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Show apiece ———— a ~ OFthe Hiftory ofPlants. LB. 2. is: it groweth very plentifully about Montpellier in France , and diuers places in the Welt parts of England. The Time. It fpringeth vp in April,it flourethin Tune, and perfecteth his feed in Auguft. @ The Names. The learned Herbarifts of Montpellier haue called this plant Baccharis : the Grecians,@=xace* OF after others, mineeits by reafon of . Baccharis Mon|pelier-finm Plowmans Spikenard. Helenium: Elecampane, vpon the topof euery fprig ftand grea broadandround,of which not only the leaues that compaffe round about are yello with an infinit number ofthreds,and at lengthis turned into fine downe; vnder whichis flender andlong feed: the root is vneuen, thicke, andas muchasa man may gripe, not | blackifh withour, white within, | The Place. It groweth in medowes that are fat andfruitfull: it is alfo oftentimes found vpoh mountains, thadowie places,that be notaltogetherdrie : it Stoweth plentifully in the fields onthe left band as yougo from Dunftable to Puddle hill :alfo in an orchard as yougo from Colbrook to Ditton Bacchare fromtem a futuro. Cingite,me vati noceat mala lingu ferry which is the way to Windfor,and in fundry otherplaces,as at Lidde,and Folkeftone,neere to t With Plowmans Nard. my foreheadgi Douet bythe fea fide, Left euill tongue thy Poethurt. © TheTime. The floures are in their brauerie in Tune & Tu- Athtnement 19 At Baccharis is likewife an ointment hi ly :theroots be gathered in Autumne,and often. take inhis +5 booke, which may l times in Aprill and May, YoLas 7 ee the fiveet herbe Baccharis: writeth, Aristophanes ot old,being a comical Poet witne Aferh,charointne” ve wont to bee made of the root 1 at briefe, Cratenas his aise ee Trig far. 9 the Com=a maior of Mat Diofcorideshis Baccharisis, $ This planthere defcribed is Ls @] The Temperature. ‘indin q The Vertues. ; e oth ope? the owne, d Baccharisor the decoGtion of the root, as Paulus misabe — oe fickneffesthe 4 ead : i h bringet vrine,and s: pipes and paffages thatare ftopped,prouoketh heume leaues thereoffor that they are aftringent or binding,ftop the courfeo! se called Ig@t je : Baccharis is a fingular remedieto heale inflammations and Saint Anthonic B A , cersand the {mell thereof prouoketh fleepe. “lfc thofe alfothat ha le 1s, Thedecoétion of the roots of Baccharis helpetty ruptures and con u dr. : be falne from an highplace,and thofe that are troubled withthe fhortnefle o D Ithelpethalfothe old cough, and difficultie tomake water. oe nas of Scorpion’ of E Whenit isboiled inwine it is giuenwithgreat profitagainft the biting os venomous beaft,being implaiftered and applied thereto, : jehtily videth the “en C Abath made thereof and putintoa clofe ftoole, and receitied ot, e Sens 0 hauecafiee™ and furthereth thofe chat haue extreame labourin their childing, cauling werance, Cuar. 279: QfElecampane. | The Names, _ Thatwhich the Gracians name tsi. the La- 4 tines call Z#ula and Enyla : in thops Ex#!a cam. i me f o pana: in high Dutch,Alantwourezzin low Dutch, landt iwoztele gin Ttalian,Evoa,and Enola :in Spanith, Raixdel alla: in French, Enu/a Campane : in uglifh, Elecampane,and Scab-woort, and-Horf hime Helenium of Helena wife to Menelaus who e-heale : {ome report that this plant tooke the had herhands full ofit when Parés ftole her away into Phrygia, ' Theroot Se z ie «| The Temperature. g j ine Methis Elecampane,is maruelloiis goodfor many things, being ofnaturehot and drie fall of faperae gree, efpecially when it is drie: for beeing greene and as yet full ofinice, ir is Pethuou s moifture, which fomewhat abateth the hot and drie qualitie thereof, It is good’ q The Vertyes, ee thortneffe re of breath,andan. old cough,and 10ld their necks vpright. 4,3pol pornpreete E Plone bringeth forth prefently from the root great white Aees,fharpe ne, © a whith 5) fou like thofe ofgreat Comfrey,butfoft,and couered with a hairie for fuch as cannot breathe vnleffe they A tis ofgrear vertne : : “3 : Bots ue verthe . ewife both given iva looch,w hichis a .medici ne tobe licked on,andlik pre- B hicks’,@ f fo COtherwif ridee given $ ae" : to purge and void out thicke, tough,and clammie humours, which 1thecheft and [unes. onely er aft RT. oy “Le ‘ctued is good $50 5 and wholefome for the ftomack :being taken after fupper it dothnot C ‘ pipe cageltion,bur alf>keé peth the belly foluble. whag fous of the fame boiled,driueth forthall kinde of wormes ofthe belly, as Pliny teacheth: theteerh itethin his twentie booke,and fift chapter , the fame being chewed fafting, doth faften 1€ ron Ther . a she ake 0 inh the poeCampane is‘ withgoo i d fuccefle mixed with oifons: itisa reniedie a- D With cra lungs offerpents,it refi fteth poifon : it is goodfor counter thein that are butiten,andtroubled Ps and convulfions, Mixed wich poremesthat the decoction thereofjandlikewife the fame beaten into powder and F Someaif : Galen Bist manner ofan ointment, G The} Defcription. oftentimes andfull of fab- ftance,fiveet offinell, andbitter of tafte. ris,and dothnot onely fhew thatit ee landplant, but alfo fucha oneas preuailet againit inchantments, faying, Baccharis ox Plowmans Spiknardis of temperaturevery aftringent or bine ing; bur alfo the middle ball orcircle, whichis filled vp ofhis Bucolicks maketh mention of Bacchae and others. + > fleightly ayard and 4 halfe long , about a finger thicke , not without downe, diuided at the top into diners bra that fweet and aromaticall fauour which his root containeth and yeeldeth: in Englifh it may becalled the Cinamomroot, or Plowmans Spiknatd: Virgil in his fcuenth Ecloge wens. sags lour, and are more white vade nicked in the edges : the ftalk ‘alt cihis doth clenfe and heale yp old vicers. iefe: aSatediners ot crewiththe parts are to bemad e ted,which be vexed with long & cold our d BP loofenesge oft 10ns ofthe huckle bones,called the Sciatica,and little and continual bunnies an certaine loints, by reafondfouermuc h moifure Tt ie |