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Show LOPES yee ere neMbit weis ade OFthe Hiftory ofPlants. —_— Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. t _, Lis. 2 q The Defcription. : Lot Burre bringeth forth broad Jeaues and hairie,far bigger thanthe leaues of Gourds andofgreater compatle, thicker alfo, and blacker, which on the vpper fide are ofa darke greene colour, and on the nether fide fomewhat white: the ftalke is comered, thicke,befet withlike leaues,but far leffe, diuided into very many wings and branches, bringing forth great Burtes roundlike bullets or balls, which are roughall ouer,andfull of {harpe crooking prickles, taking hold on mens garments as they paffe by , out of the tops whereof groweth a floure thrummed,or all of threds, of colour purple: the feed is perfected within the round ball or bullet,and this feed whenthe burres open,and the winde bloweth,iscaried away with thewinde: the rootis long,white within, and’blacke without. : + There is another kinde hereof which hath lefferand fofter heads, with weakerprickles. thefe heads are alfo hairy or downy, and the Jeaues and whole plant fomewhat leffe, yetorherwife like the fore defcribed; Lobell calls this WArétion montanum, and Lappa miner Galen: itis alfo the Lappa minoraltera of Matthiolus, Lobell found,this growing in Somerfetfhire three miles from Bath, a neere the houfe of one M*. John Colt. » The leffer Burre hath leauesfarre {maller than the former, of a grayith ouerwornecolour like to thofe ofOrach,nicked round aboutthe edges : the ftalkeis a footanda halfe high,full of little blacke {pots ,diuidingit {elfe into many branches : the floures before the Buttes comeforth do compaffe the {mall ftalkes round about;theyare butlittle, and quickly vade away:then follow the Burresor thefruit out ofthe bofomeofthe Jeaues,in forme long, on the tops ofthe bfaiiches, as big as an Oliue or a Cornell berry,roughlike the balles of the Planetree,and being touched manner it increafeth feed and ftirreth vp luft. 2 7 . iy Alfoit is agood nourithment,efpecially boyled : ifthe kernel! of the Pine Apple be likewife F added it is the better, andis no leffe auailable againtt tt 1¢ vicer ofthe lungs,and {pitting of blond, than the rootis. The root ftamped andftrained witha gooddraught of Alc isamoft approued medicine for a G windie or cold omacke. Treacle of Andromachus, and the whites ofegges, ofeacha like quantitie, laboured ina leaden H mortar, and {pred vponthe Burreleafe, and fo appliedto the gout, haue been proued many. times mof mitaculoufly to appeafe the paine thereof. y Diofiorides commendeththe deco&ion of the root of Aycion, on, to together with the feed,againftthe tooth-ache, if itbe holden awhile in the mouth : al fo that it is good to foment therewith both _— Cuar. 290. ; Of (olts-foot, or Horfe-foot. 1 Tufilagoflorens. Colts-foot in floure. _ Thefift groweth cuery where: the fecond I found in the high way leading from Draitonto Stanes and Egham. + It alfogroweth plentifully in Southwick fheet in Hampfhire,as I haue been enformed by M*. Goodyer. + Tuer, two miles from Colbrooke, fince which time I haue foundit in the high way betweene 1 Tufilacinss fol, Theae leaues of Colts-foor, ; 5 @ The Time. Their feafon is in luly and Auguft. @ The Names. ae The great Burreis called in Greeke «née : in Latine, Per(ozata,perfonatia, and Arete? a a Bardanaand Lappa maior : inhigh Dutch,@gofsbletten : in low Dutch, Gz00te eigen bal‘c Glouteron : in Englifh,Great Burre,Burze Docke,or Clot Butte : c4puleius befides thefe . ah fet downecertaine other names belonging to Clot Burte,as' Dardana,Bacchion, Elephantofis, prs on, Manifolium. : Lappe The leffer Burre Dockeis called ofthe Gracians s#%n:in Latine, Xanthium: M0 ve :a minor,Lappa inuer[a,and ofdivers, Strumaria: Galen faith it is alfo called, Phafganionand i“io orherbe victorybeing but baftard names, and therefore not properly fo called: in Engli x forthe Burre, Ditch Burre,and leffer Burre Docke: it feemethto be called Xdnthium ofthe effedt,daftetBurreor fruite before it be fully withered,bding ftamped and put into anearthen vel de wards when need requireth the weight of two ounces thereof and fomewhat more, beng drelfed inwarmie water and rubbed on makeththe haires of the head red;yet the headis firlt to orrubbed with niter, as Diofcorides writeth. | The Temperature, Z The leaues of Clot Burre are of temperature moderately dry and wafting ;the 10° thinghor, ay Biss + is fore * i, d d\ : Thefeed ofthe leffer Burre,as Galen faith, hath power to digeft, therefore itis horanddy ; @ The Vertues, ; egood fa A Theroots being taken with the kernels of Pine Apples; as Dioftorides witneffeth; aes them that fpit bloud and corrupt matter. ring of 2 Apeleius faith thatthe famebeing ftamped witha little falt,and applied to the biting B dog,cureth the fame, and fo fpeedily fetteth free the ficke man. hvrine and t C ~ Healforeacheth that thejuice ofthe leaues giuen to drinkewith hony,procurcey"”fully keth away the paines ofthe bladder. and thatthe fame drunke with old wine dothW helpe againft the bitings of ferpents. “Coin whichis malt D ~Columella declareth, that the herbe beaten with falt and laid. vpon the fcarifying,¥ peing S22" with the launcetor rafer,draweth out the poifon of the viper : and that alfo the roomche KD “ aE more auaileableagainft ferpents, and that the root in like maner is g00¢48* euill, 7 I burnings and kibedheeles,; and affirmeththat it may be drunke in wine againtt the ftran gury and paine inthe hip, Ditfiorides veporteth that the fruit is very goodto be laid vnto hard fwellings. EK i “ai Z at 7 a nicke 5 The toot cleane picked, wafhed. tampedand ftrained with Malmefey, helper h the running of I, theteines, the whites in women, av” ftrengthneththe backe, ifthere bead ded thereto theye eEges, the pouder of acornes and nucmegsbrued or mixed together,a nd drun firft and laft,lks of ke cleaue faft vnto mens garments : they do not openar all,bat being kept clofe fhurbring forth long feeds. The rootis faftened with very many ftrings,and groweth not deepe. "~The Place. 7 eas The ftalke of Clot-burre before the burres come fotth,the rinde pilled offbeing eaten raw on E faltand pepper, orboyled in the brothoffat meate, is pleafant to be eaten Bienes wakehan i : G The Defcription. i pee or Fole-foot hath many!white and long: creeping roots, fomewhat fat’; from Whichrife vp naked ftalkes (inthe beginning of March and Aprill) about{panne with thewinenebeating at, the top yellowfloures, which change into down,andase cariedaway €:when the ftalke and- feed is perithed, there appeare fpringing-out ofthe earth ¥ y y 2 many |