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Show —————+4— Of the Hiftorie of Plants, scenennll Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. a “760 . Bs 2. 7 . of France, is alfo brought into and acquainted with our Englifh leaues ofa light yellow ih greene, andhairy like Pilofella,or Cucumis bithigh, hauing at the top yellowfloures like Buphthalmam, ¢ theroot is barred andweited ouer with{ealeslikethet f taitefivect, with fome bitternefle, yeelding forth much clammine deferibing pivreiiee haue ae mnely omitted pegligenceof Diofcorides and Theophraftus, who in ce in many anc ee i plants, leaning negligen that ed committ the floures thereof, but have accide nts which lat a HOES little trou. {pecial d,the out inmany plants whichthey haue defcribe late yeares,not knowingcertainelywhat bledthe ftuidy and determinationof the be ftherbarifts of taking it One way, and fome another, to determineandfet downe in fo ambiguous a matter, fome 4 ding hereof, knowthat this and fomeeftceming it to be Aconitum. But tor the better v nderftan confidered, thar all plants tobe foitis plants, diuers dto attribute aname itis as , word Aconitum iuyce and root w hereof firch as hun- <CS are a cu. wulnerariorum - all Or COlOUF, an | high,bearing at the top certain fingle yellow manytender hairyftalks fome handfull and an halfe change into downe, and arecariedaway with the winde, Theroots floures; which whentheyfade in anotl er,tefembling a Scor are thicke and many,verycrookedly croffing and ranging onewith . pion, andin fome yeares do grow inour Englithgardensinto infinite numbers her, th lan manner ofgrowing they feeme to be as it were all one : thercfore it were fuperfluous to fand vpon their varietic of names, Pardalianches, —Myottonum,Thelyphonum, Camorum, andfach like, of rr “0 phrafius, Dinfcorides, Pliny, or any ofthe new Writers, which names theyha riuen vnto Do cw; for by the opinion ofthe moft skilfull in plants, they are but Synonimies of one ki plant. And thoughthefe old writers fpeake of the hurtful! qualities ofthefe plants ;ye ence teachethvs that they:haue written what they haue heard and read, and not wha knowneand proued; for it is apparant, that Doronicum (by the confent ofthe old and new writers) isvfed as an antidote or certainetreacle, as well in the confections de Gemmis Mefuz, as in El rio Aromatum, And though Matth‘olws difclaimeth againft the vfe thereof,and callethit Par ches, that is, Wolfes bane; yetlet the Learned know,that quantitas, non qualitas, nocet : for though Saffton be comfortable to the heart, yet if you giue thereof,or of muske,or any fuch cordial thing toogreata quantitie, it killeth the parry whichreceiuethit. re $5 Doronicum angultifolinm Anftriacum, + 6 Doronicum Stiriacum flore amplo, Narrow leaued Wolfes bane, 4 Doronicum rachia , Winged Wolfes bane. Large floured Wolfes ‘ bane.: t a 2 The fecond kinde of Dorowicum hath larger leaues thanthe former, but round, andbree almoft likethe {mall leaues of the Clot or Burte: among which rifeth vp 4 fealke feat se ouet high: the flouresarelike the former : the rootis longer and bigger than the former, bartJe 088 with manyfealy barks, incolourwhite, and fhining like white marble, hauing oa cach | fcales arme orfinne, not vlike to the fea Shrimpecalled Squilla mavrina,ot rather like thet! ofa ScorpionsBaby body,andis fweet- intafte. 3. in The fourth kinde hereof is found in the wooddy mountain higher. But to be fhort,each of thefe kindes arefolike one called ohnde PV roede,whoate yonicumand these? ofhis kind,knowalfo, That Lobel writeth of one ry comfortable, sf the roots at fundry times,and found them verypleafant in taft,andve might be brought inandalleatie controuerfies, circumftances, and obiections which here rum (whofe roots Pema reporteth ledged, affure your {clues that this plant Doronicum minus Officina and certaine high. places in hills untaine Pede-mo the vpon growing to have foundplentifully like Plantaine: among which rifevp Fraiice) hath manyleaues {pred vponthe ground, fomewhat Cray-fith Wolfes bane. ng very large likevnto the former, fauing that the leaues are fomwhat rous called by this nameare malignant and venomous, as with the and to embrue and dip their arrowes, the foonet ted after wilde and noyfome beafts were wont Dothis of e goodnefl pbk e theproof tor But inchafe, more furt|y to difpatch and flay the beaft Doronicum radice repente. FOr Lise. es OF ; ; ntaines The third kinde ofDoronicum, growing naturally in great aboundance inthe mou", 5_ Tothefe foute formerly intended by our Author, may wefitly adde fome others out of : ine meet of thefe hath a ftalke fomefoot high, foft,rough,and crefted: the leaues are few, lower fides ais fan gteetic and fhining, yet hairy on their vpper fides, but fmooth on the Cliffe. commonlyat the alighter greene , yet thofe that adorne the ftalke arenarrower: there groweth nium deforibed top of the ftalke one fingle floureofthe fhape and bigneffe of the common DoScattied away ed in the fecondplace, but ofa brighter yellow: thefeedis little and blacktfh, and With the winde : the rootis fmall, blackith, and ioynted,liauing fomewhatth <. S ff white |