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Show 06 Ofthe Hitorie ofPlants. re. List Tongue, Seighourts : yet wemust makeadifference betweene Gladiolus andVittoréalis longa sfor The root ofCorne-Flag,as Galen faith,is offorce to draw, wafte, or confume away, anddry,as alfo ofa fubtill and digefting qualitie. A. B oF ofthofe bulbed reots, whofe faire andbeautifull Floures ate receiued for their grace and orn. that is a kinde of Garlicke found vpon the highe{t Alpith mountaines,which is likewifecalled ofthe Germanes Seignoutts, The Floures of Corne-Flagare calledof the Italians, Monacuccios in Englith, Comne-Flag, Corne-Sedge, : ORaesron Gladin : in French, G/ais. Of the Hiftorie of Plants, § ment in gardens and garlands: the firft are the Hyacinths, whereofthereis found at this day di, uers forts, differing very notably in many points,as fhall be declared in their feueral defctiptions, + 3 Hyacinthusftellatus bifolins. 4 Hyacinthusflellatus Lilifoling tum‘lore &forwine: Two-leaued RarryLacinth. TheLilly leaued ftarry Tacinth in flourciand feed, @ The vertues. Theroot ftamped with the pouder of Frankiticenfe and wine,and applied,draweth forth fplin- ters and rhornes thatfticke faft in the flefh. Being ftamped withthe meale of Dataell andhonied water, doth wafte and make fubtill hard lumps, nodes, and fivellings, being emplaiftred, Cc Someaffirme, that the vppet root prouoketh bodily luft, and the lower caufeth barrenneffe. D Thevppetrootdrunke inwater is profitable againft that kinde of burfting in children called Enterocele. The root of Corne-Flag ftamped with hogs greafe and wheaten meale,hath been found bylate Practitioners in phyficke and Surgerie, tobe a certaine and approued remedie againft the Struma Scrophule, and fuch like fwellings in the throat, F The cods withthe feed dried and beateninto pouder,and drunk in Goats milke or A fles milke, prefently taketh away the paine ofthe Collicke. Cuare77 3 Hyacinthusflellatus Fachfij, Starry Tacinth, OfStarry Hyacinths andtheir kindes. | ‘4 +2 Hyacinthusftellaris albicans. The white floured ftarry lacinth, £6 Byaeltthus fellara ByXaninasy Theftarry Iacinth of Conftantinople) ( at : i" | Thekindes, a Heche likewake bulbousor Onionrooted plants that do orderly fucceed, whereof fomeaté tobe eatep, as Onions, Garlicke, Leekes, and Ciues; notwithftanding Lam firft to ented 7 “vr : Tene |