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Show Of the Hifterie of Plants. 1186 - Lis.2, cr + 5 Trifolium luteum Lupulinum, ¥. 4. Trifolium maius flo. purpurco. Greatpurple Trefoule. HopTrefoile, Lis. 2 Ofthe HiftroyofPlants. q The Place. grounds. ‘The Common Medow Trefoile groweth in medowes, fertile paftutes, and waterifh others loue the like foile. q The Time, \})) } Ws They floure from’ May totheend of Sommer, i q The Names. Medow Trefoile is called in Latine Trifoliumpratenfe:in High Dutchpoifenglee:in low Datch? Glaueven :in French, 7reffle and Trainiere, and Vifumarus, as Marcellus an old writer teftifieth: in \\ Englith, Common Trefoile,Three-leafed grafle: of fome, Suckles,and Honi-fuckles,Cocksheads . ‘ andin krifh, Shamrocks. The Temperature. The leaues and floures ofMedow Trefoiles arecoldianddrie. @ The Vertues. F ? The decoction ofthree leaued Graffe made with honie,andvfed ina clyfter, is good agaififthe Al frettings and paines of the guts, and driueth forth tough and flimie humours that cleaue vato the uts. The leauesboiled with a little barrowes greafe,andvied as a pultis,take away hor fwellings and B inflammations. Oxen and other cattell do feed oftheherbe, and alfo calues and young lambs. The flourés are C acceptable to Bees. : Pliny writeth,and fetteth it downefor certaine,that the leaues hereofdo tremblejand ftandtight D wpagainft the commingof a ftorme or tempett. oo Themedow Trefoile (efpecially that with the blacke halfe Moon vponthe leafe)ftampedwith & alittlehonie, takes away the pinand webin the eies,ceafeththe paine and indammationthereof, if ithe ftrained and dropped therein. ies N Gf A i Cuar. 495. Offlinking Trefoileor Treacle (lauer. . ¥ 6 Trifolium luteum minimum, Little yellow Trefoile. primum, The other hath ftalkes fome cubit high, with larger ioynts and Jeaues : the floure or head offloures is alfo larger, of an elegant red colour. This Clufius calls Trifolium mainstertium. + 5-6. Likewifewe haue in out fieldsa imaller Trefoile thatbringethforth yellow sae ‘ greater anda leffer, and divers others alfo,diffe. ring from thefe in diuers notable points. WS which to diftinguifh apart would qeae. our volume, and yet to {mall purpole: HCN” we leaue them tobediftinguifhed bythe oe who mayatthefirft vieweafily pereeme mets rence, and alfo that they be of one ftocke or *# dred. foiles hath $ Thegreater ofthefe yellow Tre ; se prety large yellow heads,which after ae ea of abrownifh colour,and fomewhat _ te Hop:whence rhalius cailed it Lupulus a5 cals Trifolium lutenm alterum lupulinum: eeinall , and it Trifolium agrarium. The leaues _ jeter bat lightly nickt about the edges. T ‘b chate fue Trifolium bituminofum, Treacle Clauer: GQ] The Defiription. Reacle Clauer groweth vpright like 4 fhrubbieplant,withftalkes ofa cubicand a halfe high,whereupon'do grow next the ground broad leaues, 3 ioined together, thofe - vpontheftalkes are longer and narrower. The {talks are couered ouer witha rougheuill ,colouredhairinefle: the leaues are of a dark black greene colour,and ofa lothfomefmell,like the pitch called Banmen Indaicum, whereof it took his name : the floures grow at the toppe ofthe ftalks,of adarke purplifh colour tending vito blewnefle,in fhape like thofe of Scabious : the feed isbroad,rough,long, and fharpe pointed : the rcotis {malland tender, and cannot indure the coldneffe ofour winter,but perifhethat the firft approch thereof, q The Place. sec! It groweth naturally,faith Hippocrates Hippi- f{mallerandfarleffer yellow heads, w} es feet atros,not Cous,in rough places, as Ruellids tranflateth it: in Germanie,Franceand England it leaues of this: are fmall a oer 1 edges:boththis &'the other hauetw™ ingardens,as myfelfe haue proued divers times, ceeded by manylittle crooked cluftringss its by. the faftning of the < i th leaues to the main ftalks ;wheriow one this i vfually cal the Medicks,and : - racemofo, It isthe Trifol.8 luteus mi 2 sormt “oy {Tao and Lobel ,and Trifolinr arvenfe OF - neuer commethvp of it felfe, but mug be fown and was conftrained to fowit yearely,or € fe it would not come vpsneither of his owne fowing or otherwife: : @ The Time, It floureth notin my garden votil the cnd of Auguft. q The |