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Show ~ Lis. a “Ofthe F Tiftory of Plants. "OftheHiftorie of fas.ke @ The Place. Vrtica minor. C HAPs 237. : Nettles growin vntilled places,and the firft in ta raat ie ——— LEGG 5 a Ax \ 1 2 Offlinging Nettle. 7)Se ‘ Thefecondis more common, and groweth of it felfe neere vnto hedges, buthes, brambles, and dldwalls, almoft eucry where. The third alfo commeth vp in the fame pla- high,round,and bollon ae He flalkes of the firft be nowand then halfea yard I jestes are broad,(harp pointed,cut roundabout like a {aw athe) be rough - both fi s i ie burning,an great sth a a c one ; ly cau o ig touch whic witha light inging downe,which and covered with a ftinging The feed commethirom itred, maketh fometimes blifters,and skinlike raifeth hard knots in the ; it is flippery, glittering like Line-feed, the roots of the leaues in roundpellets bigger than Peafe ces, which notwithftanding groweth in gardens and moift earal ings wit! firings. fet with is fet roote is re but vetleflerand rounder. Thee roote y A ee a 2 Vrtica vrens. adi Common ftinging Nettk, Romane Nettle. I : withftanding it groweth in my garden. ee ' @ The Defcription. I Prtita Romana. thicke woods, and is a {trang i \ HY eS / RNs SMa, : o MK fe t Bee i he Ts th the fecond fuf- is tipe, and may the : q ee : 4 Ciel This called ty ab vrendo, of his burni whereupon Macer faitl — necimme Tatta quod exurat digitosurticat Neither without defert his nameheef git, As thatwhich quickly butnes the fingers touching it. ba Sa - : Cc Andof diners alfo ui, becaufe it ftingeth with hurtfull downe:in high-Dutch, #leflel ¢ in Ita- lian, Ortica: in Spanith, Hortiga : in French, ortie: in Englifh, Nettle. The firft is called in . low Dutch Roomfehe Petelew, that is, Romane vicar Roman Nettle : and likewife in high-Dutch wBaliche Meielen,chat is, (alica yrtica,ltatian Nettle, becaufe it is rare, and srowerhbut in few places,and the feedis fent from other coun- thes, and fowne in gardensfor his vertues : it is alfocalled of diuers Wrtica mas : and of Diofcort“, Visica (ylueftris,orwilde Nettle, whichhefaith is more rough,with broader and longerleaues, and pit the feed of Flax, butleffer. Plizy maketh the wilde Nettle the male,and in his2 1 booke, tleHe 5 faith that it is mildetand gentler: it is called in Englith Romane Nettle, Greeke Net. , ale Nettle. The fecondis called /rti minayand oftentimes Vrtica maior,that it may dif- ofthe fling ing qualitic : in Bat ns a "Small bi aSlee fails b E that or 90 which Pl ‘call I Punic’ or : he 5 ws Sy ieibaae oe “des Th ain the he wilde Nettle a more (i eth wa tather the firft, let the Students confi¢ < nere; is hauing nicked le ettinging qualitie, which, faithhe,is called Cania, with a ftalke more ftinging, g nicked leaues, : The Temperature, salts ,Thefecond Nettle beging our commonNettle is like tothe former in leauesand fil thered or bowiet Rar like fine little prickles or ftings, andentring into the skin: forif it be wi- ; 2. | _ Nettle is oftem por dry,a little hot, fearfe inthe firft degree :it is, of thin andfubtil parts; iskes fifeand hard te ore burneandfting by reafon it is extreme hor, but becaufe the downeof it is i but yet nowand then higher and morefull of branches: itis alfo couered withadowne t ales geth dod sea well as the other : the feed hereofis fmall,and growethnot : as ong vied it Ringeth novat all, by reafon thatthe ftiffeneffe ofthe downeis fallen away. farotongeneringssscicincatessaibofzofibefemaleMaciriet sade HEREin.Dayalaihbolelivut peyritiesitmatedihebodylabledoing® difhywhence Teheranan and our Authour gaue another figure thereof by the name thought” ut On long ilende inos.as¢ itwere i Je 2 a fo > Mercury,wiicts' Peaeh’. thing yellow,and creepethall about. + This'baththe ftalkes atid rootes fometimes 4 Lea SIO Gt, : q The en ee p Vertu oe, being boyledwt foe qualitie : it alfoprouoketh vrine, and expelleth ftones out of the kidneyes: ith Dariey creame: it bringeth vp tough humoursthat fticke in the cheft,as it 1s rubraRed Nettle.a ltteente + ef. 5 eae cied fecond in flalkes, leauesand feed;chat eroweth by clatter,Bu Reins fan : i Leakitroppcth the ; bleeding 3 of the nofe:the 2 iyee teRamiped,and the luyce put vpinto esotthris B fer,and commonly morefull of branches.ofa light greene,more burning and ftinging ; {mall and_.not without ftrings, Thefeed cas ae oe = ee Be ith for(as Galen faith)it hath init Cc Cute’: for(as Galen fa Acettaine winter’ ureth vp lutt,efpecially drunke with . a Th I¢ |