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Show 1362 D Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Moreouer,there is gathered out from the Rofins as from Frankencenfe,a congealed {nok eile in Latine Fulico sin Gteekewme and in Englith, Blackewhich ferueth for medicines that beau fie the eie lids, andcure the fretting fores of the corners ofthe eies, and alfo Watering eies frit LOT drieth withoutbiting. Cuar. 43. There.is made hereof faith Diofcorides, writing inke, but in/our agenot that whichwewtie | The Defcription. withall, but the fame which ferueth for Printersto print their bookes with, that is to fay: ofthis blacke,or congealed fmoke,and other things added. Of the Firre or Deale Tree. ah 1 are Firre tree groweth very high andgreat, hauing his leaues euer greene;his trunke or body fmooth,cuen and ftraight,without ioints or knots, vntill it hath gotten branches ; Of Pitch andTar. whichare many andvery faire,befet with leaues,not much vnlike the leayes of the Ewe tree, but finaller:among which comeforth floures vponthetaller trees, growing at the bottomes of the The manner of drawingforth ofPitch. leaes like little catkins,as you may fee them expreft ina branch apart by themfelues: the fruitis Outofthe fatteft wood of the Pine tree changed intothe TorchPine,is drawne Pitch byfore of fire. A place mutt be pauedwith ftone,or fome otherhard matter, a little higher in the mid- dle, about which there muft alfo be made gutters,into which the liquor fhall fall ; thenourftom like vato the Pine Apple,but {mallet and narrower,hanging downe as the Pine Apple: the timber ek all other timberfor the mafting offhips,pofts,tails,deale boords,and fundry other purpofes. them other gutters are tobe drawne, by which it maybe receiued being reagiued,it isiputinto ‘y Abies. The Firre tree, barrels. The place being thus prepared, the clouen wood of the Torch Pine mukt befer vpright, then muft itbe covered with a great number of Fir and Pitch boughes,and on euerypartall about with much lome and earth : and great heed muft be taken, leaft there be any cleft orchinkere- £2 Abiesmas. The male Firre tree; maining, onely a whole left inthe top ofthe futsace,thorowwhichthe fire maybe put inand the flame and fmoke maypaffe our: when the fireburneth the Pitch runnerhforth,firft the thin, and then thethicker. This liquoris called in Greeke vex : in Latine,Pix : in Englith, Pitch, and the moifture;euen the famethat firft runneth is named ofPli#ie in his t 6.booke,11. chapter, Cedria : There isboyled in Europe,faith he, from the Torch Pine liquid Pitch vfed about fhips, and ‘feruingfor many other purpofes ; the wood being clouen fs burned with fire, and fet round about the furnaceson euery fide,after the manner ofmaking ‘Charcoles: the firft liquor runneth thorowthe guttetlike water: (this in Syria is called Cedfium, whichis offo great vertue,as in Egypt the bodies ofdead menare preferued,beingall couered ouer withit) the liquorfollowing being row thicker,s made Pitch. But Diofcorides writeth,that Cedriais gathered of the great Cedar tree, and nameth the lt quor drawne out ofthe Torch tree byforce offire,aan vne: this is, that which the Latines call Pix iquida : the Italians ,Pece liquida : inhigh Dutch, #8eich bach $in low Durch, Geer: in French, Poix foudire : in Spanith, Pex liquida : certaine Apothecaries, Kitran : and we in Englith, Tat. Andof this when itis boiled is'madea harder Pitch: this is named in Greeke fret nen! in Latine, Arida,orficca Pix:of divers, wrinran* as though they fhould fay, Irerata Pix, or Pitch iterated beeanfe it is boiled the fecond time. A certaine kinde hereofbeing made clammie orglewing!s named ézes:: in fhops, Pix nawalisor Ship Pitch : in high Dutch,2Bach:in low Dutch, Speeenpect: in Italian,Pecefecca : in French,Poixfeche : in Spanifh,Pe?_feca : in Englith, Stone Pitch. | The Temperature andVertues, Pitch is hot and dry,Tarte is hottet,and ftone pitch more dryingas Gales writeth. Tar isgood againft inflammations ofthe almondsofthethrote, and the uvula, and likewife the Squincie, be c ing outwardly applied. deity lings of the kernels, and hard fwellings of the mother and fundament, UA, It is aremedie for mattering eares with oile ofRofes <it healeth the bitings of Serpents, ifirbe beaten withfalt and applied. vd With an equall portion of wax it taketh away foule ilfauouted’nailes, irwafteth away fivelWith barly meale and a boies vrine it confumeth sim, or the Kings cuill : it ftaieth eats” cers, ifit be laid vnto them withbrimftone, and thebarke of the Pitch Tree, or with branme, If itbe mixed with fine Frankincenfe, anda cerote made thereof,it healerh chops ofthe funca mentandfeet. safteth matter, aod wafteth it ripens and maketh Stone Pitch doth mollifieand foften hard fwellings : awayhard fwellings and inflammations of kernels: it filleth vp hollow, vicers, and is fitly m with wound medicines. xed ing, but What vertue Tarré hath whenit is.inwardly taken we may reade in Diofeorides and Galt, H wefet downe nothing thereof, for tharmanin ouragewill eafily vouchfafe the taking. poles; There is alfo made of Pitch a congealed fmokeor blacke,which feruethfor the fame pulp asthat ofthe Rofins doth. ‘ CG HAP. ,? There is another kindeof Firetree, whichis likewifea very high andtalltree, and higher tan thePine : the bodyofiris ftraight without knots below, waxing {maller and fmaller even to ‘every top : about whichit fendethforth boughes, foure together out ofoneandthe felfe fame eetthe body, placed one againft another,in manner ofa croffe, growing forth of the foure fides Po body,and obferuing the fame order even to the very top: out of thefe boughes grow others one utby twoandtwo,oneplaced right againftanother,out ofthe fides which bend downwards “0 the other beare vpwards : the léaues compaffe the boughes round about,and the branches “tof: they be long, round,and blunt pointed, narrower,and much whiter than thofe ofthe Pitch < sthatis to fay,ofa light greene,and ina manner of awhite colour: the cones or clogs be long, “longer than anyothers of the conetrees, they confift ofa multitude offoft feales, they hang oy one the end ofthe twigs,anddoe notealily fall downe, but remaine on - Pierties long t ibfiey me on the one fides ery like aimoft to the wings ofBees; org) rome ce of the woodis white,and clad with many coats, like the head ofan Onion. ¥yyyy 2 4 The |