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Show Lowi tl Of the Hiftorie of Plants, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. «eae 199 | The Names, The Defcription. Hered Lilly ofConftantinople hath a yellow fealy or cloued Root likevnto the Mountaine Lilly, but greater: from the whicharifeth vpafairefat ftalkea finger thicke, ofa darke purplith colour toward the top ; which fometimes dothturne from his naturall roundneffe intoa flat forme,like as doth the great mountaineLilly : vpon whichftalk growfundryfaire and moft beautifull floures, in fhape like thofe ofthe mountaineLilly, but of The Lilly of Conftantinopleis called likewife in England, Martagon of Conftantinople of Lobel, Hemerocallis Chalcedonica, and likewife Lilium Bixantinum - of the Turks it is called Zufiniares of the Venetians,Marocali. @ The Nature and Vertwes., Of the nature or vertues there is not any thing as yet fet down,butit is efteemed efpecially for the beautie and rareneffe ofthe floure; referring what may be gathered hereofto a further confi« deration. greater beauty, feeming as itwere framed of redwax, tending to a red leade colour. Fromthe middle ofthe floure commethforth a tender pointall or peftell,and likewife manyfmall chives tipped with loofe pendants. Thefloureis ofa reafonable pleafant fauour. The leaues are confit + Cuap. 106. fedlyfet abouttheftalke like thofe ofthe white Lilly,but broader and fhorter. + 2. Thishathalarge Lilly-like root, from whicharifetha ftalke fome cubit or morein height,fet confufedly with leaueslike the precedent. The floures alforefemblethofeof thelaft defcribed, but vitally are more in number, and theyare of a purplifh fanguine colour, ¥ 3 Lilium ByXantinum flo.dilute ru. bente. The light red Byzantine Lilly. Of the narrow leanedreflex Lilkes. | The Defcription. £ 4 LiliumByzantinum miniatum polyanthos. The Vermilion Byzantinemanyfloured Lilly. Herootof this isnot much vnlike that of other Lillies ; the ftalke is fome cubit highyorbetter; the leaues are many and narrow, and ofa darker green than thofe of the ordinarie Lilly,theflouresare reflex,like thofe treated ofinthe laft chap. ofared or Vermilioncolour. This floures in the end of May : wherefore Clufiws calls itZiliumrnn brumpracox, The early red Lilly. $ 1 Lilinm rubrum anguftifolium. Thered narrow leaued Lilly. | | TITaae iha il ul $3 Liliummom. floreflaopunitato. The yellow mountaine Lilly with ~ the {ported floure: } Sek 35477 | cofsrtantoteaintcolouoftheferswhith ae ofa ihr lighter greene. ed. The leaues andftalkes alfo, as Clufins obferueth, are ofa This mayalfomore fitly be termedava rietie from the former, than otherwife : for acco! dine toy 4 if i : : ftallee phyonf n onely in this, that the floures grow equally fromthe top ofthe and eae - floure rifles higher than ae of: the > leaues as it we i : confifts off twe : 5 rceiue an any ofthe inne, reft,and for netimes as you maype fe by the figure. + The Time, Theyfloure and flourith with the other Li llies, 2 This Plant is much more beautifull than the laft deferibed, the roots are like thofe ae he lies, the ftalke fome cubit and anhalfein height, being thicke fetwith fmall graffie Hee a floures grow out one aboueanother,in fhape and colour like thofe ofthe laft deferibed, bu : ae 2 ime |