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Show : ~— 776 : = = ts. Of the Hiftorie of Plan dle weeke Mullett The final sCan is of a better fau whole plant of thi ,and ¢ a ftraw,or{ ‘alfo is much jarger foreth little Lie. 2. from the their flouring and feed Thetimelikewile anfw ereth @ The } in the titles thal ferue Their capitall names ¢ xpreffed m kines of Mullcins. are all and euery of the Temp @ The manitctt ring they for tnefe bake Mulleins,confide es anddrier thanthe et doubricfle hotter {nips j leaues, aes, without Wi i : or not anyy manifeft 2 Blattariawith broad bjacke th} bros P .flo ures hath the fdes.c apurple Bicdiy carifhed with ae WV ng atvpon the ground: among whichrifethvpa ftalke twocubit hi h, = 5 | et g hed with floures like ymmon Blattaria,; but that they are R | vnto the con ache ; aggoldencolour ir :the i i inthe middle ofa : the roota { as thick i asa mz 1 .| chiues or chiues hofefew oo is threds aes ick ofagolac ‘thofe Pe: ema es threds pare + thereat,andit indureth fromyeare to yeare 3 kinde like vnto> tithe : blacke lacke Mullein, Mullein. ie in i ftalks,roots,and es k tenes £ere° is anotherts alks,roots,and leaues, and othe : ith. and burnings with low. if itbewathed and combedtherew 0dfucce fle , againtt {caldings sel ‘ s are put into cold ointments with g Ieaue ‘ The 4 D'. tele Mer Apuleins reporteth a tale of Péy/fes, erat @ The Defcription. like vnto blacke Mullein, ‘ boiled inw ater orwine and drinken, is his pleafant vellow floures, matter. The blacke Mullein, with dagai {tall {pitting of corrupt rotten A ,a! lungs and breft e ofth oodagaintt the dife afes vf on cold fivellings (called aed wile feyp pultis ied appl dand pe ftam Theleaues boiled in water, cure th the fame. rs and inflammations of the xycies, mat )andalfo vpon the vice th the haireof the head to wax yet y lie, which caute are put int The floures of blacke Mullein fire or water. 177 ee akindeot £B v which ]ha’ th! ong ong and {moorh leau ¢ $5 fomewhat rT Linie hath fet forthakinde of Blattaria, B/ ia, whi li pta out the edges : the ftalke rifeth vp tothe} eight ofthree cu its ‘ i oa ne or branch branches,befet w “LOWTOures tuiding it felfe toward the top into fundry armes 35D: efet with yellc flo sad ethe'othe Mulleis Thefe plants do stow wher @ the without any sefe Mulleins are drie ta Hyg r eiio common Mull = the thata ingt d, faua laftrehearfea nemesis Plants. aie Of the Hiftory of thee that os ee floures ate ofa greene colour. re is another likevntothe le ore writte es i I i chat bis leaues are not fodeepely wricten,faning premier the edges, cutabout nelle ges, and thatthee fi {mall floures haue fome purple colour mixed with the green. + 3 Blattariaflore viridi. + 4 Blattaria flore ex Viridi purpurafcente Moth Mullein with thegreenith purple coloured floure. Greene Moth Mullein, of ind the inchantreffe Circe,and their vfe witch ~ herbes in their incantations and in. Cuar. 271, Of Moth eM ulle purpurees 2 Blattaria flore leia. Purple Moth Mul vA) \\ nN wi ( 4 Aue like the firft defcribe what fome din leaues and ftalks,but much leffe is isish er Ifo: l Alfare ofa whit ce effe,chefloures te therein confifts the chiefeft differen * Gianceiee isalfo bala a a,Pee . i ther varietie of this kinde,wh and thefe Tota bri y hich hath very faire and large floures, r elfe ofa purple a : This me Fellow;oowlea Y nd, fhipt abou t utes like thofe ong narr 10: eofthe feco Beene colo lour the fiatk d ee eee? e tGeand a. grow fome two cubits high, and fidont fen erae oe s tipr with r middleis in theithe 4 efe > anpe an order that gl a rough threddes anday l. {mal feed t refemble a flie: : Thisisanan 7 omewha r nuall,and perifheth when the feedis ripe. + Let 3 e q the |