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Show ~Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 1078 ‘ ia ais —S Seance rifeth vpa {talk fomefoot high,iointed, and atthe top diuided intolittle branches, carrying white floures like the other Valerians: the root is as aromaticke as that of the laft mentioned 5 aadoroys in the chinkes of the Alpine rockes, whereit floures in Lune and July. Clufins hathit by thename Dis. Ofthe Hiftroy ofPlants, 1079 3 Hirculus, Vrine-wort, 1 Nardus Celtica, Celticke Spikenard, ofValerianafyluestris Alpin.2 Saxatilis. $= = ; q The Place. The fir and likewife the Greeke Valerian are plantedin gardens ; the wilde onesare foundin moift places hard toriuers fides,ditches,and watcrie pits; yet the greaterofthefe is broughtinto gardens whereit flourifheth, but the leffer hardly profpereth. q The Time, Thefe floure in May,Iune,and Iuly,and moft of the Sommer moneths;: q The Names. Generally the Valetiansarecalled by one name, in Latine,Valeriana ; in Greeke,s : in thoppes alfo Phujwhichfor the moft part is meant by the gardenValerian, that is called of Diofe. rh: in Latine,Syluefiris, or Reftica Nardus : ofPliny, Nardus Cretica : which namesarerather referred to thofe of thenext chapter , although thefe be reckoned as wildekindes thereof: ofcertaite inour age, Marinella,Amantilla,¥alentiana,Genicularis,Herba Benedita,and Theriacaria~ in mot fhops,/ale. riana Domeftica : of Theophraitus Paracelfiz,T erdina: in high Dutch,gos baldgian ¢ in low Dutch, Speeverupt,DS,Joris cvuyt,and Waleriane : in Englith,Valerian,Caponstaile,and Setwall.but vnproperly,for that name belongeth to Zedoaria, whichis not Valerian: what hath been fet downe inthetitles fhall ferue for the diftinG@tions of the other kindes. q The Temperature, The garden Valerian is hot,as Déofcorides faith,but notmuch,neither the green roor,butthe dried ones:; for the greenis eafily perceiued tohauevery little heate,and the dried to be hotter,which is found by the.tafte and {mell. q The Vertues. A Thedrieroot,as Déoftoride steachethsprouoketh vrine,bringeth downethe defired fickneffe,helpeth the paincin the fides,andis put into counterpoifons and medicines preferuatine againft the peftilence,as are treacles,mithridates,and fuch like : whereupon it hath beenhad (and is to this day among the poore people ofour Northerne parts) in fuch veneration amongft them,that nobroths, pottage,or phyficall meats areworth any thing, if Setwall were not at an end :wheret!pon fomewo- man Poetor other hath made thefe verfes : < B 4 Nardus moutana, 4 Nardus moritanagerminans: f . % Mountaine Nard at the firft {pringing vp. : They that will haue their heale, Muft put Setwall in their keale. Mountaine Spikenard. Itisvfed generally in fleight cuts, wounds,and {mall hurts. The extra@tion ofthe roots giuen, is a moft fingular medicine again{'the dificnltie ofmaking water,and the yellowiaundies. Wilde Valerianis thought of the later Herbarifts tobe good forthem thatareburften,for fuch as be troubled with the crampe andother convulfions, and alf forall thofe thatarebruiled with falls. The leaues ofthefe and alfo thofe oftke garden,are good againft vicers and forenes of the mouth and gums, if the deco&tion thereofbe gargarized or held in the mouth. bi Somehold opinion that the roots of wilde Valeriandried and poudered,and a drammeweight thereof taken with wine, do purge vpward and downeward. eh Cusr. agi. I OfeMountaine Setwall,or Nardi. gq The Defcription, . Z ae e. Nardus named Celtica,2 but now by fome,Ligu/tic fheth in high a Nardus,flouri > Deh taines.The Vallefians in their mother tonguecall it Sel/iga ; whence Gefier thous 2 The fecond fort of Spikenard hath many tliteddy roots , from the which rife vp many fealy tobe Salinnca . neither do doubt, butthatit is the fame which Virgil {peakethof in thee rough and thicke ftalkes, haning at the top certaine Indicio noftro tantum tibicedit Amsintas . ke Forit isa verylittle herbe creeping on the ground,and afterward liftingvpit felfe withaftalkeo” ftalkes. Thewhole plantis ofa pleafant fweet {melf, 3. Hircalusisa plant veryrare, which as yet Ine= ahandfull high ; whereuponfrom the lowerpart grow final] thin leaues, firft green,but aN uer faw,notwithftanding we are greatly beholding to Carolus Clufius the father offorreine Simples, who finding this plant among many bunches or handfalls ofmountaine Spikenard, hath made it knowne ynto pofteritie,as he hath done manyother rare plants,in ~~ gyanflating? Puniceis humilis quantum Saliunca vofetss, fomewhatyellowith :vponthe roughneffe ofthe roor there are many{cales,platted one Vf 23 ther ; but vnder-the root there are many browneftrings and hairy threds, in fmellliketherol” Aftrabacca,or rather the wilde mounraineValerian,whereofit feemes to bea kinde, inta!* e {hare anid bitter. The floures grow along the vpper branches,white oryellowith,and very fmally flat hoary leaues growing vpon {mal and tender foots |