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Show SisOftheHlitterie of Plan ts, ai Lipa, Th edt. ’ © The Defcriptson. “i Ofthe Hittoryof Plants. 2 Colocynthis pyriformus. Peare fafhioned Coloquintida, 1 Colocynthis. Thewilde Citrull or Coloquintida. ftalkes trailing ypon the He Citrull Cucumber hath manylong, flexible, and tender deeply cutjand very leaues great withcertaine fet Vine, ground,branched like vnto the alfo tenderfoorttalkes onthe much iagged :among wh ich.come forth long clafping t ndrels,and round,ftrakediorrib: fomewhat fruitis the : yellowcolour gold ofa floures grow do endswhereof plour aboue,and voderneath onthar bed withce rtaine deepefurrowes alongit the fame,of a green cc skin whereof45 very fmooth; ‘the fidethatlyeth vpon the ground fomething white :the outward: of che GucumberorMuske meatwithinis indifferent hardmore like to that ofthe Pompion than : the feed is long,flat, melon: the pulpewherein the feed lieth,is fpungie, and ofaflimic fubftance barke is blackifh,fometimes ofan andgreater than thofe ofthe Cucumbers:: the fhell or outward or puttifieasdoth the ouerworne reddithcoldur. The fruit ofthe Citrull doth nor fo eafilyrot, efpecially being couered Melon,which being gatheredinafaire dryday may be-kept a long time, you may keepe them:mach ina heape ofwheatas Matthiolus faith; butaccording to mypractife longer andbetter ina heape ofdryfand. fauing thatit is alrogethet lef. 2 -Thefecond kinde of Citrull differeth not from theformer, the difference. fer,and the leaues are not fo deepelycut or iagged,wherein confifteth @ The Place and Time. Syria, about AThe Cirrull profpercth beftinhot Regions, as in Sicilia,A pulia,Calabria,andthe order preferiobferued diligently feeds,and the fown manytimes haue We lepo and Tripolis. bed in planting of Cucumbers: @ The Names, C wcumus Citrullys sin Englith, The later Herbariftsdo callit Anguria: in fhoppes,Citrullusand ofSemen Gisruli: or Citrull name the knowneby iced-is the Citruls,and Cucumber Citruls,and colour of the Citron, then isthe common yellow the focalledof be , Citrullus ifGvcushis Bur feed. Cucumber properly Cucumis Citrullus : which is knownevate all to be contrarie, A © The Temperature and Vertucs. the bark is eaten raw,but more COM ~The meat or pulpe of Cucumer Citrull whichis text vnto sit ingendreth aya monlyboiled: it yeeldethto the bodie little nourifhment, andthe famecold harpnelfean tcrith bloud,mitigateth the extremity ofheatofthe inner parts,and tempereth the it takes away the roughneffe ofthe tongue feruent heat of cholet: being raw and held in the mouth, in Agues,and quencheththirft. The feedsare ofthelike facultie with thofe of Cucumbers. B x Crap: 343. | The Time. | Itisfowne in the Spring,andbringethhis frait to perfection in Auguft. es times deliuered vnto me fora truth,that they doe growin the fands of the ‘ mi 4 Of the wilde (itrull called Colocyathis. ; ean fea thore, or verie neere vnto it,wilde, for eulery man to gather thatlift ,efpecially bash hecoatt of Barbarie,as alfowithout the mouth of the Streights neere to Sané?a Crux and other : : . . ; laces adiace ce adiacent,from whence diuers Surgions of London that hauetrauelled thither for the curing Places OMickeand hurt men in the fhip haue brought great quantities thereofat their returne. 4 UT q The Defcriprion. Oloquintidahath, beene taken i VCoaia ic Lietvalong of many tobe a kinde of the wi Id Gourd, efrofallto io neel 2 ethe C 2 Pepi Melons,commins, vie ringed creeping on the ground as doe the Cucumbers and that which in thofe daiesof fome Herbarifts is called Citrull Cucumbet aleaues alfovety great er Vine,and forth vponhis long branches final crooked tendrels like the ag deepely cut or iagged : among which come forth fmall floures ofa pale yellow colo > whi meth the fruit round as a bowlejcouered witha thin rinde,ofa yellow colour when tt rises of when itis pilled or pared. off, the white pulpe or {pungie fubftance appeareth fallo vec dryed ie inallhis white or elfean ouerworne brownecolour; the fruit fo pared or pilled , is plantit ¢ the which is moft extreamebitter, and likewife the feede, and the whole | fing ree parts, ande ate eauesy Dat The fecondkinde of Coloquintida hath likewife many long branches 2 and te0{i wherewith it taketh hold of fuch things as are neere vnto it. It bringeth forth the a peat notfomuch iagged.The flouresare {mall andyellow:the fruitis fathioned like ther fort rouind whereinthe efpeeiall difference confifteth. ae rs @| The Place. Northerly and cold countrie : ction in hot regions,bu Cologuintidais fowneands-commethto perfe + thele| iaaieen neuer 0 ai lé Sein sade; q The Names. : ; Latine tranflators for Colocynthis doe oftentimes fetders e Cologuintida : in Grecke ssaise: the it once owne Cucurbita [ylucftris : notwithftanding there isa Cucurbita fylucfris that ditfeis called in Gteeke xrouwiss ¢p%: OF Wik cmColocynthisor Coloquintida : for Cucurbita [yluestris : C ‘ Cc Wilde loquintidawhereof fhall be fet forth a peculiar chapter next after the Guc#rbita or i Gourd: MEnglith it is called Coloquintida,or Apple of Coloquintida. 1 = * EFip Sibir. | The Temperature. ine Reta as it isin his wholenatureandin all his parts bitter, fois it likewife hor and drie ‘hare fcr end of the fecond degree; and therefore it purgeth,clenfeth,openethand performeth all ae ‘ingsthat mog bitter things do: but thar the ftrong qualitiewhichic hath to purge by the see OSS; as Galen faith,ofmore force thanthe reft of his operations. ince The Vertues. A alco ofpurging itworketh fo violently,that it dorh not onely draw forth flegme fetchethforth bloud an blond, maruellous {peedily, andin very great quantitie: bur oftentimes veines. So < y ee eneats by fhauing the guts,and opening the ends of the mefetaica!] fame is not to bee vfedeither rafhly, or without fome dangerous and ex- B tabi a therefore the fome tough and clammie thing bee mined pote conttrainethereunto: neitheryet atall,vnleffe repreffed,the hurtful force dulled, and aetay vehemencie thereof maybe he mixe [ve teache thro Mi fies ed. a1: a or fhatied. € fret g benot cuts igh the belly ly paffiaz Beene athro iteithee Mie Ase be mide of it Trochifes,or litele lat exkes with Maftich, im Arabies; = and RF delliuar, |