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Show Lee, Ofthe HiftorieofPlants. ~318 Calthapaluftris multiplex. ‘Double eee Marfh Marigold. Authour and (amerarius were deceingd by tru: fting the report of fome lying, or elfeigtorant perfons, for I could neuer finde it growingwilde Lis.2, ee. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: a tis thot-3.t ame to aan be a kinde of ein an bi Temperature and Vertues, Pond-weed , ( (orrather of Water Lilli and tohane the famie ater Lillie) am fa: A with double floures here, nor Camerarins there: yet Ido not denie but by chance fomeonewith double floures may be found bothhere & there, ———__ but this is noreuery where. + The Place, They ioy in moift and marifh grounds, and in watery medowes. + I hauecnot found the douv- ble one wilde, but feene it preferuedin divers gardens for the beautie of the floure. + The Time. They ‘floure in the Spring when the Crow foots doe, and oftentimes in Sommer’: the leaues keepe their greeneneffe all the Winter long. The Names. Marth Marigold is called of Valeriys Cordus, Caltha palufiris : of Tabernanmntanus, Populage but not properly : in Englith, Marth Matt called olds : in Chefhire and thofeparts it 1s Cur. 296. OfWater Lille. @ The Defcription, i He whitewater Lillie or Nexuphar hath great roundleaues,i n fhape ofa Buckler,thick, fat,and full ofiuice, ftandine 2 vpon lor round and fmooth foot-ftalkes, fil ofa {pungious fubRance awhich leanes do {wimor ;Gecdev : flote vpon onthe top of the water {tall = Ca floure onély,ofcolour white,confifting ofmany little : vpon the end ofeachha long Hihatpe pointed age ih wea are ae Pama‘aie :after the floure it bringeth forth a round head 5 ‘in bie ean it : i = : eed. ; rootsbe thicke,f ull ofknots ,blackewithour , white and pe groweth a multitude of ftrings, by which itis faftened in the bor: 1 Nymphe yraph a ‘alba ev White WaterLillie, ootes. Nymphaalutea f . _ YellowWater Lillie @ TheTemperature and yertwts. Touching the faculties ofthele pls oe mets haue nothing tafay, either outof othey writings,or our Owne expeticnces Cua Pe 2950 Morfus Rasa, Frogge-bir. Of Frogge-bit. “ nay. The Defcriptiom Here death or 5pon pied parts of thewater a finall plantpe nas vfwally call Frog-bit, hawns vrike to the leaues,thicke and full of inice, YY on vp leaues ofwall Peniwoort : the Howe a ralan long ftems among the leauesof awh jddleeoowitha certaine yellow thrum in them rs it bath fifting of three leaues: in ftead of r00ts flender ftrings, which grow out * a {mall head, as it were, from whenc ‘a noel {pring, in the bottom ofthe water’ head alfo come forth flopewale ce “ie it fel by which growing forth it mulup ie q The Place. [moft ine ann It is found fivimming or flot! ng eater, inal uery ditch,pond,poole, or opin Geld, beth Marth , where any that 15 fee it, P the ditches about. Saint George? »eros inthe ditches by the Thames Ae mij gi: The Time. rh mofft pa It flouritheth and floure yeare, yor q The Names. and OMe e mart © Ir ixcalled of fome Ran ts. Rane,add Nymphs par part orale . Th fa “ACS eleaiues of th ¢ yellow waterLillie be like to the other,yctate theya] OF the ittle longer. The: , es and Ieaues be like: the floures be yellow, confifting onely offiue little hort Wards th ees ound . in the midft of which groweth a {mall round head, or button, fharpe toj-8t,compafled about with many yellowthreds,in nit is ripe, Jie alfo glita eds, g creaatteer than thofe of the other,and leffer than wheawhich,whe t cornes. The roots be thick,lo Tha3 eine dent ng, *aues fp ner s,’ as it wereserine poche iteap and without,ofa {pungious fubftance. inal whiceSe lest vater Lillie { otethlikewife ypon thewater,hauing afingle root,with fome hich dow eto? tom which rifeth yp many long,round ,fmooth, and foft foot-ftalkcs, Me of whict Rich d oc Dring forth at the end faire broad round buckler leaues like vate the ype ent, |