, being applied vpon the belly. q The defcription. His kinde ofwilde Barleycalled of the La« tines Hordeum Spurium ; is called ofPliny, Cuar. 51. Of Naked Barley. Barley,or after old Englifh Writers, Way Ben- net. It groweth vpon mudwalls and ftony places by the wayes fides ; very well refembling G The defcription. Hordeumnudur. Naked Barley. Holcus ; in Englith, Wall Barley, Way Selfe-fowed Barley, yet the blades are rather like graffe than Barley. + This groweth fome footand better in height, with graffic leaues, the Ordeum nudumis called Zeopyrum, and Tri- tico-Speltum, becaufe it is like to Zea, otherwife called Spelta, and is like to that whichis called French Barley, whereofis made that noble drinkeforficke Folkes, called Prifana. The plantis altogether like vnto Spelt, fauing eare is very like that of Rie, andthe corne both in colourandfhape abfolutelyrefembles it 3 {6 that it cannotbefitlier namedthan bycalling it that the eates are rounder, the ciles or beards rougher and longer, and the feed or graine naked without huskes,like towheat, the which in it’s wilde Rie, or Rie graffe. + The vertues. yellowith colourit fomewhatrefembles. This Baftard wilde Barley ftamped and ap- A plied ynto places wanting haire, doth caufe it to grow and comeforth ; whereupon in old time it wascalled Riftida, q Theplace. ¥ Itis fownein fundry places of Germany, for the fame vfes as Barleyis. | Thenames, 4 Brixamonococcos. S.Peters Gomme, It is called Hordeum Nudum, for that the Corneis without huske, and refembleth Barley. In Greeke it is called zsmen, becaufe it participatethin fimilitudeand nature with Zea, thatis, Spelt,and Pyros, (that is) wheat, + @ The vertues, This Barley boyled in water cooleth vnnatu- ralland hot burning choler. In vehementfeners you may addethereto the feeds ofwhite Poppi e and Lettufe,not onely tocoole, but alfo ro pro- uokefleepe. J ‘Againft the fhortneffeof the breath, and paines ofthe breft, may be added to all the forefaid, ’ figs, raifins ofthe Sunne, liquorice, and Annife feed. Being boyled in the WhayofMilke,with the leaues of Sorrell, Marig olds,and Scabious, it c quencheth thirft, and cooleth the and laft to bedward, Cuar. 53, heate ofthe inflamed Liuer > being drunke firft in the mornin g, Cuar: OfSaint Peters. Cornes Feftuca ttalica. Hauer Graffe. |