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Show 1020 Of che Hittorie of Plants. + Apium fylueftre fine Thiffelinm, Wilde Parfley. Lipa Lis. 2 Ofthe HiftoryofPlants; Ty Gancalis.albis floribus 4 @. The Place, Battard Parfley with white floures. is R found byvA’ponds fides in moif-andd: moift and dan. +2 Caucalis Apy folijs floré rabro. Baftard Pariley with red Houres, ae laces, in ditches alfo, hauing if them rs,and oftentimes by old ftockes t I have not as yet. obferued this plan owing W ildewithvs. 4 @ The Time, It floureth and bringethforth feedin Tun ind Tuly. @ The Nature: The thopsofthe Lowcountries hayemifcalled it in times paft by the name ofHem, and vfedit for the right Mew,or Spiktelirort, The Germaines nameit Offenich sVairies Cordus,olfenichium diuersinthe Low-Comtries call it ‘otlde Eppes that is to fayin La. tine, Apinmfylucfire.or wildeParfleyiand fome, Water Eppe : that is, Hydreflinen, or Apium aquatile water Parfley: and oftentimes is itna med, aswe havealreadywritten, E/co/elinm, and Sivm. It may be morerightly termed in Latine, 4pinmfjluefire,andin Englifh,wilde Parfley. " Diofcorides hath made mention of wilde Parfleyin the chapter of Danw or wilde Car- rot: and Theophraftus in his feuenth booke, where he maketh the Parfleyes to differboth in leaves and ftalkes,and fheweth that fome hhauewhite ftalkes, others purple, or elfe of ftndry colours, andthat there is alfoa certainc wilde Parfley.; forhe faith that thofe which hauethepurple ftalkes, and the ftalkés of diners colours, comeneereft of all to the wilde Patfley. Andthereforefeeing that olfenichixm, 01 wilee Parfley, hath the lower part of the ftalke of a purplith colour,andlike in Jeaues to Parfley,which in times paftwe thought goodrather tocall Apiumfilueftre, or wilde Parfley,than to erte with tke Apetheearies,and to rakeit for Mew, And after when we now knowthat it was heldtobe 7 ne nijand that we could alledge nothing tothe contrary,weal fofetled ourfelues t0 be of theiropint- on; andthe rather,becaufe the faculties are agreeable. Thy/felinm,faith Pliny , Wt. as,thingallothe chard he is not vnlike to Parfley : the-toot hereof purgeth flegmeout of the head;which root of offnichinmdoth effectually performe, as we will forthwith declare. The same a agreeable, for it feemeth to becallled suavsen, becaufe it cxtendethit felfe, in Greeke, sw thoror deieve, OF Matifh places. | The Temperature. Theroothercofis hot and dry in the thitd degree: q The Vertues. y for the The root being chewed, bringeth by the mouth flegme out of the head, andis aremed th yrine, tooth-ach,andthere is nodoubr but that it alfo makes thin,cutteth and openeth,p rouoke thok forme and bringeth downe the floures, and doth likewife no leffe bur more effedually pe things that the reft of the Parfleyes do, F The figuceformerlyput in this place was ofthe Cesefulivm [ylueflre of Tabernsmontanus,whofe hiftory Tintend hereafterto giue yo" i Cuap. 4.03. Of baftard Parfley. gq The Defiription. 2 [ ue firft kinde of baftard Parfley is arough hairy herbe, not mucvile t0, Ce I jagees the leaueésare like’ to thofe of Corianders, but parted into many Hee “ina topofthe branches do grow fhadewie viibels, or fpokie rundles, confifting of mad} fi t 3 Caucalis Peucedanyfolie. Hogs Parfley 4, Cancalis maior Cluf, GreatroughParfley. |