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Show Lizz, Ofthe Hifterie of Plants, ~p30 clad with the like leaues,but fmaller. The floures growvponlittle footftalkes of a reddith coloys which commethy mixedwith purple ftrakes, confi fting offiue leaues, fafhioned like abell : after White, a knap or round button, like vntoa flat cake, compact of many fmall feeds. Therootis Lis, 2 3 Maluacrifpa. The French curled Mallow. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 4 Maluaverbenaca. Vetuaine Mallow. tough, and full of a flimie juice, as is all the reft of the plant. 2 Thedwarfewilde Mallowcreepeth vponthe ground ; the ftalkes are flender and weake, yet 3 The crifpe or curled Mallow, called of the vulgar fort French Mallowes,hath many finall toughand flexible, The leaues be rounder,and morehoary than the other, The floures are {mall and ofa white colour. vpright ftalkes, growing to the height ofacubit, and fometimes higher ; whereon do grow broad Jeaues fomewhat round and fmooth,ofalight greenecolor, plaitedor curled about the brimslike, ted his feed, amuffc. The flouresbe finall and white. The root perifheth whenit hathperfec 2 cMalaa fylucftris. 2 Maluafylucftris pumila. The wilde dwarfe Mallow. The field Mallow. ix The Veruaine Mallow groweth ‘not everic where Sit'growes onthe ditch‘fides on the left hand ofthe place ofexecution by London,called Tyborn :alfoin a field neere vntoa village fourteene miles from London called Bufhey,’ Y : yesrodkebis deepely doe grow aie 4 The Veruaine Mallow hath manyflraight ftalkes, whereon cut and jagged cuen to the middle rib, not vnlike to the leaues of penis se name :among which comeforthfaire and pleafantfloureslike vnto thofe e ae fettetD in forme, but ofa more brightred colour, mixed withftripes ofpurple, wit mes tho beautie. The rootis thicke, and continueth many yeeres, $ This 1s fometit led Aldercrofts. + leaues of a light carnation colour,the feedis like that of the ordinary a is awne in fome gt fuch alfo is the root whichperithes euery yeere as foon as the feed ispe: dens, and growes wilde in Spaine, + dthe # , @ The Place. gh waies, an rbes, by hi he The two firft mallowes grow in vntoiled places among poti +. ig (OW e in gardets" The French mallowis an excellent pot-herbe, forthe which caufe it 38 riot to befound wilde chat I knowof. fordthire, three miles from Roifton. = M*. Goodyer found the Veruain Mallow with white floures growing plentifully in a clofeneere Maple-durham in Hampfhire, cal- rarely found withwhitefloures. + ths like our common Mallow + 5 Thisannuall Mallow,called by Clufins,Maluatrimefiris,is very 1K esate round,chole fendingvp flender branched ftalkes fomethree foot high ; the bottome es confitt ofMt the ftalkes more fharpe pointed, greene aboue,and whiter vnderneath 5 ¢ ee pur fmaller; ders of fields, onthe backe-fide ofa Gentlemans houfe named M*; Robert Wylbraham:: likewife amongft the bufhes and hedges as you gofrom London toa bathing place called the Old Foord ; and in the bufhes as you go to Hackny a village by London, in the clofes next the town,andin diuers other places, as at Baflingburne in Hart- ype The Time. Thefe wilde Mallowes do floure from June till Sommer be well {pent : inthe meane time their {eed alfo waxethripe. The Names. i The wilde Mallowis called in Latine Mal- uafylucfiris : in Grecke, mea. 27" of nenitas and ume, as thoughthey fhouldfaya mitigator of paine : of fome,ofiriaca: in high-Dutch,qaps pelitt: in Low-Durch, $palutoe, and drcef- eng eruits in Englith,Mallow. liii 2 aie Phe |