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Show va Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. ; q The Defiription. Lip. 2 ay Of the HiftoryJ of Plants, dias I His great Fleawoortor Fleabane, froma thick long liuing fibrous root fends forthm, ‘as falkesof fome yard high or mote; hard,we oddy, rough, fat sand of an ow crwomeco, four : the leaues are many,without order,and alternately embrace the talkes, twine as big asthole ofthe Oliuetree, rough and fat, being asitwere befmeare dw ith a gummineffeor fattinefle,and of ayellowiiligreene colour: the floures’ growafter a fort {poke fathion banding at the gndsof footitalkes comming out ofthe bofomes of the leaues,andtheyare yellow and round almok like to. Ground{well, and flie away in downe like as they doe, the feedis {mall and afh coloured. The whole plant is fattic and glutinous,with a ftrong,yet not altogether y oplcafant ety I hisgtaes not that I knowofin thefe cold Countries, vnlefle fowne in gardens. Clufizs found itby Lishons, andin diuers places of Spaine. He,as alfo Dodonerts Lobel,and ot her s,call this Conyxa maior,andit is thought to be the ComyX.amas ofTheophrafias,and Cony Xa maior of Diofcorid ss lead 2 ‘The leffer feldomefends vp more than oneftalke,and thatof acubit high, yet vitallynot fo much:it is diuidedintolittle branches,and alfo roughandglutinous as the precedent,bytmae gteene. The leaues are three timesleffe than thofe of the former, fomewhat fhaped like i Toad-flax, yet hairy andvn@tious , the tops ofthe branches as in the bigger, carte lefle,an : fhining andfightly res, vanifhing in like fort into downe. The root is fingle peri, the whole plant m lling than the former, This is iudged the Con fence and. Con. minor of Diofcorides , it is the Comminorof Gefuer,Lobel, Clufins andothers, tgrowes diners parts of Spaine and Prouincein France, but not here,vnleffe in Gardens. 3 Conyxamed 3 ae Fleawoort. Middle knownot. ; 4 Indike places,orrather fuch as are plathyinwinter : C maybeplentifully found growing. The roots ate fmalland fibrous ; ftom whencearifetli a branched ftalke fom 1, fet. with {mallfongifh leaues fomewhat roundith pointed, foft alfo and woolly,with a fmell n ltogether vapleafant,like a$ the laft deferibed: the floures are compofed of many yellowith threds like to the middle part of Camomill floures,or thofe of Tanfey : andas the former,turn e are carried awaywith the winde,it floures in Iuly and Auguft.Thisis the Conpxa 7 c wsand others : Lebel and’ Dodon.call it Cony2a minima, cut leaued Fleabane hath {mall fibrousroots, from which arife thi inided towards the tops into fundtybranches into downe e,crefted,8 hol- - the leaues that incompafie the f or elfe onely finuatéd on the edges : the floures areftarfaflaion and yellow,and< ; the wholeplant is coueredover witha foft andtender dow Honie. This isa varietic of the third,andis called by Dedon.c mes itConyXa helenitis folits laciniatis, _ 6 The figure which youhaue in this fixth place was formerly vnfitly giien by our Authour forSoli igo Saracenicas ithatha large root which fends foorth many fibres, anda crefted hol: low ftalke fome twocubites or more high, which is vn rderly fet, with long , yet narrow fhipe leaues fomewhat haifie and fhatpe pointed : the toppe is diuided into branches, which beare Prettic large yellow floures, made after the manner of thofe of Ragwort, andlike as they,are alfo carticd awaywith thewinde. This Thaliys cals ConyXa maxima ferratifolia, Ic is the Lingua maior Of Dalefchampius, and the Confolida paluftris ofTabernamontanus. It groweth neere water fides, and t 4 Conyzaé minima, Dwarfe Fleabate. floures towards the latter end of Sommer: I haue not yet heard that it doth grow wildea- mong{t vs. 3 , +5 ConyX; a folijslaciniaatic tis, Great iagged leauedFleabané ‘ MWe Wye WANIZ 3 483 Mints, asFuchfiaxwho makes it Calaminthe 3., : cerus,whocalls it Meatha Lutes, In CheapeAfide the herbe-womencall it Herbe Chritt pherand fell ir to Empericks, who with it(as hey fay) make Medicines for the cyes, but againtt what atfed: of them, or with what fucceffe I a oe i middle a eesis prettie : large and fibrous,from whence arifeth eal Therootof this kinde a bral : ftalke of fomecubite high, engirt at certaine {paces with thicke,rough, grayith greene ed the tops ofthe branches srowpretty faire yellow floures ofthe bienesofalittle Marigold; t s fading turne to downe,andarecarried away with the winde.. This foutes in Iuly and Augulh Tutl maybe foundats growing in mof; places about riuersand pondfides,as in S.JameshisBOs Parke, aie yprowe fields, &e. This is Cony%a media ofMatthiolws,Dodoneus,andothers. Some hauereferred it Miss : £ 6 Conysia paluftris ferratifolia ; Water {nipt Fleabane, |