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Show Sea 1600 An Appendix to ~~forementioned right Honorable Earle, with fome branches yet retaining itheanes. Thelelite é heads confifted of manyflender, narrow,and'as it were prickly little leaues; amongtt which Ia hid round feeds,{mooth,blacke,and fomewhat fwoln in the middle : the floures I faw not. neither I whether they were brought with thereft : but whether the leaues ofthis plane being Steen io growing onthe ground,do witherat thea pproch ofones hand,as Chriffopher A Coitarwti ces aa that caufe impofes the name thereo n, they beft know whohauefeene the greene and yet pes plant : for the faculties you may haue recourfe to that which 4 Cofta hathfet downe, Thus Nae out of Clufius. a Novemb.7.1632. [being with M".f06 Bef? at the Trinity houfein Ratcliff e ; amonz other vari ties,he fhewed me adryplant hereofwhich I heed fully obferiie d, and carefully bpening out fome ofthe faireft leaues,which(as alfo the whole plant befides)werec ydried,I foundthe leaues grewvfually fome dozen or more ona foor-ftalke,iutt as manyonarelefl onefide as on the other. & the were couered ouer witha little downines, which ftanding out ontheir edges madethem Jookas te they had bin fhipt about the edges,whichtheywerenot: alfo I foundat euery ioint two littlehoo. ked prickles, ¬ two little leauesor appendices at the fetting on of the foot-ftalks, but three or foure little leaues, as the rudimentof a yong branch comming forth ar the bofom of each footftalk:the longeft branch (as faras I remember) was not abouea {pan long;I then drew as perfecdafigure as I could ofthe perfe eft branch therof. drawit g asneere as ].could the leaves totheirful bigneffe,the whichI here prefent you withall. There are two figures formerlyextane,theone this of Clufiws whichI here giue you,andthe otherin the 18 .booke .& 144-chap.of the HiftLue whichis our of A Cofta,and this feeems tobe fo far different from that of Clufius, that Banshinein-his Pinay faith, Clu fus aottsfuis in Acoftam diuer{amplane figurampropo(wit berbam ofam wominans -buthedid not wel confider it, for if he had,he might haue foundthefe fomuch« srent,thus far to agree.they both ae Hiftory of Plants. G The Defcription. He hiftory andfigure of this treearefet forth in Clufins his Cure pofter, and there.it is afferted robe the wresers, OF sharon, ofTheophrafius ; for by divers places in Theophraftus there collected, iris evident, that his Cela/fus was cuer. greene, grew vpon very. high and cold mountaines, yet mightbe tran{planted into plaine and milder places, thatit floured.ex. ceeding late and: could not perfeét the fruit,by reafon ofthe nigh approch ofwinter, and.tharit wasfit for no other vfe but to make ftaues onfor oldmen. ite ab Nowthistre¢ growes but toa {mall height, hauing a firme and hard body,diuidingit felfe at thetop into fundry branches, which being yonge are couered witha greene barke, but waxing old witha brownith one; it hath many leaues, growinga lwaies one againft another, and thicke toge- ther, ofa deepe fhining greene aboue, and lighter vnderneath, Keeping theirverdure both Winter and Sommer:theyare of the bigneffe of thofe of Alatermus, not {nipt about the edges, but onely a little nickt, when they are yet yong ; at the top ofthe tendereft branches among the leaues, vpon footftalkes of fome inch long, growfiue orfix little floures confifting commonly of fine Airtle leaues ofa yellowith greene colour, and thefe fhew themfelues in theend of Aurumnne,or the beginning of Winter, andalfo in the beginning of the Spring ; but ifthe Sommer be cold and moift it fhewes the buds of the foures’ in October ; the fruit growes ona fhartftalke andisa berry of the bigneffe ofthe Myrtle, firft green,then red,ofthe colour of that Of A/parayus,and laftly blacke whenit is withered : the ftone within the berryis little,and asitwere threecornered, conteining akernéll coucred witha yellowfilme. Where this growes wilde Lknow not,bur it was firft taken notice Ofin the publike ein atthe Vniuerfitic of Leyden, from whence it was brought into ns ofthis Kingdome. aT THeaePhyl iu of|Clef, may fitly be refer’d to the reft of the fametribe and name deferibed formerly in the 59. chapter of thethe third booke. It growes fomewhat taller than the make the branches prickly & weak: the leaues manyon one rib,oneo ppofite to another with. outan odde oneat the end ; but Clufus figures the leaues fo clofe together, that they feem butone leafe,and Acefia makes them too fara funder,and bothof them make themtoo fharp pointed ; Clu, made his be taken from a dried plant,and Acosta 1 iudg made his by the Idwa thereofwhich he had Scarlet’ Oke, and hath branches of the thickneffe of ones thumbe or fomewhat mote, and thafe expreft;but of this enough, ifnot too much, couered with a grecne barke marked with whitith {pots , the leaues-fomewhat refemble thofe of the Scatlet Oke, but gteater, greener,thicker,fomewhatfaye about theedges,ofanaftringent in his memorie,and after this manner,ifmy inudgement faile me not, are moftof the floures in him : Cuar. 8, Ofthe Staffe tree,and cue r-greene Princt, ws Theophrafti. 2 Phillyrea 1 .Cluf, Clufius his 1.Mocke-Priuet, tafte, buenot vngratefull. The floure thereof C/ufius did notfee, the fruitis a little blacke berry, hanging downe out from the bofome of the leaues, and. conteining a os or ftone therein, Ir growes wilde in mahy wilde places ofPortugale, where they call it Azebo. ‘ The temperature and vertues are refer’d to thofe fer downe in the formerly mentioned chapter. Cuar. 9. Of Mocke-Willw. SpeiraaT‘beophrafti, Clif, hocke-VYillow. © The Defcriptions His Willow leaued thrub, which Chufius T coniectures maybe refer’d tothe Speiraa mentioned by Theophrajtws, lib. 1. cap. 23. hifts plant. 1 haue named in Englifh, Mocke-Willow, Rowfitly I know nor,but ifany willimpofeafircername I thall bewell pleafedthere- with ; but tochething it felfe. Itis a fhrub; (faith Clufiws) {ome two cubitshigh, hauing flender branches or twigs couered.ouer with a reddifh barke, whereon grow many leaues without order, long, narrow,like thofe of the Willow,{niprabout the edges,ofa light green aboue, and ofa blewifh greene yndetneath, of a drying tafte conjoyned with fome bitternes, The tops of the branches for fome fingers length carry thicke {pikes offmall floures cluftering together, and confifting of fiue leaues apiece, out ofwhofe middle come forth many little threds of a whitith red or fleth colour, together with the floure,hauing no peculiar TFeeece fmell; eee ce eeee |