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Show 530 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Vmbilicus Veneris minor, Small Nauelwoort. $$ hoa Beee Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. i 4 Cot‘yledon minor montanaaltera, Theother{mall mountaine Nauelwoort, Cuap- 152, Of Sea Pennywoort. x Androface Matthioli, ; Sea Nauel-woort. ai | The Deftription. i T= Sea Nauel-woort hath many round thicke Jeaues like vnto little faucers, fet vpo tender ftalks, bright, (hining,and{ oftwo inches long , for the mot growing vpon the furrowed ihels o kles or the like,euery {mall {tena beati vponthe endor point,one little buck! and no more, refembling a nauel ftalkeand leafefet together in the mi dle of the fame. Whereupon the Herbarifts of Montpelier haue called it 7» bificus Marinus,or {ea Navel. The le: andftalkes of this plant,whileft theyare 2\Androface annuafpuria. One Sommers Nauell-woort, § Cotyledonpaluftris. Water Penniwoort; Italics, balaria Nauelwoot CymBaftard aCe Italian yet in the waterare ofa paleath colour; but being taken forth, they prefently waxe white,as Sea Moffe, called Corallsna,otthe thel ofa Cockle. It is thoucht to be barren of feed , andis intafte{altith. 2 The fecond Androface hath little {mooth leaues , {pred vpon the ground like vnto the leaues of {mall Chic! or Henbit,whereof doubtles it k amongwhich rifeth vpa flender ftem, hauing at thetopcettaine little chatfie flouresof a purplith colour. The{eed is contained in fimall fealy husks, ofa red= dith colour, &a bitter tafte. Thewhole lant petifheth when it hath perfeSed bi s feede, and muft be fowne againe th. next yeare:which plahtwas giuen to Mas thiolus by Cortufus,who(as he affirmeth) receiued ipfrom Syria ; but I thinke hee {aid fo to make Matthiolus moreioy full: but furely I furmife] e picked irout of oneold wal or other,where it doth grow. euen as the fmall Chickweed,or Naile. woort of the wall do. t_The figure that was here wasthat vnperfeé one of Matthiolus and the de{cription of our Authour was framed by voleffe the laff part therof, which was 10ut of the c A dutrfaria pag. 166.tO id é here prefent you defeription, taheworkes of the iudicious Herbaritt Carolus Clufius.It ¢ to thofe of Plantaine,but leffer and of t alfo and inicie, and of fomewhat a biting of an handfull high,commonlyofa green,yet at hairy, which at their tops carry ina circle fiue rom the midft of which arife fue or more foore leaues or iags,in the vidde |