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Show $$, Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 10 Ci/us humilis latifolius. LowCittus with broad leaues. my it Ciftus humilis anguftifolias. Low Ciftus with narrowleaues, Pines 12 OFthe Hiftory Phe The low orbafe Ciftus of Auftria groweth likewife leaning to the ground , hauing many yooddy branchesvery firmeand tough, couered witha blackith batke ; whereon do crow very mapytoughand hairy leavesin fhape like thofe of the fmall myrtle, ofa fhining greene on the vpperfdeand ofan aftringent tafte von euery branchftandeth one floure, feldome two,in forme like the ather, but confifting ofone leafe deeply diuided into fiue parts, and ofa white'colour tending toa fh colour. 13 This low fort of Ciftus hath many long tough branches trailing vpon the ground,ofa red- difhcolour, whereondo growfimall leaueslike thofe ofwilde Tyme, ofa darke green colour,very thickeand far, and fomewhat hairy : the floures growatthe top ofthe branches,ofa yellow gold colcut, confifting offiue {mall leaues ofa very fweet fmell. The root’is thicke, hard , and wooddie. 14 This ftrange and rare plant of Lobels obferuation I haue thought meet to be inferred amongft the kindes of Ciftus, asa friend of theirs, ifnot one of the kinde : it hath leaues like ynto themale Ciftus (the firft in this chapter defcribed) but more hairy,bearingat the top of his branshesa {mall knopin fhape like a rotten Strawberry, but not of the fame fubftance; forit is comee ofafcaly or chaflie matter fuchas is in the middeft of the Camomill floutes, and ofaruffer colour, 14 Ciffus exoticus Lobelif., Lobels ftrange Ciftus. 12 Ciftus humilis Anftriaca Clufij . Low Ciftus ofAuftria. 16 Myrtociffus Tho.Pennei Angli. D‘. Penny his Ciftus, 33 Ciflus humilis Prpilli folio. Low Ciftus with leaueslike wilde Tyme. 0 ZZ Wee x aS ) KV aM NF =a =WW SAT =, eI) hy ‘| J) This adulterine or counterfeit or forged C iftus growesto the height ofa hedge buth :the Hes are long or brittle, whereon do growlongleaueslike thofe of the Willow, ofan ouer- vsMnuffet colour : the floures are fmnall, confifting of fiuelittle yellow leaues :the whole plant bn viewed feemeth to bea Willow,but atthefirft fight one of the Ciftus ; fo that. itis > UdengeDating ofboth: therootis wooddy. + Bavhine iudges this(which our ate _ o tt k Sured and named Ciftas adulterinus ) to be the Ciftus fet forth in the eighth plage oF the les opter faue one : but [rather iudgeit tobe of the LedymSilefiacum fet forthin thecleuenth _ : a chapter,and againe in the twelfth,where you may finde more chee t wi Pi his kindeof Ciftus, which D'. Peway (a famous Phyfitian of London ee € ) idegaites a the Tflands of Majorica or Majorca, andcalled it by the name mermeee11 oe ftoynd1.18.2 fhrub growing to the height ofthree cubits,havinga very fOgH Hatke,.e; cundaboutwith roughand f{cabbed wafts; which bark wil ofit felfe eafily fall away from the Ppppp 2 old |