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Show 392 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Liz.2, ae no graduate,but a Countrey Scholler,as the whole framing of this Hiftorie doth well declarediy I hope mygood meaning will be well taken, confidering I doe mybelt, not doubting but fomeof greater Jearning will perfect that which I haue begun according to my finall skill, efpecially th ice being broken ynto him,and the wood rough hewed rohis hands. Notwithftanding Ithinke jt good tofay thus much,more in. mine owne defence , that although there bee many wants andde. fects inme,that were requifite to performefuch a worke ;yet may my experience byrchance happen vpon fome onething orother, that may dothe learned good; contidering what a notable experiment I learned of one J sennet a Chirurgion of Maidftone in Kent, a manas flenderly learnedas myfelfe,which he pra&tifed y pon.a Butchers boyofthe fame towne, as himfelfe repor. ted vnto me; his practife was this:Being defired to curethe forefaid lad ofan ague.which did Stic. uoufly vex him, he promifed him a medicine, &forwant ofohe forthe prefent(fora fhiftas him. felfe confeffed vnto me)he tooke out ofhis gardenthree or foureleaues of this plant of Rubarb; which myfelfe had among other fimples giuen him,which he ftamped 8 ftrained w itha draughe Lin.2. Of the Hiftorie of Plants, 393 £ 2 Rha Capitatum angustifolinm, 3 Rha Capitatiom L’obelij. Turkie Rubarbe. The other baftard Rubarbe. Wy lf ofale,and gaue it the lad in the morning to drinke : irwrought extreme ly downewardandvpward withinonc houre after,and neuer ceafedvntil] night.In the end. the ftrength ofthe boyouercame the force of the Phyficke, it gane ouer working,and tkelad loft his ague ; fince whichtime(ashee faith) he hath cured with the fame medicine manyof the like maladie, having cuer great segad vnto the quantiticwhichwas the caufe ofthe vic lent working inthefirft cure. By reafon ofwhich accident,that thing hath beenreuealedvnto pofteritie which heretofore was not fo much asdees med of, Whofe blunt attempt may. fer an edge vpon fome fharperwit,and greateriudgementin the faculties of plants, to feeke fartherinto their nature thananyof the Antients hauedone; and nonefitter than chelearned Phyfitions of the Colle dge of London; whereare manyfingularly wel learned and experiencedin natural! things. Theroots fliced.and boiled in the water of Carduus Benediélus to the confuinption ofthe thitd part,adding theretoalittle honie,ofthe which decoétion eight or ten {poonfuls drunkebeforette fit, cureth the ague in twoorthree times fo taking it atthe moft: ynto'robuttou s or ftrong bodies twelue {poonfuls maybe giuen. This experiment was practifed by a worthipfull Gentlewoma miftteffe: Anne Wylbraham, wpon diuers of her poore Neighbours with goodfucceff e. ¢that was in the firlt place was of the Lapsthum fol. minus acuto,deferibed by mein the third place ofthe preceding chapters The fecond was ofLe cri(Pum of Tabernamiontanus . The third was Of Bydrolap, mites. $3 Rha verum antiquorum. ; : The true Rubarbe of the Antients. Cw pv. 83. OfRubarb. ¥] T hath happenedin this as in manyother forreine medicines of fimples,which though theybe ofgreat and frequentvfe,as Hermodaéyls,Muske,Turbeth,&c. yet have wenocertaineknonledge ofthe very place which produces them,noroftheir exa@ manhero fgrowing, which hathg!uen Occafion to diuers to thinke diuerfly,and fome haue been fo bold as to counterfe it figures ou oftheir owne fancies,as Ctatthiolgs-{othat this faying of Pliny is found tobe verytrue, Nullam dicing pars magu incerta quam que ab alio quam nostro orbepetitur But we will endeavour to fhevy% more certaintie of this here treated ofthan was knownev ntill of verylate yeres. $ I G The Defcription, His kinde of Rubarb hathvery great leaues, fomewhat {nipt or indented about thee d : ges like the teeth ofa Saw,not vnlike the lcaue s of Enula campana, called by the wpa fort Elecampane,but greater: among w hich tifet h vp a ftraight ftalke oftwo cubits high, beat’ he os topa {calie head like thofe of Knappe-weed,or Zacea maior : in the middle of whic kia h ‘hii sasnf whic forth a faire teth cing confiat paft, many fting there purp follfour threds like thofe of the Anite le owethe agre quanof titi e of down e,wherei n is wrapped long feede Is ae: ‘Sient Centorie, which the whol e plant dothvery well refemble. The rooti t ic) © lackith without, and of a pale colo s JonSue ur within : which being chewed makeththe fpitt very yellow,as doth the Ruba rb of Barbarie, Ee é A ue prherbaftard Rha,which is alfo ofLobels defeription,z hatha root : like that of _ he cercribed : but the leauesare ‘narr ower almoft like thofe of the common a. Dock i y e,but hoa . opbeorbes fide : the ftalke gtowes vp ftraight, and beareth fuch heads and floures as F the pfre j i + 3 Ihaue thought good he fi ot can ee place by our Authour; asalfo th réto omit the counterfeit figure of Matthiolus, ginenvs heel 0 ¢ Hiftorie,whichwas not much pertinent, and in lieu oft * ich prefent youwitha perfed figur € andde feription of the true-Rha Ponticum ofthe Anticnts,” we Rhabarbarwm ficcatum. Thetlrie roots of Rubarbe, |