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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 194 Lises, Lis. forwhofe fake, he faith, that Apollodid print certaineletters and notes ofhjs mourning.Thele arg Likewife vireil hath written hereofinthe third £e/og of his Bucolicks. Et me Phabus amat, Phabofuafemper apud me hisivords: Munerafunt, lauri &fuawe rubens Hyacinthus. Eccecruor,quifufus humofignauerat herbas, Definit effe cruor, Tyriog we nitentioroftro Flos oritur,formamauecapit,quam Lilia,fi non Purpurenscolor his argenteus effet inillis, Nonfatis hoc Phebo eft, (1s enimfuit auctor honoris) Ipfe {uosgemitusfolijs infcribit, e ai ai, Flos habet in{criptum, funeftaque litera duéta eft. Whichlately were elegantly thus rendred in Englifh by M. Sands : Behold ! the bloud whichlate the graffe had dy'de Phebus \oues me,his gifts I alwayes haue, Thee’re greene Laurel, and the lacinth braue. Inlike manner alfo Nemefianus inhis fecond Eclog ofhis Bucolicks » Tefine me, mifero mitt Lilia nigra videntur, Pallente(que Rofa,nse dulce rubens Hyacinthus : Atfi tu venias, cy candida Lilia fient Purpureaque Rofe, cy dulce rubens Hyacinthys. Withoutthee, Loue, the Lillies blacke do feeme’s The Rofespale, and Hyacinths I deeme Was now no bloud : from thence a flourefull blowne, Not louely red. But ifthou com’fttome, Far brighter than the Tyrian {carlet fhone: Whichfeem’d the fame,or did refembleright A Lilly, changing butthe red to white. Norfocontented, (for the Youth receiu’d Lillies are white, red Rofe and Jacinths be. The Hyacinths are faid tobe red which ouéd callethy purple; forthe red colouris fomtitnesterined purple. Nowitis thought this 4:yaciathus is called Ferrugnews,for that itis red. ofa mfty iron eolout:for as the putrifadtion ofbraffe is named -4irugo , fo the corruptionofiron is called Fer- That grace from Phebus) in the leaues he weau'd zugo, which from the reddith colouris ftiled alfo Rubigo. And certainly they arenota few-thar The fad impreffion of his fighs, Ai, Ai, would haue Colorferrugineus to be focalledfrom the ruftwhich they thinke Ferrago. Yet this opi- ‘They nowinfuneral] charaers difplay,&¢, 4-5 Lilium craentumficandum canlem bulbulis donatum. nion is not allowed of by all men, for {ome iudge,that Colorferruainensis inclining toa blew, for that when the beft iron is heated and wrought, when asit is cold againeit is of acolourneere vnto £ 6 Liliumpurpureum minus: Red Lilly with bulbes growing alongft Of the Hiftorie ofPlants, blew, whichfrom Ferrum(or iron) is called Ferraginens. Thefe latter ground themfelues:vpon Vireils auhoritie, whoin the fixth ofhis e@iaeidss deferibeth Charons ferrugineous barge or boar, Thefmall red Lilly, and prefently calleth the fame blew. Hiswordsarethefe: Ipferat ene conto (ubigit velifqueminiftrat, Et ferrugines (ubuettat corpora Cymba, He thrufting witha pole,andfetting failes at large, the ftalke. Bodiestranfports in ferrugineousbarge. And thena little after he addes; Ceruleam aduertit puppim, ripeque propinquat. He then turnes in his blew Barge, andthe fhore Approchesnighto. * And Claudius alfo,in his fecond booke of the carrying away ofProférpina, doth nota little con- firme their opinions ; whowriteth, That the Violets are paintedferrugime dulsi, with a fweet ison colour, Sanguineo[plendorerofas,vaccinea nigra Induit, & aulcer violas ferruginepingit. Hetrimmesthe Rofe with bloudybright, And Prime-tree berries blacke he makes, And decks the Violet witha fiveet Darkeiron colour whichit takes. But letvs returne to the proper namesfrom whichwe haue digreffed. Moft of the later Herbarifts do call this Plant Hyacinthus Poeticus, or the Poets Hyacinth. Paufanias in his feeond booke of his Corithiackes hath made mention of Hyacinthus called of the Hermonians, Comofandalos, ferting downe the ceremonies done bythem ontheir feftiuall dayes,im honour oftthe goddeffe chrhovia. The Priefts (faith he) and the Magiftrates for that yeare being, doe leade the troupe of the pompe; the women and menfollow after ; the boyes folemnly leade forththe goddeffewith a ftately thew: they goinwhite veftures, with garlands on their heads made of a floure which the Inhabitants call Comofindalos, whichis the blew or sky-coloured Hyacinth, hauing the marks and ’ letters ofmourning asaforefaid. q The Nature. The floure ofthe red Lilly (as Galen faith) is ofa mixt temperatute,partly ofthinne,and partly ofanearthly effence. The root and leaues dodry and cleanfe, and moderately digeft,or wafte and. Theowitus alfo J hath made mention of this thi Hyacinth i inBins Epitaph, in the¥9, Eidy/.which Eidjlby fomeis attributed to Mofthus, and ge et thi td. The words are thefe: a NiydaniySs pares ra ont * as ‘AsyRari iiskishae Ce mhhorey oF - te thus : NowIaci -acinth ipeake thyletters, once more Imprint thy leaues with Ai, Ai,and as before, Likewife confume away. ; q The Vertues. is Theleaues ofthe herbe applied are good againft the flinging ofSerpents. The fame boiled and temperedwithvinegerare goodagainft burnings,and healegreenwounds p and VIcers. Theroot rofted in the embers, and pounded with oyle ofRofés eureth burnings, and foftneth ¢ hatdnedfe ofthe matrix. The |