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Show “Ofthe Hiftorie of Plans, Ofthe Hiftory of Planes. aoe a aeae Cie . de Corintho - in Englith ofPa/filarnina the name ae fhops byai called inae or fmall Raitt sngiiih, Currans, Sylueftris Vitis orwilde Vine is called in Greeke ‘avraoe dj: andin Latinie Labrafca, as Bee ‘gis 53 Eelogs: : teicl my + ak Adpice vt amram — ca pe 2iabaaes! oCa ye OP aa ; : ; Grapes may be kept thewhole yeare, being ordered after that manneras loachimus Camerarius J) reporteth. Youfhall take (faith he) the meale of muftard feed, and ftrew in the bottomeof any grapes, the peft grapes, bunches of the ripeft ireft lay the faireft 7 youfhall whe ;; whereupon le I} leaded earthen pot well another fort f of Grapes, which you fhall couer with moreofthe forefaid meale,and lay vpon thatanother fo doing vntill the pot be full. Thenfhall you fill vp the pot tothe brim with a kinde of fweete ayer fter buncl of Grapes. 1 re alert guess Winecalled Muft. Thepot beingvery clofe coueredfhall befet into fome Cellar orother cold Theclufter of Grapes that hath been witheredor dried inthe Sun is named in Greeke sit in place. The Grapes you maytake forth at yourpleafure, wafhing them with fairewater from the powder, Latine, Ya paffa: in {hops, Paffula : in Englith, Raifins of the Sun: : Theberry or Grapeit felfe 1s called in Latine Acinus,andalfo Granum,as Democrites faith (pea "i ing of the berry. . tne. Vp erties are called i The feeds or ftones contained withi fortes + 2% me ae sf cal becaule 4rilli, asthough : in fhops, Nuclei J ¢ P te gh ehne theyfhould fay Uariduli, they pee aredry, and yeeld no é ee ale in Columella Vivace ate alfo taken © Vinacea y elie ng rece: ison tor the: droffe7 or remnantof the Grapes q] OfRaifins: FRaifins moft are feet ; forme hauean auftere or harfh tafte, Sweet Raifins are hotter ; aufete colder : both ofthem do moderately binde, but the auftere fomewhat more, which doe mote fiten¢then the ftomacke. The {weet onesdo neither flacken the ftomacke,nor make the belly The flalke, which is in the middle ofdhecludters, and voGk WRIkHthe olapcedsheetieal giapes hang,ts calle Pp ? Of Gales, cispins OF Varro; Stiiprs wvirunas : ? zs Z ska eastusnedesiouice tae £ saithca and Vertues. foluble, if they be taken withtheir ftones, which are of a binding qualitie: othe:wife the ftones hee taken forth, they do make the bellyloofe and foluble. fag bheedie ian oa ng ae oases lane aeaone et ; bernie lidere cide Aomabecsat Whdidi wm dornit - Rayeiies ig . y oie eartayct ene sores oF lon aut. igi pi eisiietincewiecies beh they - ut outwardly applied, and alfo taken inwardly any manner ofwaies. gh rte tna? a,eteee a for on ee of the mouth, and almondsofthe throat, if mouth wathed therewith, arse d likewife the butch fame faculty be alfo theclufters gathered before they beri Ofthe ofthe wilde grape, which is a¢counted tobe more effet if a beTipe; and it oaiela € buliciies § Bakevids tats That tHe kiquorwhichfalieth tpi E ce all thofe infirmities, : n+ growne, fome in fwelling and others but a aia OM Loh rand ced in Latine,Racemessatid Yasin Englith, = - and nourifh more the Autumnefruits aul, Grapes i than theyy all,but peace ee es P haue the preheminence among: To this wilde Vine doth belong thofe whichP/inyin his fixteenth booke chapter 27. reporteth y F theedofooner defcend for the body receiueth more nourifhment by the pulpe than by the inice; ie sa one yeare, as In/ tobecalled Trifere, or that bring three fundry fruits in ake becanit r CHisicisat clita crews _ falls a she ee +7sae and mad bearing a o bythe iuyce the belly is made more folublo. Bedecks the caue with {parfedclufters fine . f e ask sed: 894 ; a A Thole grapes which hauea ftrong tafte ofwine are in a meane betweenefoure and fweet. Sich grapes as haue little iuyce do nourifh more, and thofe leffe that haue more iuyce: but B See howthewilde Vine _ o = aayhit Steoeene: ogee eta maee ieree ; i Sylucftris varis (parfit labrufcaracemis, P Rescue ; Greeke gen» ae called in The = fruit ofF the Vineis a a fomietine if eumedaeicweteintea cdi (which des a ra te, and branehes ae bl ri der, if the fame be drunke in wine) boats ‘tds Rise ies nf Se out of the ki eesti besabbed with Nite: Beitr offen anbinted atasd o 35 Ere and leptie, but pane a he faith that the fame is beft which iffueth forth of the s 5 oh away fuperflnous foecially a e greene and {maller ftickes,¢ ria a liquor which falleth away whileft the branches are b urning, which takethaway watts, if icbe!a ft 3 Raifins do yeeld good nourifhment to the body, they haue in them no ill inyce at all, but doe F ligender fomewhata thicke iuyce, which notwithftanding doth nourifh the more. There commethof {weet and fat Raifins moft plenty of nourifhment: ofwhichthey aré the G bet that haue a thin skin. There is in the fiveet ones a temperate and fmoothing qualitie, with a power to clenfe mode- #7 ke « and for the ft cood for the cheft, lungs, winde-pipe, kidneyes, bladder,ae mtely. They heavy aet ae a IP Ar fe Witbisedehear ae Sedo raps, wa make fmooth the roughneffe of the winde-pipe, and are good againft hoarfeneffe, (hortneffe of breath, or difficultie of breathing : they ferue toconcoét thefpittle, and to caufe it to rife rwara in any difeafe whatfocuet of the chet,fides, and lungs, and do mitigate the paine of * Kidneyes and bladder, which hath ioyned with it heate and {harpeneffe ofvrine : they dull and fie Tee malice of fharpe and biting humors that hurt the mouthofthe ftomacke. onling to the places affeéted : for they be of force to concoct raw humors,and to reftrain theit cabian ; ge se Boop gabe T the flix, blondy the againtt good are eeeng ae wineseeTG ml Uch tubiecttowornitings ce fick ahead thea the prefings being faid vpon the drofle that remaineaftct ttickes and cre) Se i the hardiadeor “Hlesiead oe oo they themfélues do hardly putrifie : befides, they are properly and of s owne oiancefamiliar to the intrals,and cure any diftemperature,and nourith much ; wherein they are iiaea ytobe commended, for Raifins nourith, ftrengthen,refift putrifaction, andif therebe any ie. betatuteby reafon ofmoifture or coldneffe, they helpe without any hurt, as the faid Galea affirmeth, searcapriey — thefame, being mixed with etic or DP ieiecicsadeeetitas wuthor a irmeth, ithelperh to frengthen 7 ce are Poa, ek : oo le antient writers ; as inthat compofition whichis called in Galen, Arteriaca Mithridatis, t eouda OF iepaissanid fachr-as milt. beins applied inmannerof'a cl - venomous beaft, and eafeth the paine of the fplect Phere: va dove: ‘ein ik 4 i o 56 et. ; aaa of Vineflicks,in compofitions of cal ae Ss burning medicities. which ferue sare Heehn hot-iron : the onewe call a potential! cantens, © theothera@uall, ein ftcadiofan G Of Grapes. nde thatareethofe oe Grapes, EFue — ee dp irate a belly, and..fill-the Romaekefilea deeds concae aentas elpg - sh ate tafte; fuch kindes ofgrapes doev 7 tm through the liuet a ingender cold and rawiuyce wh jek ; and while they are difperfed Sedetidieecat hist. ich cannot eafily be changed into good bloud. {ee ch without theftones and skin,as Galen {aith. ah aol Phyfitians haue taughtvs to take forththe ftones, as we may feein diuers compofiti. x abi, haththe feeds of the Raifins takenforth ; for feeing that Raifins containe 1n them a thicke vite ance they cannoteafily paffe through theveines, but are apt to breed obftructions and ftop- fn theintrals : which things happentherather by reafonof the feeds ; for they fomuch the aa ian pate through the body, and do quicklier and, more eafily caufe obftrudtions,in that they the Reigningent or binding. Wherefore the feeds are to be takenout,forfo fhall the iuyce of » itsmore eafily paffe, and the fooner be diftributed throughtheintrals. once teporteth, That Raifins chewed with pepper draw rete and water outofthehead. I pultefle good for the gout, rottings about the ioynts, gangrens,and morttaj o4 iliis niadea Sanaped with ha hadhe Allheaie “ quickly takes away the hailes thar.are loole isa being ~<angers Or toes, being laid thereon, q Of Muff. - pafilitt difperfed nt aE rr as are thorowripe,are lefle hurefull , their iuyce is botter, and a the ats scastiahin eal . Sa. res en thebelly, efpecially beingmoift, and moft of all? ret The fub ftanceofthe ftones,alchoughit be drier,and-ofa binding qualitysdoth defoend 0 2 : I a Raifins are good for the liuer, as Galen writeth in his feuenth booke of medicines, . MY Acalled in Latine Muffum, that is to fay, the liquor newly iffuing out of the are ed M - duge i theybe trodden or prefled, dothfill the ftomacke and intrals with winde, 1t 45 hardly “Sts itis ofa thicke iuyce,and if it donot{peedily paffe through the body it a. ° u |