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Show capillariesMie Of the Hiftory of Plants. 1504 7 _Cerafus multiflorafructus edens, The double floured Cherry tree bearing fruit, 8 Cerafirs multiflora panciores Se | fructus edins The doule floured barren Cherrytree ; bie. OftcheHliftory of Planes are fometimes once doubled : the fruit is fmall, jeaues,branches,and floures, fauing that they with cheir they be ripe, which the French-meén gather round, and ofadarke bloudy colour when which the Phyfiin bunches or handfulls againft winter, ina little warme falkes,and hang them vp in their houfes ed fteep firft being , feuers hot and burning tiansdo giue vato their patients in frefh as when they did grow vpon the pe vp as fall and water,that caufeth themto fell and plum tree. laftdeferibed either in Jeaues,branches,or 4 The Clufter Cherry-tree differeth not fromthe is of them tobe double. The fruit commeth any one fature : the floures are alfo like,but neuer or footftalke in clufters, like as the they be ripe,and many growing vpon one fiem round,red when fomewhat foure. Grapes do. Thetalte is not vnplea fant,although vp vnto a {mall tree, not vnlike to the comgrowes floures double ith w 7 This Cherrie-tree are fomewhat doubled,thatis to fay, three flours the that fauing refpeét, mon Cherrie-tree in each in {mall quantitie)like the other comfrnit(though commeth orfoure times double ; after which mon Cherrie. high like vnto an hedge buth, burt not fo great nor The 8 The double floured Cherrie-tree groves vp Cherrie-trees. the of reft the from not differ as any of the cthers ; the leaues and branches foures of Marigolds, but of a white colour,and the floures hereof are exceeding double, as are ,after which come feldome or neuer any fruit,alfmelling fomewhat like the Hawthorne floures at any fometimes fruit, which myfelfe haue not beareth it that though ome Authors haue {aid and that in an excelyeeres, many garden my in growne time feen ; notwithftanding the tree hath reflection ofthe South funne, fit fora tree that Jentgood place by abricke wall,where it hath the isnot wiliing to bearefruit in our cold climat. 12 Chayacerafus. 11 Cerafus nigra. The dwarfe Cherry-tree. The common blacke Cherry-tree 9 Cerafus aninmnigra cy racemofa, Birds Cherry,and blacke Grape Cherry tree, gs 10 Cerafus racemofarubran Red Grape Cherry tree. 3 Er VS ~ PY Dien ep = y-tree, that bringeth forth very muchfruitvpon 3 The Birds Cherry-ttee,or the blacke Chert vp fight ofthe figure, than by words) fpringethfor by ftood ynder be may er one branch (whichbett the wilde woods of Kent,andate there vfed veth in likean hedge cree of {rnall feature, it gro efpecially thofe called phe of better tafte,and more profit, as vpon, ies Cherr other zraft to s #ocke Fingland,efpecially at a of North the in fully plenti s very Flanders Cherties:this wilde tree growe diuers other places about CrofRofgillin Weftmerland, and in place called Hesedale,neect vato fe in Martome Parke, foure likewi th srowe it rie-tree: bie Rauenfiwaith, and there called Hegber miles LUI! |