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Show 358 Of the Hiftory of Plants; 5 Pinus maritima maior. The great Sea Pinetree, Lin,3 6 Pinus{ylucftris minor. Thelittle Sea Pine Ttee, LinzOftheHittorie of Plants, ches.& leauesare like vnto thofe ofthe manured Pine tree : the onely difference is,that 49 Pinaller maritimus minor? Dwarfe Sea Pine. fomeyeares it refembleth the Pineit felfe; and the other yeares asa wilde hedge tree, varying often, as nature lifteth to play and fport her felfe among ft her delights, with other plants oflefle moment : the timber is foft,and notfit for building,but is ofthe fub- ftance of our Birch tree : the fruit is like thofe of the other wilde Pines, whereof this isa kinde. ¢ 8. Thisdwarfe Auftrian- Pine exeeeds not the heightof aman, but immediately from the root is diuided and fpread abroad into tough,bending, pretty thicke branches, couered ouer with a rough barke: the leaues, asin the formes, come two out of onehofe, thicker,fhorter, blunter pointed, and more greene than the former: the cones or clogs are but fmall, yet round,and compa é, and hang not dowewards, but ftand vpright ; the root is tough andwooddie like otherplants of this kinde: It growes on the Auftrian and Styrian Alpes. Clufivs {ets it forth by the name Of Pinaffer 4; Auffriacus, 9 ‘This other Dwarfe is ofithe fame height with the former,with fuchtough and bending branches,whichare neitherfo thick nor clad with fo rough a barke; nor fomuch {pread. The leaves alfo are fmaller, and not vnlike thofe of the Larix tree,but notfo foft, 9 Tedafivepfeudopinus. The baftard wilde Pine. + 8 Pisafter Auflriacus: Dwarfe Pine with vpright Canes notfalling euery yeareas they do. The cones aelittle and flender, the kernell fmall,blackith, and winged as the reft. Clufius fourid this onelyini fome few places of the kingdomeof Murcia in Spaine,wherefore he calls it, Pinafter 3. Hifpanicus. Didmeys calls it Pinus maritima minor, t q The ‘Place. Noruegia, and Thefe wilde Pines doe grow vpon the cold mountainesof Liuonia,Polonia, Denmarke,and inthe Rutfia, efpecially vpon the tiland called Holland within the Sownd,beyond a thoufand Werlts, tra & of the way,being Woods by Narua,vpon the, Licfeland fhore,and all themile) from Narua vnto Mofcouia, where I (cach Werft containing three quarters of an Eng|ifh hauefeene them growin infinite numbers. . q The Time. a white orth The fruit ofthefe Pinetrees is ripe in the end of September:our ofall thefe iffuechf jeth 1 and{weet fmelling Rofine: they ate alfo changed inte Teda, and out of thefé is boiled through the force of the fire, ablacke Pitch : the Pitch tree and the Larch tree be al fo fometimes changed the wilde Pinetree. A {eldome,fot Tedais a proper and peculiar infirmitieof intoTeda, ttee is fid yet to bevery changed into Ted,whennotonely the heart ofit,but alfo the reft of the {ubftance ‘turned into fatnefle. ; g The Names. ; Pinaltri: Pinafter, bi Altheteare called in Greeke miizin. and in Latine Syluefires Pini: Of Pliny Pine tree,of a wild the or oe heinhis 16. booke.10 chapter,is nothing elfe but Pinus [yluefiris, ofthe co““Terheight,andful ofboughes from the middle,as the tame Pine tree int he'top, (mott Pine tree is height «they ate fat deceiued who thinke that the ofa marucllous falfely)rinbefides Pics haue men,but ot in Greeke the tame Pine which notwith{tandingis foca lled not ‘ of all afte se na Teds ie Arcadians (as we hautefaid betore) wiew.all men do namiethe wilde oe Pinea,that is,not the Pitch-tree, bee = i Torch Pine, hereof is f4id'to be in Latine not Picea,out he Pine tree,as Ouiddoth planly teftifie in his Heroicall Epiftless |